Page 6 - Power_Line_Cataliotti_2012
P. 6

CATALIOTTI et al.: PLC IN MV SYSTEM                                                                  67

                              TABLE III                                            TABLE V
                                                                        IN THE MV NETWORK OF FAVIGNANA ISLAND

                              TABLE IV

         Fig. 16. Attenuation of the PLC transmission between the two transformer sub-
         stations: a comparison between the Simulink model (continuous line) and the
         experimental measurements (marked with asterisks).

         MV network described in Section II. The simulation was car-
         ried out and the attenuation between the transmitted (  ) and  Fig. 17. Waveform of the voltage  and its FFT, measured with the oscillo-
                                                             scope in the case of Baudrate  1200 b/s and Deviation  1. The transmitted
         received signals (  ), defined as                    signal corresponds to a sequence of bit 0.

                       attenuation                       (4)

         was used to analyze the behavior of the PLC communication
         model. The voltages  and    were evaluated at the trans-
         ceiver terminals ( , , , ) of the two transformer substations,
         as reported in Fig. 6. The simulations were carried out by con-
         sidering a sinusoidal signal with an rms value of 1.7 V and a
         frequency range between 83 and 90 kHz. In Fig. 16, the attenu-
         ation evaluated in simulation according to (4) is plotted with a
         continuous line.
           To verify the model simulation results, different experimental
         tests, in the presence of the MV, were carried out by measuring
         the attenuation between the two transformer substations. The
         baudrate and deviation of the ST7540 FSK power-line trans-
         ceiver were varied in the case of 86-kHz carrier frequency. The
         tests were performed by transmitting a signal correspondent to
         a sequence of bit 1 or a sequence of bit 0. The measurements  Fig. 18. Waveform of the voltage  and its FFT, measured with the oscillo-
                                                             scope in the case of Baudrate  1200 b/s and Deviation  1. The transmitted
         were performed by means of two Agilent 34401A multimeters,
                                                             signal corresponds to a sequence of bit 1.
         with high input impedance, connected at the transceiver termi-
         nals of each substation. Moreover, a digital oscilloscope Tek-
         tronix TDS7254B was used to acquire the voltage waveform and  seen in Fig. 16, the attenuation obtained in simulation is in good
         to perform fast Fourier transform (FFT). Table V shows the rms  agreement with the experimental results, thus validating the de-
         voltage measured in transmission and in reception for the dif-  veloped simulation model. The attenuation assumes values be-
         ferent values of baudrate and deviation. In order to compare sim-  tween 2 and 6 dB. The largest attenuation is obtained in the case
         ulation and experimental results, the measured attenuations of  of Baudrate  2400 b/s and Deviation  1, which corresponds
         Table V are reported in Fig. 16 by means of asterisks. As can be  to a span of 2400 Hz around the center frequency of 86 kHz.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8