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F. Calise, et al.                                                        Energy Conversion and Management 220 (2020) 113043

                                   Fig. 4. Salina district thermal energy demand: heating (left) and cooling (right).

         Table 2                                              (Table 4). The capacity of AHs for DHW and space heating is selected in
         Building simulation data.                            order to cover the maximum peak.
                                                                 Proposed system PS2: PV-REV_HP-RO regards Santa Maria di Salina
          Building element  Building
                                                              and consists of a district heating/cooling network based on two re-
                      U-value [W/m K]  Thickness (m)  ρ s (–)  ε (–)  versible water-to-water HPs AERMEC WFG9613 [39]. The rated
                                                              heating and cooling power of the HPs are equal to 1.8 MW and 1.7 MW
          Roof        1.086        0.340         0.4   0.9
          Façades     1.404        0.380                      with rated coefficient of performance (COP) of 4.14 and 4.85, respec-
          Ground floor  1.115       0.460                      tively [39] (Table 5). The capacity of the heat pumps is selected by
          Adjacent ceiling  1.792  0.290                      taking into account the peak of demand for heating and cooling equal to
          Windows glass  2.89      0.004/0.016/0.004  0.13  0.18  2.25 MW and 2.85 MW, respectively. DHW is provided by a district
                                                              heating network supplied by two water-to-water HPs AERMEC
                                                              WFG4812 [39] with a rated heating power of 1.0 MW (Table 5). The
         Table 3
                                                              cooling loop of each HP is based on the seawater withdrawn from the
         Number of occupied district buildings, Santa Maria di Salina and Favignana.
                                                              sea thermocline. Freshwater is produced by a RO equipped with
          Type of   Number of buildings                       SW30ULE-440i membranes [40]. In particular, the train consists of
          Building                                            three pressure vessels with eight membranes each. The electricity de-
                    Summer-Period (May-  Winter-Period (October-April)  mand of the district including the electric energy needed for the acti-
                    September)                                                                           2
                                                              vation of RO unit and HPs is matched by a PV field of 9333 m . The area
                    Salina   Favignana   Salina  Favignana    of the PV is selected in order to cover the maximum required power
                                                              peak. The selection of the RO capacity is selected by considering that
          V1        378      344         155    280           the RO production must cover 70% of the maximum freshwater de-
          V2        285      123         122    71
          Off        16       10          16     10            mand. Note that when the produced solar power is not high enough for
          H         20       20          2      2             matching the electricity demand of the district, the electricity is with-
          Sch       0        0           3      2             drawn from the local grid of the island. When the power production is
                                                              greater than the demand, the surplus is delivered to the grid of the
         power is delivered to the local grid if the production overcomes the
                                                                 The main economic, energy and environmental assumptions to
         demand. Note that the cooling loop of ACH and ECH is based on the  perform the dynamic simulations are reported in Table 6.
         seawater withdrawn by the thermocline (T SW equal to 15 °C, Table 5).
           The design of the area of the CPVT collectors, equal to 4800 m 2
         (Table 4) is carried out considering results of the simulation of the re-  5. Results
         ference buildings. In particular, in a preliminary analysis, the peaks of
         the demand are calculated. The peak of the demand for space heating  In this section, the hourly, weekly and yearly results of the dynamic
         and desalination during winter is 3.18 MW, whereas the peak of de-
                                                              simulations for the two developed case studies of the two investigated
         mand for the supply of the ACH and desalination is 4.48 MW; the peak  layouts (PS1: CPVT-ACH-MED, PS2: CPVT-ACH-MED) in Salina and
         of electricity demand is 0.92 MW. Considering the maximum heating
                                                              Favignana are presented. The developed simulation tool allows one to
         demand and thermal efficiency of CPVT equal to 50%, the solar field  mimic the real time operation of the investigated systems, using hourly
         area results in 8960 m . Considering the maximum electricity demand
                                                              weather data of the selected locations. Dynamic results can be also
         and electric efficiency of CPVT equal to 20%, the solar field area results  integrated on other time bases (e.g. days, weeks, etc), in order to cal-
         in 4620 m . In the first system, it is assumed that the value of 4800 m 2
                                                              culate the related energies and water mass. The dynamic simulations
         is the most plausible, but it is necessary to perform a sensitivity analysis
                                                              account for freshwater, heating, cooling and DHW hourly demand and
         to optimize the design.
                                                              the hourly values of the weather parameters of the islands, with a si-
           The MED unit is designed to be supplied with 50 kg/s of hot water.
                                                              mulation time step equal to 0.025 h. A sensitivity analysis, performed to
         Considering an inlet/outlet temperature difference of about 5 °C, the  select the best configuration of the investigated plants from the eco-
         required heat demand of the process is 1 MW. Therefore, the capacity of
                                                              nomic and energy point of view, is also presented.
         AH for supporting the MED activation without solar energy is 1.2 MW
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