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periodica lly submerged, maritime lichens Pyreno-           GIRALT M. , NIMIS P. L. & POELT ). , 1992- Studien
collema balodytes and Verrucaria amphibia. Less                uber die Caloplaca flauorubescens Gruppe
slrictly coastal, but probably bound to the effect of          (Lfchenes, Teloschistaceae) im sudlichen Europa.
the sea, seem to be Art.honia cretacea, Caloplaca              Cryptogamie, Bryol. Ltchénol., 13, 2: 261-273.
cretensis, C. adelphoparasitica and C. subochracea.
                                                            NIMIS P. L., 1985a- Contributi alle conoscenze
    The main phytoclimatic feature o f the lichen flora        floristiche sui licheni d ' Italia. l. Florula lichenica
of Marettimo is the very high incidence of species             del M. Ventasso (Appennino Reggiano). Webbia,
bound to relatively high air humidity. Many of them            39(1) : 141- 161.
have a Mediterranean- Atlantic European range,
often extending to Macaronesia. A striking fact is the      NIMIS P. L. 1985b- Contributi alle conoscenze
rarity of several common, temperate species, and
me occurrence of many lichens which are otherwise             floristiche sui licheni d ' Italia. m. F1orula lichenica
rare in the Mediterranean area.
                                                               delle Isole Tremiti. Studia Geobot., S : 75-88.
                                                            NIMIS P. L., 1988 - Contributi alle conoscenze
   We are grateful to G . BOLOGNJN1 (Trieste), O .             floristiche sui licheni d' Italia. II. Florula licbenica
BREUSS (Wien), M. CASTELLO (Trieste) , M. GIRALT               della Tenuta di Castelporziano (Roma).
( Barcelona), M. GRUBE (G raz) , Ch . LEUCKERT                 Braun- Bianquetta, 2 : 223-238.
(, C. Roux (Marseille) fo r the identi.fication of
c riticai specimens. Field work was financed by             NIMI S P . L. , 1993- Tbe Licbens of ltaly. An
M.U.R.S.T. funds toP. L. NIMIS and D. On'ONElLO.               annotated catalogue. Mus . Reg. Sd. Nat. Torino.
                                                               Monogr. 12. 897 pp.
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ABATE B., Lo CICERO G. & RENDA P., 1982- Fades                 Licbenicolous Fungi of Sardinia (/taly). Studia
   carbonatiche ed evaporitiche del Trias superiore
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                                                            NIMIS P. L., TRETIACH M. & DE MARCHI A., 1990-
BRULLO S. & MARCENO C, 1982- Osservazioni
   fitosociologiche sull ' iso la di Marettimo                 Contributions to lichen florìstics in Italy. V. The
   (Arcipelago delle Egadi). Boli. Ace. Gioenia Se.            lic hens of the Is land o f Capraia (Tuscan
   Nat. Catania, IS : 201-228.                                 Archipelago). Cryptogamte, Bryol. Lichénol., 11,
                                                               l : 1-30.
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   press).- Strtgula porlnotdes sp. nov. (Asco-                the knowledge of the lichen flora of Marettimo
   mycetes, Lichenes) from tbe karstic regions.                (Egadi lslands, Sicily). Botantka Chronika, 10 :
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                                                               der Flechtengattung Tbelocarpon. Phyton
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   species of the lichen genus Ingaderia and                   Costiera, Calabria). Webbia, 41, 2: 315-335.
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   Marettimo nell' Arcipelago delle Egadi e la sua             Strigula (Ltchenes, Strlgulaceae) en S-Francio.
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Bull. Soc. linn. Provence, t. 45, 1994
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