Page 5 - Vannucchi_Cappietti_2016
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Sustainability 2016, 8, 1300                                                        5 of 21

                36.5 E of longitude and from 30 N to 46 N of latitude, with a resolution of 0.1 (that correspond to
                about 11 km in latitude and 8 km in longitude). The validation of the wave hindcasting was done by
                IFREMER on the basis of measurements from surface buoys and satellites [47]. The values of significant
                wave height and energy period were used to compute the deep water wave power corresponding to
                each sea state based on Equation (1):                                        5 of 21
                         Sustainability 2016, 8, 1300
                         36.5°E of longitude and from 30°N to 46°N of latitude, with a resolution of 0.1° (that correspond to
                                                       1 g
                                                 P w =
                                                              mo m−1,0 ,
                         about 11 km in latitude and 8 km in longitude). The validation of the wave hindcasting was done by   (1)
                                                       64 π
                         IFREMER on the basis of measurements from surface buoys  and satellites  [47]. The values of
                         significant wave height  and energy period were  used to compute the deep water wave power
                where ρ is the seawater density (1025 kg/m ) and g is the gravitational acceleration (9.81 m/s).
                         corresponding to each sea state based on Equation (1):
                In addition, the yearly mean wave powers were computed in order to characterize the Mediterranean
                                                         1g  2  2
                Sea (see Section 3).                P   w     H T m 1,0  ,                  (1)
                                                        64 
                3.2. Assessment of the Nearshore Potential and Hotspots Identification
                         where   is the seawater density (1025 kg/m ) and g is the gravitational acceleration (9.81 m/s). In
                         addition, the yearly mean wave powers were computed in order to characterize the Mediterranean
                     The processes affecting the waves during their propagation towards the coastline can modify
                         Sea (see Section 3).
                the offshore wave energy potential values, leading to reductions, due to energy dissipation or local
                         3.2. Assessment of the Nearshore Potential and Hotspots Identification
                enhancements due to focusing mechanisms. Numerical simulations were carried out to quantify these
                             The processes affecting the waves during their propagation towards the coastline can modify
                processes using the Spectral Wave (SW) module of the MIKE21 software package [48]. The SW is a third
                         the offshore wave energy potential values, leading to reductions, due to energy dissipation or local
                generation spectral wind–wave model based on unstructured mesh that allows the simulation of the
                         enhancements due to focusing mechanisms.  Numerical  simulations were carried out to quantify
                non-linear wave–wave interaction, dissipation due to white-capping, dissipation due to bottom friction,
                         these processes using the Spectral Wave (SW) module of the MIKE21 software package [48]. The SW
                dissipation due to depth-induced wave breaking, directional spreading, refraction and shoaling due to
                         is  a third generation spectral wind–wave model  based on unstructured mesh that allows the
                         simulation of the non-linear wave–wave interaction, dissipation due to white-capping, dissipation
                depth variations.
                         due  to  bottom friction, dissipation due to depth-induced wave breaking, directional spreading,
                     Offshore boundary conditions for the SW models were obtained from the wave hindcasting data
                         refraction and shoaling due to depth variations.
                of IFREMER–MED 6MIN model on water depths of about 100 m from June 2009 to December 2013.
                             Offshore boundary conditions for the SW models were obtained from the wave hindcasting
                All 13,268 available values of significant wave height, peak period, mean wave direction and spreading
                         data of IFREMER–MED 6MIN model on water depths of about 100 m from June 2009 to December
                         2013. All 13,268 available values of significant wave height, peak period, mean wave direction and
                factor were propagated with the fully spectral and quasi-stationary formulation. The JONSWAP fetch
                         spreading factor were propagated with the  fully spectral and  quasi-stationary formulation. The
                growth expression was used as initial condition with the classical parameters (σ a = 0.07, σ = 0.09, γ = 3.3).
                         JONSWAP fetch growth expression was used as initial condition with the classical parameters (σa = 0.07,
                     Four nearshore areas were investigated (see Figure 1): the area between La Spezia and Livorno,
                         σb = 0.09, γ = 3.3).
                called Tuscany (domain sizes about 30 km × 130 km); the area between Monaco (France) and Imperia,
                             Four nearshore areas were investigated (see Figure 1): the area between La Spezia and Livorno,
                         called Tuscany (domain  sizes about 30 km ×  130  km); the area between Monaco  (France)  and
                here after called Liguria for brevity (domain sizes about 7 km × 75 km); the area between Stintino and
                         Imperia, here after called Liguria for brevity (domain sizes about 7 km × 75 km); the area between
                Alghero, called Sardinia (domain sizes about 30 km × 70 km); and the area between San Vito Lo Capo
                         Stintino and Alghero, called Sardinia (domain sizes about 30 km × 70 km); and the area between San
                and Mazara del Vallo, called Sicily (domain sizes about 65 km × 85 km).
                         Vito Lo Capo and Mazara del Vallo, called Sicily (domain sizes about 65 km × 85 km).

                                        Figure 1. Map of Italy showing the location of the analyzed areas.
                                   Figure 1. Map of Italy showing the location of the analyzed areas.

                     These areas were selected taking into consideration technical aspects, such as the offshore resource
                availability, and non-technical aspects which, amongst others, are related to the interest of our research
                group for sitting a pilot plant.
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