Page 13 - Water-energy_2020
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F. Calise, et al.                                                        Energy Conversion and Management 220 (2020) 113043

         Table 6
         Thermoeconomic and environmental assumptions.
          Parameter  Description                               Value                                   Unit
          C CPVT     CPVT unit capital cost per m of solar field  600                                   €/m 2
                                                               1000 [37]
          C PV       PV unit capital cost per kW el                                                    €/kW el
                     Cost heat pump heat and cool              541.5 [39]                              k€
          C HP H&C
                     Cost heat pump heat and cool              512.7 [39]                              k€
          C HP DHW
                     Cost of pressure vessel for 8-inch elements  1.2 [41]                             k€/vessel
          C PrVess
          C membrane  Windows replacement cost per m           889.58 [42]                             €/membrane
                     Cost of piping (small size train)         113.5 [41]                              k€/RO train
          C piping
          C frame    Cost of support frame                     70[41]                                  k€/RO train
                     Cost of instrument and control (whole plant)  28 [41]                             k€
          C instrument
          C ship&inst  Cost of shipping, handling, installation and insurance  15 [41]                 %
                     Cost of RO variable speed pumps           7.75 [10]                               k€
          C pump
                     Cost of Pressure exchanger                64 [43]                                 k€/PX
          C PX
          C AH,aux   Cost of Auxiliary heater                  89                                      €/kW th
                     Cost of Electric chiller                  150
          C chiller                                                                                    €/kW th
          C ACH      Cost of Absorption chiller                C ACH  = 10 P th ACH,  3  − 0.0393P th ACH,  2  + 244.53P th ACH,  + 95.494  €
                     Cost of Heat exchanger                              0.75                          €
          C HE                                                 C HE  = A( HE /0.093)
          C MED      Cost of MED capital                                A  ) 0.95  + 800(86.4  )] [25]  €
                                                               C MED  = 0.5[300( MED  M fresh
          C TK       Cost of the tank                          C TK  = 494.9  + 808.0· TK [13]         €
                     Cost of the small pumps (single speed)             −8  2                          €
          C pumpsSS                                            C P  = 1.08·( −2·10 · ̇ m  + 0.0285· ̇ m  + 388.14) [10]
                     Cost of the small pumps (variable speed)           −8  2                          €
          C pumpsVS                                            C P  = 1.08·( −2·10 · ̇ m  + 0.0285· ̇ m  + 388.14)  + 1000 [10]
          J el,fromGRID  Electric energy purchasing unit cost  0.18                                    €/kWh
                     Electric energy selling unit cost         0.07                                    €/kWh
          J el,toGRID
          J NG       Natural gas unit cost                     0.88                                    €/Sm 3
                     Wood chip unit cost                       0.06                                    €/kg
          J biomass
                     Cost of water supplied throughout tank-ship  7                                    €/m 3
          J water,ship
          m CPVT     CPVT maintenance yearly cost              2                                       %/year
          mRO        RO unit maintenance yearly cost           2 [8,44]                                %/year
          mPV        PV maintenance yearly cost                1.5                                     %/year
                     Natural gas lower heating value           9.59                                    kWh/Sm 3
          LHV NG
          LHV biomass  Wood chip lower heating value           3.7                                     kWh/kg
                     Thermo-electric power plant efficiency for the local island grid  35                %
          η el,RS
                     Natural gas auxiliary heater in reference system  80                              %
          η AH,RS
          η AH,PS    Natural gas auxiliary heater in proposed system  95                               %
                     Electric chiller coefficient of performance  3                                      –
          COP CH,RS
          F NG       Equivalent CO 2 emissions for coefficient for natural gas  0.20                     kgCO 2 /kWh PE
                     Equivalent CO 2 emissions for coefficient for electric energy  0.48
          F el                                                                                         kgCO 2 /kWh e
          a          Discount rate                             5                                       %
          TH         Time horizon                              20                                      years
           It is clear that, the increase of the electricity demand during the  particular, typical winter and summer operation days are investigated
         hotter weeks also leads to peak values of electricity withdrawn from the  for the proposed systems PS1 and PS2.
         grid, E el,fromGRID , as well as a decrease of the electricity delivered to the  In a typical summer day (Fig. 8), the outlet temperature of the CPVT
         grid, E el,toGRID . Note that purchasing electric energy in layouts coupling  collectors in PS1 is equal to 90 °C. The reported oscillating trend is due
         PV fields with electric-driven technologies without electric storage  to the varying inlet water temperature, depending on the thermal load
         systems, is necessary to cover the energy demand during the night  of the plant, slightly affecting the CPVT inlet temperature. Fig. 8 also
         hours, when the PV electric energy production is null. In addition, the  shows the variation of the operation of the CPVTs as a function of the
         growing trend of E el,RO+District+Aux during summer is due to the increase  solar radiation. When the solar radiation is null, the feedback controller
         of the electricity demand of the district because the RO unit demand is  of the pump P1 stops the pump. The pump operates only when the
         almost constant during the year. A slight increase of energy delivered to  radiation is not null and the outlet water temperature from the col-
         the RO unit is detected in summer due to the longer days. The elec-  lectors is higher than the inlet water temperature, coming from the
         tricity consumed by heat pumps for space heating and cooling and  bottom part of the TK1 or TK2. The electrical and thermal efficiencies of
         DHW of the district, E el,HPheat&cool+DHW., is lower than the produced  the CPVT are equal to 20% and to 60%, respectively. The operation of
         energy E el,PV from the 9th to the 33rd week, i.e., when the HP for space  PS1 in a typical summer day is shown in Fig. 9. The left graph presents
         heating and cooling consumption is low and the E el,HPheat&cool+DHW  the top TK1 and TK2 temperatures, T topTK1 and T topTK2 , to show the
         considers only the electric energy demand of the HP for DHW.  implemented control strategy regarding the management of the thermal
         Conversely, during the colder winter weeks and the hotter summers  storages. The CPVT collectors first supply TK1, matching the cooling
         weeks, the E el,HPheat&cool+DHW. is higher than the produced energy E el,PV .  and DHW demand. Solar thermal heat is then delivered to TK2, sup-
         The weekly specific energy consumption, not shown for sake of brevity,  plying heat to the MED unit, only when TK1 is fully charged i.e., when
         is averagely constant equal to 2.1 kWh/m , lower than the average  its top temperature reaches the set-point temperature equal to 86 °C.
         value suggested in literature, equal to 3.3 kWh/m [13]. The reason for  This occurs around midday, when the trends of T topTK1 and T topTK2 show
         this difference is that in this layout the pressure exchanger is included.  the continuous switching of the CPVT outlet hot water between the two
                                                              tanks. In particular, from 09:00 to 13:00, the thermal energy required
         5.3. Hourly results                                  by the auxiliary heater, supporting the MED activation, decreases
                                                              considerably. This is also due to the trend of the Favignana district
           In order to better understand and analyze the operation of the  cooling demand, which is negligible during these hours (Fig. 5), in
                                                              comparison to the cooling demand during the afternoon hours. In fact,
         plants, in terms of temperature, power, and implemented control stra-
         tegies, the hourly results of dynamic simulations are also discussed. In  from 12:00 to 17:30, all the solar heat is delivered to the TK1, supplying
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