Page 11 - Water-energy_2020
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F. Calise, et al.                                                        Energy Conversion and Management 220 (2020) 113043

         Table 4
         Proposed system 1 (PS1), Favignana.
          Component             Parameter           Description                           Value             Unit

          CPVT                  N SC                Number of CPVT collectors             400               –
                                                    CPVT aperture area                    12                m 2
                                A CPVT
                                                    Specific tank volume                   20                l/m 2
                                v tk
                                                    CPVT outlet setpoint temperature WS   60                °C
                                T set,WS
                                                    CPVT outlet setpoint temperature SS   90                °C
                                T set,SS
          MED                   M motive            Nominal mass flow rate of motive hot water  1.8 10 5     kg/h
                                                    MED rated inlet temperature           75                °C
                                T set,MED
                                                    Temperature of seawater at intake facilities  25
                                T intake
                                A sensible          Sensible heat transfer area at 1st effect  10            m
                                                    Latent heat transfer area at 1st effect  50
                                A latent
                                A i                 Heat transfer area in effects from 2 to 8  80
                                                    Heat transfer area at the condenser   62
                                A condenser
                                C t                 Thermal capacity                      1000              kW
                                                    Salinity of feed water                38,000            ppm
                                X f
                                                    Maximum salinity of disposed brine    72,000
                                X B
                                M ̇ cw              Mass flow rate of cooling water        24·10             kg/h
                                                    Number of effects                      11                –
                                N EFF
          ACH                   P th,ACH            Rated cooling power                   3.56              MW th
                                COP                 Rated coefficient of performance        0.8               0.8
                                                    Set-point temperature for the chilled water  7          °C
                                T set,ACH
          Chiller               P th,chiller        Rated cooling power                   3.56              MW th
                                COP                 Rated coefficient of performance        5.8               0.8
                                                    Set-point temperature for the chilled water  7          °C
                                T set,chiller
          AH (MED)              P th,AH,MED         Rated auxiliary heater power          1.20              MW th
          AH (HEATING)          P th,AH,heat        Rated auxiliary heater power          3.14              MW th
          AH (DHW)              P th,AH, DHW        Rated auxiliary heater power          0.90              MW th
         5.1. Annual results                                  Therefore, for long periods (when TK2 temperature is below the set-
                                                              point set for the activation of the MED system), the desalination unit is
           The annual results of the simulations (from January 1st to December  not supplied by solar energy and it is fully supplied by biomass aux-
         31st) reporting the integrated power and obtained freshwater produc-  iliary heater. The cooling subsystem shows a good solar fraction, about
         tion for PS1 and PS2 are summarized in Tables 7 and 8, respectively.  56%. This is due to the simultaneity between solar energy availability
         Table 9 presents the annual energy, environmental and economic re-  and space cooling demand. In fact, summer CPVT solar thermal energy
         sults of both PSs. Note that PS1 and PS2 include thermal- and elec-  production is extremely high due to the high beam-to-total radiation
         trically-driven solar technologies, respectively. Tables 7 and 8 show the  ratio achieved in this period of the year. Considering the whole year,
         fraction of solar thermal energy production of the CPVT collectors (PS1)  the solar fraction for the DHW subsystem is about 76%. This result is
         and the fraction of the solar electric energy production of the PV panels  mainly due to the operation outside the heating and cooling season. In
         (PS2) used for district space heating and cooling, for the production of  that period no space cooling and heating demand and solar energy is
         DHW, freshwater, and electricity. In Table 7 the main thermal energies  used to fully supply DHW demand. As for PS2, Table 8 shows that the
         involved in PS1 are reported. One of the main technical parameters  total electricity consumption of the district and plant (4395 MWh/y),
         showing the performance of the system is the amount of solar thermal  the electricity consumption of the RO unit (123 MWh/y), of the HP for
         energy used for the different purposes, namely: heating, DHW, cooling  DHW (388 MWh/y), and the HP for heating and cooling (385 MWh/y).
         and freshwater. For the simulated system, only a certain amount of the  It is worth noting that in PS2 all the energy and water demands are
         energy and water demand is matched by the solar energy. The rest is  supplied by electricity. This system is much more flexible and easy to
         obtained by the auxiliary devices (heaters and chillers). Obviously, the  manage with respect to PS1, since the management of electricity among
         amount of user demand covered by solar energy depends on the time-  the different users is significantly easier compared to the case of
         dependent combination of user demand and solar energy availability.  thermal energy. The higher electricity production of the PV panels is
         This is shown in the last four columns of Table 7, reporting the solar  due to the higher capacity of the solar field (9333 m ), with respect to
         fractions related to the heating, DHW, cooling and freshwater produc-  the CPVT collectors (4800 m ), even though the CPVT collectors have a
         tion subsystems of PS1. As expected, the lowest solar fraction equal to  higher efficiency (20% vs 17%). The total electricity produced by the
         13% is achieved for the heating subsystem, due to the significant mis-  PV panels fails to cover the electricity demand of the district and RO
         match between the solar thermal energy production and space heating  unit, also because no energy storage system is included. This is due to
         demand in winter. This occurs mainly because the CPVT collectors, that  the significant mismatch between solar energy availability and user
         convert only the beam radiation, show poor thermal performance  demand. However, an electricity storage system is not considered in the
         during winter, due to the low beam-to-total radiation ratio. As a con-  present study due to the large capacity of the system and to the high
         sequence, the proposed system is not expected to cover the space  capital cost of this device. Therefore, during the night hours, the elec-
         heating demand even in locations where this demand is significantly  tricity is always purchased from the grid. The ratios between self-con-
         low, as for the cases of the two selected islands. However, this cir-  sumed electricity and electricity produced by the PV panels to elec-
         cumstance does not limit the goal to achieve a fully renewable system,  tricity demand are equal to 64% and 41%, respectively. Good
         since the auxiliary heat is provided by biomass boilers. The subsystem  performances are obtained for both PSs in terms of freshwater demand:
         of the freshwater production reaches a solar fraction of about 25%. This  the RO unit produces 68% of the freshwater demand of Salina, whereas
         is due to the fact that solar thermal energy is used primarily for space  the MED subsystem produces 59% of the freshwater demand of Fa-
         heating and cooling and DHW demands. When these loads are fully  vignana. PS2 reaches excellent performance in terms of SPB, PES and
         satisfied, solar energy is switched for the production of freshwater.  ΔCO 2 : equal to 3.3 years, 64.4% and 63.9%, respectively.

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