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68                                                    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 27, NO. 1, JANUARY 2012

                                                              seen from the ASCII textbox, the signal is received correctly
                                                              without any errors.
                                                                In the literature, there are not many papers on narrowband
                                                              MV PLC, and few papers present measurements results on a
                                                              real MV network [9], [16] and [17]. In [9], a PLC measuring
                                                              campaign between two substations connected by a 3-km cable
                                                              line was performed. The experimental results show selective be-
                                                              havior, in the range 70–75 kHz, similar to that of Fig. 16 but with
                                                              a least attenuation of 20 dB. The different attenuation in Fig. 16
                                                              can be justified to a different line length and the presence of an
                                                              amplifier, as shown in Fig. 14. Similar results were found in [16]
                                                              and [17], where the feasibility of PLC signal transmission on a
                                                              real MV network is also shown.

                                                                                V. CONCLUSION
                                                                This paper presents the complete model of a PLC system in
                                                              the case of an MV network. The model was easily developed by
                                                              means of Simulink. In order to validate the developed model, ex-
                                                              perimental tests on the MV network on Favignana Island were
                                                              carried out. The transmission was performed between two trans-
                                                              former substations in the presence of the mains voltage (i.e.,
                                                              24 kV). The experimental measurements validate the simulation
                                                              results, thus validating the developed model which can be used
                                                              to evaluate the performances of an MV transmission channel.

                                                                The authors would like to thank SEA spa, who allowed them
                                                              to carry out experimental tests on the MV power network on the
                                                              Island of Favignana.

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