Page 12 - lichen_floristics_Italy_VII
P. 12

258 Nimis et aJ.

lack of reference materia) ; o ur samples, at least,      Torrente - Only found once, on the trunk of Q.
comply witll me description (TSB).                        i/ex(TSB).

   PyrenocoUema balodytes (Nyl.) R. C. Harris -             Solenopsora candicans (Dickson) Steiner-
On barnacles along the coast (CLU).
                                                          On calcareous rocks, not common (GZU, TSB).
   Pyrenula cblorospila Arno!d- On branches of              Solenopsora olivacea ( Fr.) Kilias ssp.
Q. ilexaoove 450m; n<X very typical (CLU, GZU, TSB).
                                                          olivacea - On ratber shaded calcareous rocks,
   Pyrrbospora quernea (Dickson) Korber- N<X              abundant, especially in the lower parts of the island
                                                          (GZU, PAL, TSB).
uncommon, but rarely fertile, in the higher parts of the
island, espedally oo Quercus ilex(CW, PAL, TSB).            Solenospora olivacea ssp. olbiensis (Nyl.)
                                                          Clauz. & Roux- With the previous subspecies,
   Ramalina canariensis Steiner- Very common              perhaps less common (fSB).
only at middle elevations, on the branches of shrubs
(CLU, PAL, TSB).                                            Solenopsora cesatil (Massai.) Zahlbr. v . grisea
                                                          (Bagl. ) Nimis - On calcareo us rocks at high
   Ramalinafarinacea ( L.) Ach. v. farinacea -            elevations, rare (GZU, TSB).
Common from 300m upwards, mostly on branches
(PAL, GZU, TSB).                                            Spbinctrina turbinata (Pers .) de Not. - On
                                                          epiphytic Pertusaria pertusa, only in the highest
   Ramalinafarinacea v . reagens B. de Lesd. -            parts of the island, locally abundant (ClU, GZU,
With the previous variety, perhaps less frequent          TSB).

(PAL, GZU).                                                 Squamarina cartiloginea (With.) P. }ames -
                                                          Common throughout the isla nd, on soil and
   Ramalìna fastigiata Pers. - On braoches of             earth-covered calcareous rocks (GW, PAL, TSB).
Ceratonia near the village, not common, (PAL, TSB).
                                                            Squamarina concrescens (Muli. Arg.) Poelt-
   Ramalina lacera ( With .) Laundon - As                 On soil in open garrigue vegetation, more frequent
Ramalìna canariensts (C1U, TSB).                          between 300 and 500m (CI.U, GZU, TSB).

   Ramalina pollinaria (Westr.) Ach. - On                   Squamarina gypsacea (Sm .) Poelt - In
calcareous rocks in an underhang, not common              fissures of calcareous rocks, rare (fSB).
(ClU, TSB).
                                                            Squamarina lentigera (G. H . Weber) Poelt -
   Ramalina pusilla Le Prev. - As R. roesleri             On soli in o penings of the macchia, only frequent at
(ClU, GZU, PAL, TSB).                                     intermediate elevations (CLU, GW, TSB).

   Ramalina roesleri (Schaerer) Hue - Very                  Strigula porinoides Canals, Boqueras &
                                                          G6mez-Bolea (in press)
localized, at 300-450 m, on brancbes of shrubs in
the macchia, in the northern slopes of the island,           According to C. Roux (in lin.) , our s pecimens
only locally abundant (TSB).                              correspond to a new species which is goiog to be
                                                          described from Catalonia by CANALs & al. (in press).
   Ranudina subgeniculata Nyl. - As R. roeskrl,           The new species is characterized by the following
but perhaps somewhat more frequent (CLU, TSB,             combìnation of characters : protrudiog perithecia
PAL, GZU).                                                with a dimidiate involucrellum ; hyaline excipulum;
                                                          fusiform, halonate, submuriform or weakly muriform
  Rinodina boleana Giralt & H. Mayrh. - This              spores with 7-10 (12) transversal and 1-4 longitudi-
                                                          nal septa, measuring 24-34 x 6-8 (9) J.1ffi; macro-
species has recenùy been described from Catalonia.
Epiphytic at P.ta Ansini (GZU). Det. M. GIRALT.           pycnidia with dark brown apical part ; macroconidia
                                                          with (5) 7 transversal and, rarely, l or 2 loogitudinal
  Rinodina dubyana (Hepp) Steiner - On                    septa, measuring 19-26 (35)x 4.5-6.5 (8.5)pm.
limestone at M. Falcone-Ficarella . (GZU). Det H.
                                                             Strlgula endolithea Bricaud & Roux ad int. (Roux
MAYRHOFER .                                               & BRICAUD, 1991), resembles S. p orinoides in the
                                                          macroconidia with (5) 7 transversal septa, but
  Rinodina plana Magnusson - On branches of               clearly differs in the following characters (Roux, in
Q. ilexat 450m., and on Euphorbia dendroides near         litt.) : macroconidia muc b narrower [(3.5-4-4 5
the coast (TSB : Det. M. GIRALT, GZU : Det. ROPIN).       (5) pm), without longitudinal septa ; macropyc nidia

  Roccella pbycopsis (Ach .) Ach . - Mos t                almost entirely hyaline ; perithecia unknown.
                                                             On shaded surfaces of calcareous rocks at 400m
common on steeply inclined, N-facing calcareous
rocks, but also on trees, especially near tbe coast,      (TSB). New to ltaly.
common. Some specimens are non-sorediate, and
sparingly fruiting (ClU, GZU, PAL, TSB).

  Scbismatomma picc onianum (Bagl.)
Steiner - On twigs and branches of small trees at

300 m (PAL, TSB).
  Scbismatomma ricasolii ( Massai.) Egea &

Bull. Soc. llnn. Provence, t. 45, 1994
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