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62                                                    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 27, NO. 1, JANUARY 2012

                    Power-Line Communication in Medium-

                      Voltage System: Simulation Model and

                                  Onfield Experimental Tests

              Antonio Cataliotti, Member, IEEE, Dario Di Cara, Riccardo Fiorelli, and Giovanni Tinè, Member, IEEE

           Abstract—The aim of this paper is to develop a complete model
         of a power-line communication (PLC) system operating on a
         medium-voltage (MV) network. The core-shield configuration was
         chosen for signal transmission in the power cables. In order to
         validate the developed model experimental, the medium-voltage
         network of the Favignana island was used to carry out detailed
         testing. The transmission was performed between two transformer
         substations in the presence of mains voltage (i.e., 24 kV). ST7540
         FSK power-line transceivers, together with capacitive coupling
         interfaces, were used for the transmission and the reception of the
         communication signal. The correlation between the experimental
         measurements and the simulation results would appear to validate
         the use of the developed model for the analysis of MV transmission
           Index Terms—Communication system, medium-voltage (MV)
         cable, power-line communication (PLC), power system communi-

                           I. INTRODUCTION
         T    HE application of power-line communication (PLC)
              technology to the medium-voltage (MV) network of-
         fers many advantages. The MV network becomes part of the
         communication backbone, saving significant infrastructure  Fig. 1. MV power network plan of the area of interest. In the figure, the route
         costs and providing a direct communications channel to all  of the MV cables can be localized, connecting the two substations 1 and 2.
         connected equipment. The topology of such a communication
         system is typically a mesh or a star, where the central node  is limited. Therefore, in principle, the A band of the CENELEC
         is located at the high-voltage (HV)/MV substation or at the
                                                              EN 50065-1 Standard [3], with a frequency range from 5 – 95
         MV/low-voltage (LV) transformer [1]. In a smart automated
                                                              kHz, reserved for energy suppliers and related to narrowband
         MV network, the PLC technology is oriented toward an entire
                                                              PLC (NPL), enables an adequate transfer rate. In addition, as
         class of energy-related services. These services include the
                                                              diagnostic tools are developed further and the condition of the
         monitoring and online diagnosis of the state of the network,
                                                              grid and its components can be estimated more reliably, the
         the control of equipment, and automated instant load-flow
                                                              availability of MV power-line communication may become
         recording. Moreover, other services, such as the remote me-  commercially interesting for power suppliers [4]. However,
         tering, power-quality measurement, fault survey, and remote
                                                              since the power grid was not originally designed for data
         control for prevention of the islanding phenomenon can be
                                                              transmission, it proves in many cases to be a rather hostile
         realized [2]. The amount of data interchange for these purposes
                                                              environment for signal transmission. The problems related to
                                                              the impulse noise interferences, the signal attenuation due to
           Manuscript received April 27, 2010; revised June 10, 2011; accepted  the high number of loads, the large scale, and the complex
         September 28, 2011. Date of publication November 07, 2011; date of current
         version December 23, 2011. This work was supported by STMicroelectronics.  multipath topology of the MV grid are the most important. To
         Paper no. TPWRD-00302-2010.                          overcome these problems, recent research efforts are focusing
           A. Cataliotti is with the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica e  on the investigation of signal propagation and of the channel
         delle Telecomunicazioni (DIEET), Università di Palermo, Palermo 9 – 90128,  characteristics of the MV networks [4]–[7].
         Italy (e-mail:
           D. Di Cara and G. Tinè are with the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche  In the literature, there are some studies on the behavior of
         (CNR)-Istituto di Studi sui Sistemi Intelligenti per l’Automazione(ISSIA),  MV cable lines and different approaches to model the cable are
         Palermo 12 – 90141, Italy (e-mail:;  proposed mainly based on the line transmission theory [8] for
           R. Fiorelli is with STMicroelectronics Srl (STM), Agrate 2 – 20041, Italy
         (e-mail:                   determining the signal strength of the communication signal on
           Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2011.2171009  three-phase power distribution lines. The Wedepohl’s theory to
                                                  0885-8977/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE
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