Page 13 - Vannucchi_Cappietti_2016
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Sustainability 2016, 8, 1300                                                       13 of 21
                     Sustainability 2016, 8, 1300                                              13 of 21


                                       (g)                                    (h)

                         Figure 8. Yearly mean wave power (kW/m) in terms of significant wave height (Hm0) and energy
                     Figure 8. Yearly mean wave power (kW/m) in terms of significant wave height (H m0 ) and energy
                         period (Te): (a) Tuscany hotspot; (b) point 19 Tuscany; (c) Liguria hotspot; (d) point 14 Liguria; (e)
                     period (Te): (a) Tuscany hotspot; (b) point 19 Tuscany; (c) Liguria hotspot; (d) point 14 Liguria;
                         Sardinia hotspot; (f) point 12 Sardinia;  (g) Sicily  hotspot; and  (h) point  17 Sicily. The  color  scale
                    (e) Sardinia hotspot; (f) point 12 Sardinia; (g) Sicily hotspot; and (h) point 17 Sicily. The color scale
                         represents annual energy per meter of wave front (in KWh/m).
                     represents annual energy per meter of wave front (in KWh/m).
                     5. Performances of Wave Energy Converters
                5. Performances of Wave Energy Converters
                         The performances of AquaBuoy (AB), Pelamis, AWS and Wave Dragon (WD) were evaluated
                     by using the wave climate at the most energetic points on water depths of 50 m of the four coastal
                     The performances of AquaBuoy (AB), Pelamis, AWS and Wave Dragon (WD) were evaluated
                     areas investigated (Table 2). Moreover, the WEC performances were also evaluated at the following
                by using the wave climate at the most energetic points on water depths of 50 m of the four
                     EU oceanic sites in order to permit a relative comparison: Azores (Portugal), Madeira (Portugal),
                coastal areas investigated (Table 2). Moreover, the WEC performances were also evaluated at the
                     Nazarè-Peniche (Portugal), Sines-Aljezur (Portugal), Belmullet (Ireland), Ile d’Yeu (France), and
                following EU oceanic sites in order to permit a relative comparison: Azores (Portugal), Madeira
                     Cornish Coast (UK) (see  Table 3). The scatter matrices of these  oceanic sites  were  found in the
                (Portugal), Nazarè-Peniche (Portugal), Sines-Aljezur (Portugal), Belmullet (Ireland), Ile d’Yeu (France),
                     available literature [29,42,59–62].
                and Cornish Coast (UK) (see Table 3). The scatter matrices of these oceanic sites were found in the
                         The most energetic oceanic sites, among those selected in the present work, are located at the
                available literature [29,42,59–62].
                     Azores and Madeira Islands (Portugal) and Belmullet (Ireland) where the energy flux is one order of
                     magnitude higher than the values that characterize the Italian areas. However, it is worth noting that  at the
                     The most energetic oceanic sites, among those selected in the present work, are located
                     the energy potentials in the Italian areas in front of the Sardinia (11.4 kW/m) and Sicily (9.1 kW/m)
                Azores and Madeira Islands (Portugal) and Belmullet (Ireland) where the energy flux is one order of
                     islands are 22%–38% lower than the energy potentials in the oceanic areas at Sines-Aljezur (Portugal)
                magnitude higher than the values that characterize the Italian areas. However, it is worth noting that
                     and Ile d’Yeu (France).
                the energy potentials in the Italian areas in front of the Sardinia (11.4 kW/m) and Sicily (9.1 kW/m)
                islands are 22%–38% lower than the energy potentials in the oceanic areas at Sines-Aljezur (Portugal)
                         Table 3. Location, depth, wave energy potentials in terms of mean power (Pw) and annual energy in
                and Ile d’Yeu (France).
                         the offshore and nearshore locations whose scatter matrix were found in literature.
                                                                                        Annual Energy
                                                      Coordinates                Pw  ) and annual energy in
                    Table 3. Location, depth, wave energy potentials in terms of mean power (P w
                                                                     Depth (m)

                     the offshore and nearshore locations whose scatter matrix were found in literature.  (MWh/m)
                                 Azores (Portugal)   4291193/385315     43       73         639.5
                                Madeira (Portugal)   3667766/371286     40      57.4   P w  Annual Energy
                                      Location                        Depth (m)
                              Nazarè-Peniche (Portugal)   (WGS84-UTM32)  50     20.8  (kW/m)  182.1
                     Offshore   Sines-Aljezur (Portugal)   -            50      14.8        129.3
                                   Azores (Portugal)  4291193/385315      43        73        639.5
                                Belmullet (Ireland)   6028028/497403    72       50         438
                                  Madeira (Portugal)  3667766/371286      40       57.4       502.8
                                 Ile d’Yeu (France)
                                Nazarè-Peniche (Portugal)  5170879/544349   32  50  15   20.8  113.1
                                 Sines-Aljezur (Portugal)
                     Offshore   Cornish Coast (UK)   5576508/309895     50  50   20   14.8  175.2
                     Nearshore   Madeira (Portugal)   3663184/374026    15  72  65.4  50    572.9  438
                                  Belmullet (Ireland)
                                   Ile d’Yeu (France)  5170879/544349     32        15        113.1
                         Table 4 shows the performance estimates for the four offshore devices. The highest value of
                                  Cornish Coast (UK)
                     capacity factor was obtained for the Wave Dragon (WD) at the area Nazarè-Peniche. This device is
                    Nearshore     Madeira (Portugal)  3663184/374026      15       65.4       572.9
                     also the most suited for the Tuscany and Liguria sites where capacity factors reach 4.15% and 3.24%
                     respectively. Instead, the Pelamis is the most suited in the cases of Sardinia and Sicily sites, with
                     Table 4 shows the performance estimates for the four offshore devices. The highest value of
                     values of capacity factor 8.66% and 6.54%, respectively.
                capacity factor was obtained for the Wave Dragon (WD) at the area Nazarè-Peniche. This device is

                also the most suited for the Tuscany and Liguria sites where capacity factors reach 4.15% and 3.24%
                respectively. Instead, the Pelamis is the most suited in the cases of Sardinia and Sicily sites, with values
                of capacity factor 8.66% and 6.54%, respectively.
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