Page 7 - LoRe_Musumeci_alii_2014
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1052                             C. Lo Re et al.  /  Procedia Engineering   70  ( 2014 )  1046 – 1054

            Fig. 6. The Boussinesq model results. In the first panel the horizontal shoreline movement, in the second panel the shoreline velocity, in the
            third panel the wave run-up. The circle markers represent maximum run-up.
              Fig. 7 shows the run-up versus the probability and the empirical frequencies which are calculated using the
            Weibull formula f i=i/(1+N). In the figure are also showed the main run up parameters and the Rs.

            Fig.7. The Rayleigh CDF and the empirical frequencies of numerical wave run-up (Hs= 0.86, Tp=6.16). The continous line is the Rayleigh CDF
            the circle markers are the empirical frequencies.

              Table 1 shows the comparison between the measured field data and the numerical model results in terms of the
            1%, 2%, and significant wave run-up. The matching between the numerical model and the field measurements
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