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F. Calise, et al.                                                        Energy Conversion and Management 220 (2020) 113043
         Table 5                                              rural areas: C1 = 151 €/m and C2 = 1378 €/m [35]. The investment
         Proposed systems 2 (PS2), Santa Maria di Salina.     in this case is found to be approximately double that of the case of Santa
                                                              Marina Salina, mainly due to the more scattered buildings over the
          Component   Parameter  Description  Value  Unit
                                                              surface area of the island.
          PV (PS2)    P max   Maximum power   260    W p         The economic feasibility of PS2 is good, mainly due to the present
                              Open-circuit voltage  37.7  V
                      V oc
                                                              low capital cost of PV panels, compared to the extremely high capital
                              Short-circuit current  9.01  A
                      I sc                                    cost of CPVT collectors (Table 6). This is a remarkable result, con-
                              Voltage at point of MPP  30.5  V
                      V mpp
                              Current at point of MPP  8.51  A  sidering the high cost of the piping network. On the other hand, the
                      I mpp
                      N s     Number modules in series  2  –  economic feasibility of PS1, is poor (Table 9) due to the huge capital
                              Number modules in  2900
                      N p                                     costs for the district heating network. Similar economic results were
                      A       PV module area  1.6    m 2      obtained for PS1 with layouts including CPVT collectors, with SPB
                      N cell  Number cells in series  15  –   equal to 12.5 [14] and 13.6 [25] without any economic incentive,
                              Module efficiency  15.8           where the costs of the piping network were not considered. The PES and
                      η PV
                              PV panel rated power  1.40  MW
                      P PV                                    the avoided emissions ΔCO 2 of PS1 are also lower than those reached
                                                              for PS2, 32.2% and 27.8%, respectively. This is due to the high elec-
                      A tot   PV field area    9333   m
          HP heat and cool  P th,HP,heat  Rated heating power  1.8  MW th  tricity demand in the proposed system, mainly covered by the grid with
            (PS2)     P th,HP,cool  Rated cooling power  1.7  MW th  a low efficiency and to the high thermal energy demand covered
                      COP     Coefficient of prestation  4.14  –  principally by the auxiliary heater during winter.
                      EER     Energy Efficiency Ratio  4.85
                      Tsw     Temperature sea wataer  15  °C
                                                              5.2. Weekly results
          HP DHW (PS2)  P th,HPDWH  Rated heating power  1.0  MW th
                      COP     Coefficient of prestation  3.25  –
                      Tsw     Temperature sea wataer  15  °C     In order to better comprehend the trends of the main energy fluxes
                                                              over the seasons of year, the aggregated results of PS1 and PS2 are
          RO (PS2)    N membranes  Number of membranes for  24  –
                              single train                    reported in Figs. 6 and 7 on a weekly basis. In PS1, the thermal energy
                      N vessels  Number of vessels for  3     demand for DHW is covered from the solar tank TKdhw, for most of the
                              single train                    year. In fact, as shown in Fig. 6, approximately between the 13th and
                      N Trains  Number of trains  1           the 18th week, the auxiliary heater is switched off. This occurs because
                              Active area of single  41  m 2
                      A membranes
                              membrane                        during these weeks the thermal energy demand for space heating and
                              Salinity feed seawater  39  g/l  cooling of the district is null and all of the produced thermal energy
                      c f
                              Operation seawater  12–29  °C
                      T seawater                              with the CPVT collectors is used for DHW purposes. This circumstance
                              temperature                     also justifies the results reported in the previous sections, dealing with
                              Efficiency of low- pressure  0.85  –
                      η LPP
                                                              the yearly integrated results. In fact, in those weeks solar energy can be
                              Efficiency of high-  0.85         used mainly for DHW purposes and desalination. Conversely, the
                      η HPP
                              pressure pump                   thermal energy of the AH is significant during summer, because the
                              Efficiency of pressure  0.95
                      η PX                                    thermal energy produced with the CPVT collectors is used to supply the
                              exchanger                       ACH. In that period of the year the CPVT efficiency and solar avail-
                      Pr ,lim,min  Limit pressure value  42  bar
                              (P el,limit condition)          ability is high, resulting also simultaneous with the space cooling de-
                      Pr ,rated  Rated pressure value  58  bar  mand. The tank TK2, E th,TK2 , is not able to cover the energy demand of
                              (rated condition)               the MED unit, E th,MED , the first and the last weeks of the year, corre-
                      W ̇ rated  Rated flowrate RO unit  350  m /h  sponding to the winter season: therefore, the auxiliary heater is acti-
                      W tot   Total yearly capacity  131,400  m /year
                                                              vated to match the MED energy demand. In fact, in winter solar energy
                                                              is mainly used for space heating purposes since this demand is sig-
                                                              nificantly higher than solar availability, as mentioned in the previous
           As for the calculation of the cost of the network, it is found that the
         building density of the region of Santa Marina Salina is 1521.4 build-  section. During winter, the space heating energy demand, E th,heat,dem ,is
         ings/km calculated for 852 buildings of mean surface area of 138 m in  quite high, reaching about 125 MWh the first weeks of the year. Con-
         a built area of 0.56 km , where the buildings are concentrated. The heat  versely, solar thermal production is low to the low beam radiation
                                                              available in winter. Then, it decreases until the end of the heating
         and cooling generation of the district heating and cooling network is a
                                                              season, March 31st, due to the mild climate of the island of Favignana.
         total of 1903 MWh/year, while that of the hot water district system
         generation is 1552 MWh/year. The two district networks are identical.  The solar thermal energy, E th,TKheat , of the tank TKheat covers only a
                                                              small part of the district demand. In particular, it reaches its peak on
         The length of the tube per building is calculated to be 16 m with a pipe
         diameter of 35 mm, and a total pipe length of the network of almost  the 12th week of the year (March), due to the increase of the radiation
                                                              availability and, thus, the solar thermal energy production. Space
         14 km. The capital expenditure of the piping network is estimated at
         3.7 M€ [45], using the constants for outer city areas: C1 = 214 €/m and  cooling energy demand, E th,cool,dem ,(Fig. 6) is required intensely be-
         C2 = 1725 €/m [35]. The island of Favignana includes 898 buildings  tween weeks 25 and 40 and its peak is reached at the end of August.
         of mean surface area of 119 m . The built area of the island is estimated  E th,TKcool of the the tank TKcool can cover the cooling energy demand at
         at around 5 km , while it is assumed that 80% of the buildings of the  the beginning and at the end of the cooling season, whereas in the
         island are concentrated in an area of 1.5 km in the center of the island.  middle of the season, the demand is partially covered by the electrical
                                                              chiller ECH (E th,ECH ).
         The total heat and cooling demand of the island, covered by the district
                                                                 Fig. 7 shows the weekly electric energy production of the PV panels,
         heating and cooling network, is 2322 MWh/year, while the thermal
                                                              E el,PV , the total electric energy supplied to the RO unit, Salina district,
         energy of the hot water district network for supplying the required hot
                                                              and auxiliary components of PS2 E el,RO+District+Aux , the electric energy
         water demand is 1440 MWh/year. The piping systems of the two dis-
         trict heating networks are identical. Under these calculations, the  withdrawn from the grid, E el,fromGRID , and supplied to the grid, E el,toGRID ,
                                                              and the total electricity supplied to the HP for DHW, space heating, and
         length of the tube per building is estimated at 27.9 m, resulting in a
         total network pipe length of 25 km. In this case, the capital expenditure  cooling, E el,HPheat&cool+DHW. E el,PV reaches maximum values during
                                                              summer. However, in these same summer weeks, a greater electricity
         of the piping network was found to be 8 M€, using the constants for
                                                              demand of the district is noted, due to the increase of the tourists.
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