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                                    Procedia Engineering   70  ( 2014 )  1046 – 1054

              12th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI2013

            Random wave run-up with a physically-based Lagrangian shoreline


                              C. Lo Re *, R.E. Musumeci , E. Foti , G.B. Ferreri
                      Dept. of Civil Environmental Aerospace materials Engineering, University of Palermo, Palermo, IT-90128, Italy
                             b Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Catania, Catania IT,Italy

            In the present paper the run-up of random waves was calculated by means of a numerical method. In situ measurements based
            on  a  video  imaging  technique  have  been  used  for  the  validation  of  the  present  numerical  model.  The  on-site  run-up
            measurements have been carried out at Lido Signorino beach, near Marsala, Italy,along a transect, normal to the shore. A video
            camera and a linear array of rods have been used to obtain field data. Numerical simulations with a 1DH Boussinesq-type of
            model for breaking waves which takes into account the wave run-up by means of a Lagrangian shoreline model have been
            carried out. In such simulations random waves of given spectrum have been propagated in a numerical flume having the same
            beach  slope  of  the  measured  transect.  The  comparison  between  registered  and  estimated  run-up  underlined  an  acceptable
            agreement. Indeed, the numerical model tends to underestimate the actual R 2% , with the maximum underestimate being less than
            24%, which is a reasonable error in many cases of engineering interest.

            © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
            © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
            Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the CCWI2013 Committee.
            Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the CCWI2013 Committee
            Keywords: irregular wave run-up; Boussinesq numerical model; shoreline.

            1. Introduction

              In the field of coastal engineering, the investigation of the swash zone process has become recently a very hot
            topic, due to its relevance in the context of coastal flooding and erosion phenomena.

             * Corresponding author. Tel.: +39-091-238-965-24; fax: +39-091-665- 77-49.
              E-mail address:

       1877-7058 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.  Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
       Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the CCWI2013 Committee
       doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2014.02.116
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