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F. Calise, et al.                                                        Energy Conversion and Management 220 (2020) 113043

               Eth,AH)                                        Table 8
                                                              Annual results: Proposed System 2 (PS2).
               +                                                E el,PV  E el,RO  E el,District&  E el,HPheat  E el,HPdhw  E el,HPcool  E el,self /  E el,self /
               Eth,MED/(Eth,MED  25                             MWh/y 123  4395  201  388    184   %       64
                                                                                                           E el,prod
                                                                                                   E el,demand

                                                              Annual energy, environmental and economic results: PS1 and PS2.
               Eth,ECH)                                       Table 9  PS2   PS1  PS2  PS1  PS2  PS1     PS2
               +                                                PE RS [MWh/y]  PES [%] 64.4  ΔC[k€/y] 1265  FW PROD /FW demand [%]
               Eth,TKcool/(Eth,TKcool                         the ACH for the chilled water production. Due to the high cooling de-
                                                                ΔCO 2 [%]
                                                                                      SPB [years]
                                                                             J tot [M€]
                                                                                                 PI [−]
                                                              mand of the district, T topTK1 significantly decreases from 86 °C to 75 °C.
                                                              T topTK1 increases again up to 85 °C when the cooling demand decreases
               Eth,AH)                                        around 18:00. As it can be seen, in the early morning and afternoon
                                                              hours the freshwater is obtained only by the auxiliary heater without
               +                                              any solar energy support.
                                                                 The production of freshwater has a constant trend (Fig. 10) of al-
               Eth,TKdhw/(Eth,TKdhw                           production, especially in the morning and evening hours. The stable
                                                              most 15 m /h, but the summer freshwater demand is higher than the
                                                              water production is due to the constant supply water temperature of the
                                                              MED unit. In particular, the plant is equipped with a biomass auxiliary
                                                              heater AH (switching on only when the radiation is not null, from 06:00
                                                              to 18:00) that allows constant activation temperature of 75 °C of the
                                                              MED unit, when the top temperature TK2 is lower than 75 °C. The
               Eth,AH)                                        graphs also show that during the selected day, AH is always activated.
                                                              Note that during summer, freshwater demand is high due to the large
               +                                              number of tourists on the island of Favignana and, as it occurs in the
               Eth,TKheat/(Eth,TKheat                         freshwater demand of the users. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase
                                                              day represented in this figure, the system is not able to cover the
                                                              freshwater from the mainland (by ships) at high cost (7 €/m ). This
                                                              result affects the profitability of the plant in a negative manner. The
                                                              cooling demand is almost covered for all hours of the day by the chilled
                                                              water produced by the ACH (driven with solar thermal energy) and
                                                              stored into TKcool. It is thus possible to take advantage of the thermal
                                                              inertia of the tank until 20:30, while, after this time, the activation of
               Eth,TKcool                                     the auxiliary electric chiller is needed. Nevertheless, this only occurs for
                                                              a small number of hours and for covering a small amount of the cooling
                                                              demand due to the considerably decreasing of the ambient temperature
               Eth,TKdhw  1080                                in the evening hours.
                                                                 When the ambient temperature T amb decreases, the heating demand
                                                              (Fig. 11) of the district is significant. This occurs during the first hours
                                                              of the day, when the top temperature of storage tank TKheat is lower
               Eth,TKheat  168                                than the set point temperature of the water in the direction of the
                                                              district buildings (equal to 55 °C). At that point, the auxiliary burner
                                                              P th,AH is switched on to cover the heating demand. Around midday, T amb
                                                              increases up to about 20 °C, the heating demand decreases and the
             (PS1).  Eth,MED                                  storage tank TKheat covers the demand until it is discharged. This oc-
             1     1100                                       curs from 09:00 to 20:00, when the AH gets reactivated. Regarding the
                                                              DHW demand, it is possible to note that in a typical spring day, when
             System  %                                        both heating and cooling demand are null, the storage tank TKdhw
                                                              covers all of the user demand.
             Proposed  Eth,CPVT  3180                         summer day during the operation of PS2 are presented.
                                                                 In Fig. 12 the trends of power generation and demand for a typical
                                                                 During the night hours, when the radiation is null, because no
             results:  MWh/y                                  electric storage system is included in the proposed layout, the electric
                                                              demand of the users is matched by the local pre-existing grid of the
           7   Eel,CPVT                                       district of Santa Marina Salina (at 0.18 €/kWh e ). PV production reaches
           Table  Annual  1240                                a peak value of 1.1 MW at midday. Between 09.00 and 15:00, the
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19