Page 7 - lichen_floristics_Italy_VII
P. 7

The Lichens of Marettimo {Egadi lslands, Sicily)                                                 253

    preserved in TSB. O n the island v. luteococcinea  Cbiodecton myrticola Fée- On rocks and on

    Clauz. & Roux is the most frequent, b ut we also dead, decorticated twigs at ca . 400 m , rare (CLU,

    found, on rock, f. pallida Clauz. & Roux (CLU, GZU, PAl, TSB).

    PAL, TSB).                                         Qadonia convoluta (lam.) P. Cout. - On soil,

    Caloplaca tbamnoblasta Nimis & Poelt- On much less frequent than C.joliacea (PAL).

    limestone, N- exp osed, at Cala Marino . A Cladonia ciliata v. tenuis (Flk.) Ahti - O n

    recently-described (Vèzda, Lich . Rar. Exs. Sl, thick carpets of mosses in relatively undisturbed

    1993), very characteristic, probably mo re o r less high macchia at ca. 450 m (GZU, TSB).

    coastal species , hithe rto known from Lampedusa   Cladonia fimbriata (L.) Fr. - On soil and

    and Marettimo only, but perhaps more widespread rotting wood, oot common (TSB).

    in the soutbem Mediterranean region (GZU, TSB).    Gadonia foliacea (Hudson) Willd. - Common

    Caloplaca ulcerosa Coppins & P . James - on soil in open grasslands and garrigue (CLU, GZU,

    Epiphytic, on Ceratonia, rare. A recently-described, PAL, TSB) .

    probably Mediterranean- Atlantic epìphytic species Qadonia furcata (Hudson) Schrader- On soil

    characterized by the concave, greenish, elliptical, amongst mosses, frequent (CLU, TSB).

    ulcerare soralia ; for Italy it is known from Sardinia Qatknia mediterranea Duvign. & des Abb. -

    and Erice, in Sicily, on the mainland just in front of On thick carpets of mosses in relatively uodisturbed

    Marettimo (PAL, TSB).                              high macchia at ca. 450m (CLU, GZU, PAL, TSB).

    Caloplaca variabilis (Pers.) Mtill.Arg. -          Cladonia pocillum (Ach.) 0 .-j. Rich. - On

    Common o n limestone and dolo mite, throughout calcareous soil in open grasslands, frequent (PAL,

    the island (GZU, PAL, TSB). Besides C. variabilis s . TSB).

    str., we collected severa! other black-fruite d    Cladonia pyxidata (L.) Hoffm. - On mosses,

    Ca loplacas which we could not identify with mostly at higher elevations (CLU, PAL, TSB).

    certainty.                                         Cladonia rangiformis Hoffm. - Common on

    Candelaria concolor (Dicks.) B. Stein - Only soil, throughout the island (CLU, GZU, PAL, TSB) .

    found o nce, at the base of Pinus, in a n Qadonia squamosa Hoffrn. v. subsqw:amosa

    eutrophicated situation (CLU, TSB).                (Nyl.) Vainio- Only found in the high macchia at

    Candelariella aurelia (Hoffm.) Zahlbr.- On ca. 450 m (TSB).

    limestone in eutrophicated situations, rathe r Qauzadea immersa (G. H. Weber) Hafellner &

    common ; young specimens a re often parasitic o n BeJlemère - On dolomite at ca. 400 m (TSB) .

    other lichens (GZU, PAL, TSB).                     Clauzadea metzleri (Korber) D. Hawksw. -

    Catapyrenium pilosellum O . Breuss- On soil On calcareous pebbles near tbe village, one sample

    in open garrigue vegetation (GZU, TSB). Det. O. collected also at 400m (PAL, TSB).

    BREUSS.                                            Clauzadea monticola (Ach .) Hafe ll ner &

    Catapyrenium squamulosum (Ach.) O. Bellemère - This is the most common Clauzadea

    Breuss- On soil (GZU, TSB) . Det. O. BREUSS.       on the island ; it is fairly abundant, especially o n

    Catillaria detractula (Nyl.) H . Olivier - On dolomite above 500 m ; at lower elevations it prefers

    calcareous rocks (GZU, TSB) .                      rather sbeltered situations (GZU, PAL, TSB).

    Catillaria lenticularis (Ach.) Th. Fr. - On Qiostomum grljfilbii (Sm.) Coppins- Oo the

    relatively shaded calcareous rocks, above 400m also branches of shrubs in the low macchia, rare (fSB).

    in rather exposed situations (PAL, TSB).           Collema auriforme (With.) Coppins &

    Catillaria mediterranea Hafellner - On the Laundon - On s haded calcareous rocks, with

    twigs of shrubs CGZU, TSB).                        mosses, rare (TSB).

    Catillaria minuta (Massa i.) Lettau - O n Collema crispum (Hudson) Wigg. v. metzleri

    limestone and dolomite, especially frequent above (Amold) Degel. - On calcareous rocks, sometimes

    SOOm (GZU, TSB) .                                  overgrowing soil, not common (GZU, PAL, TSB).

    Catillaria nigroclavata (Nyl.) Schuler - O n Collema cristatum (L.) Wigg. - On exposed

f branches of shrubs in the macch ia, and on the cakareous rocks, not very common (TSB).
l   trunks of Ceratonia near the village (PAL, TSB).   Collema fuscovirens (With.) Laundon - On

•l  Cbaenotbeca furfuracea (L.) Tibell - On the rather shaded calcareous rocks, not common (TSB).

    roots of Q. ilex in the highest parts of the island, Collema latzeHi Zahlbr. - Oo calcareous rocks,

    sterile, and evidently rare (TSB).                 rare. A rarely-collected, probably Mectiterraneao-

    Hommage scientifique à G. Clauzade
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