Page 10 - Vannucchi_Cappietti_2016
P. 10

Sustainability 2016, 8, 1300                                                       10 of 21

                    Table 2. Location, mean wave power (Pw), COV, SV, and MV values related to the hotspots and the
                Sustainability 2016, 8, 1300                                                       10 of 21
                    most energetic points among those selected on water depths of 50 m of the four nearshore areas
                    Table 2. Location, mean wave power (P w ), COV, SV, and MV values related to the hotspots and the most
                 Latitude (WGS84-UTM32)  Longitude (WGS84-UTM32) Pw (kW/m) COV SV  MV  Water Depth (m)
                     energetic points among those selected on water depths of 50 m of the four nearshore areas investigated.
                  Latitude (WGS84-UTM32)  Longitude (WGS84-UTM32)  P w (kW/m)  COV  SV  MV  Water Depth (m)
                         4,826,801               592,648            4.7     1.87  0.99 2.03    −10
                         4,826,150               587,255            3.8     1.84  0.96 2.02    −50
                        4,826,801             592,648           4.7     1.87   0.99   2.03      −10
                        4,826,150             587,255    Liguria  3.8   1.84   0.96   2.02      −50
                         4,841,692               371,620             2      1.93  0.69  1.9    −10
                         4,840,551               371,127            1.8     1.87  0.64 1.82    −50
                        4,841,692             371,620            2      1.93   0.69   1.9       −10
                        4,840,551             371,127    Sardinia 1.8   1.87   0.64   1.82      −50
                         4,509,652               426,722  Sardinia  11.4     2   1.49 1.72     −20
                                                                                 1.49 1.71
                        4,509,652             426,722           11.4  11.7  2  2  1.49  1.72   −50
                        4,509,971             424,733     Sicily  11.7   2     1.49   1.71      −50
                         4,208,742               238,674   Sicily   9.1     2.58  1.76 2.03    −15
                                                                                 1.76 1.99
                        4,208,742             238,674           9.1  8.6  2.58  2.55 1.76  2.03  −50
                        4,209,477             238,355           8.6     2.55   1.76   1.99      −50
                    On the nearshore area along the Sardinia coast (depicted in Figure 6b), according to the results
                     On the nearshore area along the Sardinia coast (depicted in Figure 6b), according to the results of
                of the offshore assessment, the wave power values are much higher than those at the other nearshore
                the offshore assessment, the wave power values are much higher than those at the other nearshore
                areas. The northern part of this nearshore area is characterized by high bathymetric gradients and
                the focusing mechanisms induced by refraction effects occur near the headlands on the Argenteria
                areas. The northern part of this nearshore area is characterized by high bathymetric gradients and
                the focusing mechanisms induced by refraction effects occur near the headlands on the Argenteria
                area on the north of Capo Caccia. The maximum value of the mean wave power (Table 2) on 20 m of
                area on the north of Capo Caccia. The maximum value of the mean wave power (Table 2) on 20 m of
                water depth reaches 11.4 kW/m (point 4) while in the case of 50 m water depth it reaches 11.7 kW/m
                (point 12). The wave roses of these two points show that the main wave direction was NW. Point 4 is
                water depth reaches 11.4 kW/m (point 4) while in the case of 50 m water depth it reaches 11.7 kW/m
                (point 12). The wave roses of these two points show that the main wave direction was NW. Point 4 is
                also the hotspot of this area. The wave power potentials at this hotspot are more than two times
                also the hotspot of this area. The wave power potentials at this hotspot are more than two times larger
                larger than the potentials at the Tuscany hotspot and almost six times larger than the value at the
                hotspot on the Liguria coastal area. The COV values are above 1.8 across the whole area. The SV
                than the potentials at the Tuscany hotspot and almost six times larger than the value at the hotspot on
                values are above 1.3 in the whole area: these values were 50% larger than those obtained in the
                the Liguria coastal area. The COV values are above 1.8 across the whole area. The SV values are above
                Tuscany area. The MV values were lower than 1.8 and lower than those obtained in the Tuscany and
                1.3 in the whole area: these values were 50% larger than those obtained in the Tuscany area. The MV
                Liguria areas.
                values were lower than 1.8 and lower than those obtained in the Tuscany and Liguria areas.

                                        (a)                               (b)
                 Figure 6. Sardinia: (a) bathymetry and extraction points; and (b) yearly mean wave power spatial distribution.
                     Figure 6.  Sardinia: (a) bathymetry and extraction points; and (b) yearly mean wave power
                     spatial distribution.
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