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64                                                    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 27, NO. 1, JANUARY 2012

         Fig. 6. Simulink model of the complete power-line communication system. All of the MV lines were modelled considering their real length and cross section
         according to Fig. 2.  ,  ,  , and   are the transceivers terminals, where the transmitted and received voltages were evaluated.

         tween two MV/LV transformer secondary substations, called 1  frequency, baud rate, and deviation) can be set by means of
         and 2 as shown in Fig. 1. The route of the three-phase MV line,  the EVALCOMMBOARD which is a general-purpose board
         which connects the two transformer substations, can be also lo-  which provides a reliable and flexible communication channel
         calized in Fig. 1. The line, about 1 km long, is made up of three  between a controlling PC and the EVALST7540-2 [14]. The
         unipolar MV-shielded cables-type RG7H1R with an aluminum  coupling interface is designed to allow the ST7540 FSK
         core of 50 mm cross sections. In each substation, a power trans-  transceiver to transmit and receive on the low-voltage mains
         former of 160 kVA and 20/0.4 kV/kV is installed.     by using a carrier frequency within the European CENELEC
           In Fig. 2, the single-line wiring diagrams of substation 2  standard A-band [3]. In order to use the EVALST7540-2 for
         are shown. Five switch disconnectors are installed: one for  communication in the MV network, an additional interface card
         the MV/LV transformer, one for the supply line, and three  was designed and connected between the transceiver and the
         departing lines, one of which (C01) connects to substation 1.  coupling network.
         Substation 2 is in an underground box. In Fig. 3, the single-line
         wiring diagrams of substation 1 are shown. Three switch-dis-  III. MODEL OF THE POWER-LINE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM
         connectors are installed: one for the MV/LV transformer, a  The complete model of the MV system for power-line com-
         second one for the supply line (C02) coming from substation 2,  munication was developed in the Simulink environment. The
         and a third one which is available for future uses.  schematic circuital representation is shown in Fig. 6. The MV
           The PLC system is based on the core-shield configuration  system is simulated by an MV source which is connected to
         where the signal is injected between the core of one cable  substation 2 through a distributed parameter line. All of the
         and the shield connected to earth. The signal is injected and  departing lines from substation 2 were modelled along with
         received by two commercial coupling networks (CN) connected  the power transformer of each MV/LV substation and the low-
         to the receiving and transmitting line coupling interface of an  voltage loads. The coupling network is connected to one of the
         ST7540 FSK power-line transceiver. In Fig. 4, a simplified  substation busbars. In the following text, the models of each part
         schematic representation of the system under study is sketched.  of the power-line communication system are described.
         In Fig. 5, a picture of the EVALST7540-2 reference design
                                                              A. Cable Model
         board is shown. The ST7540 transceiver uses frequency-shift
         keying (FSK) modulation to perform half-duplex communica-  As stated in the introduction, in the literature, the methods
         tion on a power-line network [13]. Transmission and reception  used to simulate and to study the transmission-line behavior are
         sessions as well as control register parameters (e.g., carrier  different. Most of them are obtained from the time-dependent
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