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66                                                    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 27, NO. 1, JANUARY 2012

                               TABLE I

         Fig. 12. Trasmitting line coupling interface model.

         Fig. 13. Receiving line coupling interface model.

                                                              Fig. 15. Medium frequency power transformer model [15].

                                                                                   TABLE II
                                                                          PARAMETERS FOR LEAKAGE IMPEDANCE

         Fig. 14. Interface card model.
                                                              D. Medium Frequency Model of a Power Transformer up to
                                                              100 kHz
         C. Receiving and Transmitting Line Coupling Interface  The model up to 100 kHz for the three-phase, two-winding,
                                                              core-type and   connection transformer is shown in Fig. 15
           The transmission and reception signal is supplied by the
                                                              [15]. The nodes ABC and abcn correspond to the terminals at
         ST7540 FSK power-line transceiver [13]. In the Simulink
                                                              the MV and LV, respectively. In this model, the following pa-
         model, the signal was generated by a sinusoidal signal gener-
                                                              rameters were taken into account:
         ator with an output impedance of 5  connected to the coupling
                                                               1) winding leakage impedance of each phase ( );
         network by a 1:1 isolation transformer and a 50-Hz filter. The
                                                               2) winding magnetizing impedance of each phase (  );
         modulator can work with different frequencies. It was chosen
                                                               3) winding capacitances including: capacitances between
         as 86 kHz. The parameters of this transformer are deduced
                                                                  winding and earth (  ,  ); capacitances between the
         by the data sheet of the VAC T60403-K5024-X044 with an
                                                                  inner side of MV and outer side of LV windings together
         isolation voltage of 6 kV and frequency operation from 10 kHz
                                                                  with their parasitic components (  ,  ).
         to 1 MHz; the inductance presented is 1.4 mH. In Fig. 12, the
                                                                All of these parameters are determined by the impedance
         circuit scheme of the TX model is sketched. The receiving
                                                              measurements at the terminals of the transformer in the fre-
         line coupling interface is the same as the transmitting one. The
                                                              quency domain [14]. The measured parameters in the case of
         internal impedance is 320  . In Fig. 13, the circuit scheme of
                                                              a 160-kVA and 20/0.4-kV power transformer are reported in
         the RX model is sketched.
                                                              Tables II–IV.
           An interface card is connected between the transceiver and
         the MV coupling network. The interface card performs an am-
         plification of the signal. This operation is realized by a simple  IV. EXPERIMENTAL AND SIMULATION RESULTS
         circuit based on an operational amplifier in noninverting config-  All of the parameters, measured in Section III, were used in
         uration, as shown in Fig. 14.                        the MV power-line model of Fig. 6 to simulate the Favignana
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