Page 9 - Vannucchi_Cappietti_2016
P. 9

Sustainability 2016, 8, 1300                                                        9 of 21
                   Sustainability 2016, 8, 1300                                                9 of 21

                   Sustainability 2016, 8, 1300                                                  9 of 21

                                       (a)                                    (b)
                    Figure 4. Tuscany: (a) bathymetry and extraction points; and (b) yearly mean wave power spatial distribution.
                     Figure 4.  Tuscany: (a) bathymetry and extraction points; and (b) yearly mean wave power
                                       (a)                                     (b)
                     spatial distribution.
                       In the case of the Liguria area (Figure 5b), the highest values of wave power, on 15 m water
                   Figure 4. Tuscany: (a) bathymetry and extraction points; and (b) yearly mean wave power spatial distribution.
                   depth, are located at point 1 where it reaches 1.9 kW/m, while in the case of 50 m of water depth the
                     In the case of the Liguria area (Figure 5b), the highest values of wave power, on 15 m water
                   highest values are located at point 11 where it reaches 1.8 kW/m. Both points are located in front of
                       In the case of the Liguria area (Figure 5b), the highest values of wave power, on 15 m water
                depth, are located at point 1 where it reaches 1.9 kW/m, while in the case of 50 m of water depth the
                   Monaco (Figure 5a). The wave roses of these two points show that the main wave direction was
                   depth, are located at point 1 where it reaches 1.9 kW/m, while in the case of 50 m of water depth the
                   S-SW. The French side of this nearshore area is characterized by high bathymetric gradients so that  in front
                highest values are located at point 11 where it reaches 1.8 kW/m. Both points are located
                   highest values are located at point 11 where it reaches 1.8 kW/m. Both points are located in front of
                   the transition from deep to shallow water is very sharp and as a consequence the waves propagate  was
                of Monaco (Figure 5a). The wave roses of these two points show that the main wave direction
                   Monaco (Figure 5a). The wave roses of these two points show that the main wave direction was
                   close to the coast without losing energy. The hotspot of this area is located only 210 m shoreward of
                S-SW. The French side of this nearshore area is characterized by high bathymetric gradients so that
                   S-SW. The French side of this nearshore area is characterized by high bathymetric gradients so that
                   point 1, on 10 m water depth, where the wave power reaches 2 kW/m (Table 2). The COV values are
                the transition from deep to shallow water is very sharp and as a consequence the waves propagate
                   the transition from deep to shallow water is very sharp and as a consequence the waves propagate
                   approximately equal to 1.8 in the whole area, the SV values everywhere are below 0.6 and the MV
                close to the coast without losing energy. The hotspot of this area is located only 210 m shoreward of
                   close to the coast without losing energy. The hotspot of this area is located only 210 m shoreward of
                   values are in the range 1.7–2.
                point 1, on 10 m water depth, where the wave power reaches 2 kW/m (Table 2). The COV values are
                   point 1, on 10 m water depth, where the wave power reaches 2 kW/m (Table 2). The COV values are
                approximately equal to 1.8 in the whole area, the SV values everywhere are below 0.6 and the MV
                   approximately equal to 1.8 in the whole area, the SV values everywhere are below 0.6 and the MV
                values are in the range 1.7–2.
                   values are in the range 1.7–2.



                    Figure 5. Liguria: (a) bathymetry and extraction points; and (b) yearly mean wave power spatial distribution.

                    Figure 5. Liguria: (a) bathymetry and extraction points; and (b) yearly mean wave power spatial distribution.
                     Figure 5.  Liguria: (a) bathymetry and extraction points; and (b) yearly mean wave power
                     spatial distribution.
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