Page 3 - lichen_floristics_Italy_VII
P. 3
The Lichens of Marettimo (Egadi lslands, Sicily) 249
paper presents a briefly commented list of ali slopes of M. Falcone, where some patches of a
species of lichens and lichenicolous fungi found on relatively well-developed wood with Quercus ilex
the island. Severa! lic.hens (e.g. Calop/.aca species) are stili preserved. More or less isolated specimens
and many parasitic fungi are still unidentified. The
samples are preserved in CLU ( D. PUNTIUO), GZU of Q. ilex are also scattered along the northwestem
(J . POELT), PAL (D. 01TONEU.O) and TSB (P. L. Nimis slopes, above the village of Marettimo. Ceratonia
& M. TRETIACH). Some selected species were siliqua is stili cultivated near the village, and
distributed by VÈZDA (Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati and reforest.ations of Pinus balepensts cover minor areas
Licbenes Rariores Exstccatt). The main aim of this
list is to provide an example of the lichen flora of a on the northwestem slopes. For more information
humid, calcareous Mediterraoean island.
Nomenclature mostly follows NlMIS (1993). on the vascular flora and vegetation see fRANCJNI &
MESSER! (1956) and BRULLO & MARCENO (1982).
Floristic List
Survey area Acrocordia conoidea (Fr .) Kòrber- On
limestone, mostly in underhangs (CLU, GZU, TSB).
The island of Marettimo (Isole Egadi, Prov. of
Acrocordia gemmata (Ac h .) Massai. -
Trapani, Sicily) is located west of Sicily, ca. 15km Restricted to the highest parts o f the island, o n
from Favignana Island and 35 km from the Sicilia n Quercus ilex, rare (TSB).
mainland. The island (Fig. 1) has a rhomboidal Agonimia tristicula (Nyl.) Zahlbr. - On
shape , oriented in a NW-SE direc tion, is 7.5 km epilithic mosses at Ficarella and near Marettimo
long and 2.5 krn wide, has a total area of 12 km2, (CLU, GZU, TSB).
and a perimeter of ca. 18km. The morphology is
very rugged, the island being mostly occupied by Amandinea punc tata (Hoffm .) Coppins &
steep rocky hiUs rapidly rising to a height of 868 m Scheid. On Q. ilex at 500 m . The A . punctata-
at Mt. Falcone. complex needs a revision i our materia! is not
identica! to epiphytic samples from northem Italy
Mesozoic Iimestones are the prevailing substrata i ITSB).
the platform on whicb the island is placed consists
of Triassic white or grey dolomite, which outcrops Anaptycbia ciliarls (L.) Massai. - Especially
along the western coast and at the end of the on branc.hes of Q. ilex in the highest parts of the
northeastern coast. The upper part of the island is island, not very common (GZU, PAL, TSB).
made up of liasic crystalline limestones of various
nature, sometimes containing bands and nodules of Anema decipiens (Massai.) Forss. - On
jasper (ABATE & al., 1982). calcareous rocks, not common (TSB).
According to OnONELLO & MERLO 0991) , the Anema nummulQrlum (Duf.) Nyl. - On rather
climate is of the temperate humid Medite rranean shaded calcareous rocks with periodica! percolation
type, witb a dry summer. The highest parts of the ofwater, not common (CLU, GZU, TSB).
island experience frequent fogs, which probably
gives pronounced oceanic features to the local Anema prodigula (Nyl.) Clauz. & Roux- On
limestone, on a weakly inclined surface with
Mos t of the island is covered by macchia periodica! percolation of water, at FicareUa (TSB).
vegetation, with domlnating Pistacia lentiscus, Identification uncertain for lack of reference
Cistus incanus, Erica multiflora and Dapbne materia! ; our samples at least correspond with the
sericea. The lower ridges are covered by a garrigue description. The species was known only from
dominateci by Rosmarinus officinalis, Senecio southem France. New to Italy.
cineraria, Ruta cbalepensis, Eupborbia dendroides.
Chasmophytic vegetation is particularly interesting Artbonia cinnabarina (DC.) Wallr. - On the
in the upland ridges, hosting species such as trunks of Q. ilex, restricted to high elevations, rare
Brassica macrocarpa, Scabiosa limonifolia, (CLU, GZU, PAL, TSB).
Bup/eurum dtantbifoltum, Scilla bugbii, Eupborbla
papillaris and Micromeria fruticulosa. Natura! Artbonia clemens (Tul.) Th. Fr. - Parasitic on
woody vegetation is restricted to the no rthwestem Lecanora albescens near the viiJage (GZU).
Artbonia cretacea Zahlbr. - On calcareous
rocks, on steeply incllned to underhanging, rather
shaded surfaces (CLU, GZU, TSB). New to Italy.
Artboni.a exilis (Flòrke) Anzi - Epiphytic on
Frul/.ania at P.ta Ansini (GZU).
Hommage scientifique à G. Clauzade