Page 12 - Vannucchi_Cappietti_2016
P. 12

Sustainability 2016, 8, 1300                                                       12 of 21

                to the total energy at the most energetic point in 50 m water depth (point 19), where it accounts for
                about 2.5 MWh/m and occurs 3.5% of the time.
                     At the Liguria hotspot the highest contribution to the total annual energy value is given by the
                     Sustainability 2016, 8, 1300
                                                                                               12 of 21
                wave condition Hs = 1.5 m and Te = 5.5 s, that occurs for 6% of the time and accounts for about
                         At the Liguria hotspot the highest contribution to the total annual energy value is given by the
                2 MWh/m (Figure 8c). At point 14 at 50 m water depth the highest contribution to the total annual
                     wave condition Hs = 1.5 m and Te = 5.5 s, that occurs for 6% of the time and accounts for about
                energy is about 1.5 MWh/m (Figure 8d) and is given by two different wave conditions. The first wave
                     2 MWh/m (Figure 8c). At point 14 at 50 m water depth the highest contribution to the total annual
                condition is characterized by Hs = 1 m and Te = 5 s while the second has Hs = 1.5 m and Te = 6.5 s.
                     energy is about 1.5 MWh/m (Figure 8d) and is given by two different wave conditions. The first
                These combinations occurred for less than 6% of the time.
                     wave condition is characterized by Hs = 1 m and Te = 5 s while the second has Hs = 1.5 m and Te = 6.5
                     In addition, in the Sardinia costal area, two different wave conditions are responsible of the
                     s. These combinations occurred for less than 6% of the time.
                highest contribution to the total wave energy at the hotspot and at the most energetic point on 50 m of
                         In addition, in the Sardinia costal area, two different wave conditions are responsible of the
                     highest contribution to the total wave energy at the hotspot and at the most energetic point on 50 m
                water depth. The first wave condition has Hs = 3 m, Te = 8.5 s while the second has Hs = 4 m, Te = 9.5 s.
                     of water depth. The first wave condition has Hs = 3 m, Te = 8.5 s while the second has Hs = 4 m, Te =
                These combinations are present for less about 5% of the time. In the hotspot (point 4) this highest
                     9.5 s. These combinations are present for less about 5% of the time. In the hotspot (point 4) this
                contribution to the annual energy is about 6.5 MWh/m (Figure 8e) while in the case of 50 m water
                     highest contribution to the annual energy is about 6.5 MWh/m (Figure 8e) while in the case of 50 m
                depth (point 12) it is about 7 MWh/m (Figure 8f).
                     water depth (point 12) it is about 7 MWh/m (Figure 8f).
                     In the hotspot of the Sicily coastal area (Figure 8g), the maximum contribution to the total energy
                         In the hotspot of the Sicily coastal  area  (Figure  8g), the maximum contribution to the total
                is given by Hs = 3 m, Te = 7.5 s and it reaches 4.7 MWh/m. At point 17, the most energetic point
                     energy is given by Hs = 3 m, Te = 7.5 s and it reaches 4.7 MWh/m. At point 17, the most energetic point
                in 50 m of water depth, the maximum contribution is still given by the same wave condition and it
                     in 50 m of water depth, the maximum contribution is still given by the same wave condition and it
                accounts for 5.1 MWh/m. This wave condition occurs for the 3% of the time.
                     accounts for 5.1 MWh/m. This wave condition occurs for the 3% of the time.
                                     Hotspot                            Water Depth 50 m

                                       (a)                                    (b)

                                       (c)                                    (d)


                                                       Figure 8. Cont.
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17