Page 7 - Vannucchi_Cappietti_2016
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Sustainability 2016, 8, 1300                                                        7 of 21

                     For each area, the points at water depths of 50 m and 15 m were selected and the wave roses
                and the time series of the computed wave power values were extracted to describe the wave energy
                potential within the studied domain. Furthermore, the hotspot was highlighted as the point where the
                wave power is higher than the offshore value and higher than values in its neighborhood. These hotspot
                areas have the highest potential as prospective energy farm sites, as defined by Iglesias [27] in 2010
                and by Rusu [30] in 2012, providing that the so-called non-technical factors are also favorable [49].
                     For each hotspot, scatter diagrams and energy diagrams were developed in terms of significant
                wave height and energetic period in order to visualize the occurrence of the different sea states and the
                contribution of the different sea states to the total annual wave energy.

                3.3. Performance Assessment of Wave Energy Converters
                     Among all proposed WECs that have been presented in the open literature, in the present work,
                we have selected six (Table 1). More specifically, only those that were already tested in real sea state
                (at least as a scaled model with scale factor larger than 1:5) and that already published their power
                matrix as a measure of the actual performances [50–52] were considered. The selected WECs are:
                (i) AquaBuoy [49]; (ii) AWS [53]; (iii) Pelamis [54]; (iv) Wave Dragon [55]; (v) Oyster [56]; and (vi) Wave
                Star [57].

                                     Table 1. Main features of the WECs considered in this study.

                                 Position       Type         Power Take Off  Rated Power (kW)  Size
                                 Offshore                   hydraulic motor/                diameter 6 m,
                    AcquaBuoy                Point absorber                      250
                                 (>50 m)                       generator                    draught 30 m
                                 Offshore                                                    43 m deep
                      AWS                    Point absorber  linear generator    2000
                                 (>50 m)                                                     underwater
                                 Offshore    Attenuator—    hydraulic motor/                diameter 3.5 m,
                     Pelamis                                                     750
                                 (>50 m)    Oscillating Body   generator                    length 150 m
                                 Offshore    Overtopping—                                   width 300 m,
                   Wave Dragon                                water turbine      7000
                                 (25–40 m)     floating                                      length 170 m
                                Nearshore  Oscillating Body—                                 width 18 m,
                      Oyster                                  water turbine      800
                                 (≈15 m)      submerged                                      height 12 m
                                                            hydraulic motor/                Float diameter
                     Wave Star  Nearshore  Multi point absorber                  600
                                                               generator                       Ø5 m
                     The formula used to estimate the electricity production (P e ) of a WEC in a specific site is reported
                in Equation (6) [42]:
                                                         nT nH
                                                   P e =  ∑ ∑  P ij × f ij ,                          (6)
                                                         i=1 j=1
                where nT is the number of period classes; nH is the number of significant wave height classes, and,
                for the i-th and j-th classes of period and wave height, is the power output of the device; and f is the
                occurrence frequency obtained in the selected location.
                     The performance of a WEC was evaluated in terms of capacity factor (C ), defined in the
                Equation (7) as the ratio between the total electrical power produced and the rated power [43] and in
                terms of capture width (C w ), defined in the Equation (8) as the ratio between the electricity production
                (P e ) of a WEC (in kW) and the period averaged flux of energy transported by the waves (P w ) per meter
                of wave crest (kW/m) in each site [58].
                                                            P e [kW]
                                                 C =                   ,                              (7)
                                                       Rated power [kW]
                                                         P e (kW)
                                                 c w =               [m]                              (8)
                                                       P w (kW/m)
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12