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F. Calise, et al.                                                        Energy Conversion and Management 220 (2020) 113043

         Table 1
         District simulation data: Santa Maria di Salina and Favignana.
          Geometric features               Both districts    Santa Maria di Salina        Favignana

                                           V1       V2       H-SMS    Sch-SMS   Off-SMS    H-F      Sch-F    Off-F
          Height (m )                      3        6        6        6         6         6        6        6
          Volume (m )                      280      559      1080     2655      1080      1209     5208     3750
          Floor area (m )                  93.24    93.24    180      442.5     180       201.45   868      625
          Number of planes (−)             1        2        2        2         2         2        2        2
          Number of apartments for floor (−)  1      2        –
          Apartment area (m )              93.24    93.24    –
          Glass area (m )                  19.15    38.73    51.11    72.90     64.84     45.08    171.80   66.72
          Heating and cooling season (Salina 669 HDD)  Heating: T set = 20 °C 15th November-31 March
                                           Cooling: T set = 26 °C 1st May to 30th September
          Heating and cooling season (Favignana 686 HDD)  Heating: T set = 20 °C 15th October-15th April
                                           Cooling: T set = 26 °C 1st June to 15th September
          Thermal Energy demand            Figs. 4 and 5
          Air infiltration rate (vol/h)     0.6
          Average daily DHW demand (m /day/person)  50
          DHW set point temperature (°C)   45
         Tyrrhenian Sea in South Italy. Favignana is modelled according to the  drinkable freshwater. The MED system is driven with thermal energy
         same approach used for Santa Maria di Salina. In particular, the same  from the CPVT collectors (Table 4). In particular, the district heating
         representative types building are considered. Note that office, hotel and  network directly uses the thermal energy provided by the CPVT col-
         school buildings are featured by different geometrical features with  lectors. Moreover, biomass heaters are installed as auxiliary systems, in
         respect to the ones considered in Salina (Table 1). Regarding the  order to match the thermal energy demand when the solar radiation is
         thermophysical proprieties of the buildings, no remarkable differences  scarce or null. The district cooling network is supplied by an absorption
         are assumed between the two locations. Since Favignana is a very at-  chiller driven by thermal energy produced by the CPVT collectors. An
         tractive touristic place, a significant increase of the number of in-  auxiliary electric chiller is also installed for matching the cooling en-
         habitants is considered during the summer season, as for the case of  ergy demand when the thermal energy produced by the CPVT collectors
         Salina. In particular, the inhabitants of the island increase from 965 in  is not sufficient for the activation of the absorption chiller. Another
         winter to 2000 in summer. Table 3 displays the number of buildings  district heating network provides the thermal energy for DHW pre-
         occupied during the year. For the evaluation of the thermal energy  paration, using thermal energy from the CPVT field. A biomass aux-
         demand of Favignana and Santa Maria di Salina, the heating and  iliary heater is installed for meeting the thermal energy demand for
         cooling seasons are assumed according to Italian regulation: Heating  DHW preparation, when the thermal energy supplied by the CPVT is
         season from 15th November to 31 March and cooling season from 1st  insufficient. Finally, the power demand, including the power delivered
         May to 30th September.                               to electric components of the plant, electric chiller and district demand,
           Proposed system PS1: CPVT-ACH-MED is referred to Favignana. This  is matched by power produced by the CPVT collectors. When the CPVT
         polygeneration plant includes a CPVT field that supplies a district  power production does not meet the district power demand, a suitable
         heating and cooling network and MED technology that produces  amount of power is withdrawn from the local grid. Conversely, the

                                             Fig. 3. An example of the SketchUp 3D model:

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