Page 11 - Vannucchi_Cappietti_2016
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Sustainability 2016, 8, 1300                                                       11 of 21

                  Sustainability 2016, 8, 1300                                                   11 of 21
                     Vicinanza et al. [33] studied the nearshore area along the NW of Sardinia. The nearshore
                simulation was performed with the MIKE 21 NSW model that was forced with wave data measured at
                      Vicinanza et al.  [33] studied the nearshore area along the NW of  Sardinia. The nearshore
                the Alghero wave buoy (period 1989–2009). They reported the wave power at seven coastal points and
                  simulation was performed with the MIKE 21 NSW model that was forced with wave data measured
                found a largest value of 10.91 kW/m in front of Torre su Pittu bay (out of our domain).
                  at the Alghero wave buoy (period 1989–2009). They reported the wave power at seven coastal points
                     In the case of the nearshore area at Sicily Region, the area between San Vito lo Capo and
                  and found a largest value of 10.91 kW/m in front of Torre su Pittu bay (out of our domain).
                Mazara del Vallo was analyzed (Figure 7). The lowest energetic area is between Trapani and Marsala
                      In the case of the nearshore area at Sicily Region, the area between San Vito lo Capo and Mazara
                due to the protection of the Favignana and Levanzo Islands. The most energetic area is in front of the
                  del Vallo was analyzed (Figure 7). The lowest energetic area is between Trapani and Marsala due to
                Marettimo Island. The maximum value at 15 m water depth reaches 9.1 kW/m (point 7) while at 50 m
                  the protection of the Favignana and Levanzo Islands. The most energetic  area is in front of the
                  Marettimo Island. The maximum value at 15 m water depth reaches 9.1 kW/m (point 7) while at 50 m
                water depth it reaches 8.6 kW/m at point 17 (Table 2). Focusing mechanisms are identified on the NW
                  water depth it reaches 8.6 kW/m at point 17 (Table 2). Focusing mechanisms are identified on the
                coast of Marettimo Island and at Punta Mugnone area. The wave roses of these two points show that
                  NW coast of Marettimo Island and at Punta Mugnone area. The wave roses of these two points show
                the most energetic wave direction is W and the secondary direction is S-SW. Point 7 is the hotspot of
                  that the most energetic wave direction is W and the secondary  direction  is S-SW. Point  7 is the
                this whole area where the mean wave power reaches 9.1 kW/m, a value two times higher than that of
                  hotspot of this whole area where the mean wave power reaches 9.1 kW/m, a value two times higher
                the Tuscany hotspot, four and half times higher than that at the Liguria hotspot and just 20% less than
                  than that of the Tuscany hotspot, four and half times higher than that at the Liguria hotspot and just
                that the value at Sardinia hotspot. The COV values were above 2 in the whole area, larger with respect
                  20% less than that the value at Sardinia hotspot. The COV values were above 2 in the whole area,
                to the other analyzed areas. The SV values and MV values were greater than 1.5.
                  larger with respect to the other analyzed areas. The SV values and MV values were greater than 1.5.
                     The whole Sicily nearshore area has been analyzed by Iuppa et al. [23] and by Monteforte et al. [32].
                      The whole Sicily nearshore area has been analyzed by Iuppa et al. [23] and by Monteforte et al. [32].
                Both of them identify the western part of Sicily as the area with the highest offshore wave energy
                  Both of them identify the western part of Sicily as the area with the highest offshore wave energy
                potentials. Iuppa et al. [23] selected six sites characterized by high energy content between Terrasini
                  potentials. Iuppa et al. [23] selected six sites characterized by high energy content between Terrasini
                and Mazara del Vallo and two sites near the islands of Favignana and Marettimo. Five of those sites
                  and Mazara del Vallo and two sites near the islands of Favignana and Marettimo. Five of those sites
                are included in our domain. The differences in the predicted mean wave power obtained by our study
                  are included in our domain. The differences in the predicted mean wave power obtained by our
                and study by Iuppa et al. [23] are between 2% and 19%. Monteforte et al. [32] used the SWAN model
                  study and study by Iuppa et al. [23] are between 2% and 19%. Monteforte et al. [32] used the SWAN
                to characterize the nearshore wave energy potential along the coastal stretch between Marsala and
                  model to characterize the nearshore wave energy potential along the coastal stretch between Marsala
                Mazara del Vallo. They highlight the presence of a hotspot relatively close to the coast on the north of
                  and Mazara del Vallo. They highlight the presence of a hotspot relatively close to the coast on the
                Mazara del Vallo where the mean wave power value reaches 5.6 kW/m. The spatial resolution of our
                  north of Mazara del Vallo where the mean wave power value reaches  5.6 kW/m. The spatial
                study did not identify this hotspot.
                  resolution of our study did not identify this hotspot.

                                    (a)                                       (b)
                    Figure 7. Sicily: (a) bathymetry and extraction points; and (b) yearly mean wave power spatial distribution.
                     Figure 7.  Sicily: (a) bathymetry and extraction points; and (b) yearly mean wave power
                     spatial distribution.
                      For each hotspot of the four analyzed coastal areas and for most energetic points on the water
                  depth of 50 m, the scatter and energy diagrams are depicted in Figure 8. This analysis was carried
                     For each hotspot of the four analyzed coastal areas and for most energetic points on the water
                  out in order to highlight the occurrence of the different sea states and their contribution to the total
                depth of 50 m, the scatter and energy diagrams are depicted in Figure 8. This analysis was carried out
                  annual wave energy.
                in order to highlight the occurrence of the different sea states and their contribution to the total annual
                      At the Tuscany hotspot, the highest contribution to the total annual energy is given by the wave
                wave energy.
                  condition Hs = 2.5 m and Te = 7.5 s. This wave condition accounted for about 2.9 MWh/m (Figure 8a)
                     At the Tuscany hotspot, the highest contribution to the total annual energy is given by the wave
                  and occurs 4.2% of the time. The same wave condition is also responsible for the highest contribution
                condition Hs = 2.5 m and Te = 7.5 s. This wave condition accounted for about 2.9 MWh/m (Figure 8a)
                  to the total energy at the most energetic point in 50 m water depth (point 19), where it accounts for
                and occurs 4.2% of the time. The same wave condition is also responsible for the highest contribution
                  about 2.5 MWh/m and occurs 3.5% of the time.
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16