Page 5 - lichen_floristics_Italy_VII
P. 5

The Lichens of Marettimo (Egadi lslands. Sicily)                                              251

islands, which often merge into larger patc hes, Coloplaca citrina (Hoffm.) Th. Fr. - On very

attack:ing the areolae of the host one after the other. eutrophicated su rfaces of calcareous rocks,

Areolae thin, of irregular shape and angular, pale sometimes also on bark, at the bases of the trunks of

pinkish- orange, flat, mostly up to 0.5 mm diam. Ceratonia near the village (GZU, PAL, TSB).

Apotheda generally sparse, immersed to protrudìng, Coloplaca coronata (K6rber) Steiner- At the

mostly solitary in the areolae, 0 .2-0.4 mm diam ., top of a calca reous boulder at Ficarella, at least

with a flat to slightly convex, pale reddish-orange when young clearly parasitic of Asptcilia, evidently

disc, and inìtially thick, then thìnner and finally rare (GZU, TSB).

disappearing margins of the same colour as the elise. Coloplaca cretensis (Zahlbr.) Wunder - This

Areolae paraplectenchymatic, with loose medulla. species was hitherto k nown from mo re or less

Apothecia mostly biatorine, but often sining on a coastal areas of Dalmatla and Greece. It is very

thick alga! layer, some algae frequenùy penetrating characteristic, but also very variable, and therefore

in the wealdy differeotiated exdpulum. Excipulum sometimes difficult to identify ; the re has been no

thin, unclearly radiate- paraplectenchymatic, more further record even after the detailed description by

or less swollen, celi lumina rounded ro elongatecl, WUNDER 0974). CLAUZADE & ROUX (1985) include it

, 3-7 mm diam. Epipsamma finely granulose. into the collective species Caloplaca conversa
        Hymenium ca. 80pm tali. Paraphyses robust, 1.5- 2 (Krempelh.) )atta. C. cretensis, however is certainly

pm thick, often apically branched and progressively not closely related with C. conversa. The thaUus can

thìcker upwards, strongly conglutinated. Spores 8, or vary from endolithìc to epilithìc, from cracked to

often Jess per ascus, generally broadly ellipsoid, ca. a reolate-granulose. T he young apothecia a re

10.5- 12x 6.5-8 pm ; •septa• 2-4 pm thick ; apical always marginate, w hereas the margin, which is

wall thicker than the latera! one, a n d therefore generally of the same colour as the disc or darker,

lumina somehow heart-shaped.                      persists only occasionally in older apotheda. The

The new species is characterized by its evident discs are at least sometimes of a brilliant red colour,

parasitismus on Caloplaca cretensis, the small size somerimes brown, and generally vary from blackish

of thallus and apothecia, the progressively thicker to deep black. Also in purely black apothecla the

paraphyses and above ali by the spores, which epihymenìum has a brownish, K+ purple pigment.

somehow recai! those of Caloplaca latzelii (Servir) The strucrure of tlle apotheda varies from typically

Clauz. & Roux o r C. glomerata Arup.              biatorine to irregularly lecanorine. The spores are

Coloplaca aegatica Girait, Nimis & Poelt - On ellipsoid, sometimes swo lle n in the centrai part,

the twigs of Pistacia in the macchia and on Q. i/ex, ll - 17x 7.5- 9.5 pm, with moderately thick septa,

mostly above 300 m . The type specimen o f this measuring 2-5 p m . Judging from the h itherto

recently-described spedes (GIRALT & al. , 1992), is known funds , the species always occurs near the

from Marettimo (GZU, PAL, TSB).                   sea, although it does not give the impressioa of

Caloplaca agardbiana (Massai.) Clauz. & being a strictly maritime liche n. In Marettimo it is

Roux- On limestone, and, more commonly, on partic ularly abundaot in the northern part of the

dolomite , often with Catillarla lentict4/arls, more island ; it has been found in severa! stations,

common at hìgher elevations (GZU, PAL, TSB).      especially o n the eastern side of M. Falcon e,

Caloplaca alociza (Massai.) Migula - On towards Ficarella (GZU, PAL, TSB).

dolomite above 400m, not commoo (PAL, TSB).       catoplaca erytbrocarpa (Pers.) Zwackh- On

Caloplac a aurantia ( Pers .) Steine r - On su n -exp osed , w ea k ly inclined surfaces of

limestone in exposed , eutrophicated situations, calcareous rocks, especially common in lowland

common ; often fou nd with C. jlavescens (GZU, areas ; whe n young, o ften pa rasitic on Aspicilia

PAL, TSB) .                                       calcarea(CLU, GZU, PAL, TSB) .

Coloplaca cerlna (Hedwig) Th. Fr. - Espedally caloplaca jlavescens (liudson) Laundon- On

common on trunks of Ceratonia near the village rather eutrophicated limestone walls near the viliage

(GZU, TSB).                                       and along the coast, less frequent than C. aurantia

Coloplaca cerlnelloides (Erichsen) Poelt - On (GZU, PAL, TSB).

the branches and trunks of Ceratonia (GZU, TSB).  Caloplaca jlavorubes cens (Hudson) l..aundon

Caloplaca cbalybae a (Fr.) Muii .Arg.- On v. quercina (Fiagey) Giralt, Nimis & Poelt- On

steeply inclined faces of calcareous rocks at ca. sun- exposed twigs of Ptstacia and Ceratonia near

400 m, rare crsB).                                the coast (TSB) .

Hommage scientifique à G. Clauzade
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