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CATALIOTTI et al.: PLC IN MV SYSTEM                                                                  63

                                                             Fig. 4. Schematization of the system under study.

                                                             Fig. 5. EVALST7540-2 reference design board [13].
         Fig. 2. Single-line wiring diagrams of substation 2. Feeder 4 connects substa-
         tion 2 to substation 1.
                                                             measurements is performed in [10]. The authors in [7] and [11]
                                                             proposed a model based on Carson’s formula to calculate the pa-
                                                             rameters of the cables and the Bergeron’s method to solve the
                                                             telegrapher equation’s applied to the MV cables. Another aspect
                                                             to consider in the evaluation of the cable behavior concerns the
                                                             signal-injection configuration. Two configurations, in the case
                                                             of cable lines, are mainly used to inject the power-line signal,
                                                             core-shield, and core-core configuration. In the core-shield con-
                                                             figuration, the signal is injected between the core of one cable
                                                             and the shield connected to earth at the ends of the line. In
                                                             the core-core configuration, the signal is injected between two
                                                             phases of a three-phase power system, or between the phase and
                                                             the neutral conductor of a single-phase power system. In both
                                                             cases, the signal can be injected by capacitive couplers or in-
                                                             ductive couplers [4]. In a previous work [12], the authors have
                                                             presented a model to simulate the signal transmission through
                                                             MV cables in the core-shield and core-core configurations con-
                                                             sidering also the presence of the power transformer and a capac-
                                                             itive coupler.
                                                               The aim of this paper is to develop and experimentally verify
                                                             the model of a complete power-line communication (PLC)
                                                             system in the case of the Favignana island MV network. In
                                                             greater detail, the power-line communication channel is an MV
                                                             cable which interconnects two secondary MV substations. In
                                                             this paper, it is described first by the MV network section under
                                                             test; second, by the model of the real system implemented
         Fig. 3. Single-line wiring diagrams of substation 1. Line 1 connects substation
         1 to substation 2.                                  in Simulink; and, finally, by the simulation and experimental
         model the cable lines enabling the prediction of the high-fre-
         quency behavior of the MV distribution networks is presented in  II. PLC SYSTEM UNDER TEST
         [9]. Recently, a deterministic channel model for the MV under-  The PLC system under test is the MV network of the Favig-
         ground network transfer function based on scattering parameter  nana Island in Sicily, Italy. The transmission is performed be-
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