Page 4 - lichen_floristics_Italy_VII
P. 4

r                                                        Nimis et al.


   Artbonia impolita (Hoffm.) Borrer - On an old            Bacidia cir c umsp ecta (Norrlin & Nyl.)
Q. i/exat500m, on the underside of a large branch,
                                                         Malme- A widespread, but generally rare species
only one sample, evidently rare (TSB).
                                                         of eutrophic bark ; for ltaly it was known only from
   Artbonia meridionalis Zahlbr. - On shaded
                                                         a single statico in Tuscany (TSB).
calcareous rocks near the coast, not uncommon
(GZU, TSB).                                                Bacidia fraxinea Lònnr. - On the branches of
                                                         shrubs in the macchia near the coast, not common
   Artbopyrenia cerasi (Schrader) Massai.- With
Catillarla mediterranea on the smooth bark of            (TSB).

branches in the macchia (GZU).                              Bacidia laurocerasi (Duby) Zahlbr. - On
                                                         Quercus ilex above 400 m ; a widespread aero·
   Artbopyre nia cine re opruinos a (Schaerer)
Massai.- On the branches of Q. ilexat 500 m (TSB).       hygrophytic species (TSB, GZU).

   Artbotbelium croaz.alsia,um (B. de Lesd.) B.            Bacidia roseUa (Pers.) De Not. - Ooly found
                                                         once, on the twigs of Q. ilex i n the upland
de Lesd- On Morus and smooth- barked shrubs,
not uncommon (fSB). Del. M. GRUBE & M. GIRALT.           woodland (ISB).

   A spicilia calcarea ( L.) Mudd- On calcareous           Bacidia rubeUa (Hoffm.) Massai. - Only found
                                                         once, on the trunks of more or less isolated, old Q.
rocks in exposed, moderately eutrophicated               ilexat ca. 350m (TSB).
situations (GZU, PAL, TSB).
                                                           Bacidia subaceritra Vainio - A subatlaotic,
  Aspic ilia cberesina ( MOII.Arg.) H ue - On
dolomite in the highest parts of rhe island, growing     rather rare species; most of the hitherro known
on Aspicilia calcarea, rather rare (GZU, TSB).           records were from mountain areas (GZU). Der. A.

  A spicilia contorta ( Hoffm.) Krempelh. ssp.           Vézda.
c ontorta - On exposed calcareous rocks,                   Bacidina pbacodes (Kòrber) Vézda - On the

especially at the top of boulders, not common (PAL,      wood of Q. ilexabove 400m (PAL, TSB).
TSB).                                                      Bactrospora patellarioides (Nyl.) Almq. -

  Aspicilia contorta ssp.,ia"a Ekman            Quite common on smooth bark , throughout the

& Fròberg - On calcareous rocks, especially near         ìsland, both on the twigs of shrubs and on Q. ilex
the village (fSB).
  A spiciUa radiosa (H offm .) Poelt & Leuck. -
                                                           Buellia griseovirens (Sm .) Almb . - On the
On limestone at Capraro, not common (GZU, TSB).          bark of Q. ilexat ca. 400m, rare (TSB).

  Aspicilia viridesce"s (Massai.) Hue- Our                 Caloplaca adelpboparasitica Nimis & Poelt
specimens seem to be distinct from A . contorta s.       spec. nov. - Parasitica in thallis Caloplacae
str., and especially from ssp. hoffmanntana, with
                                                         cretensis, insula.s rotundatas, ad 5 mm latas, saepe
which the species was frequently found together.
On the island it is quite commo n o n calcareous         conjluentes efficiens. Thallus a reolatus, areolis
rocks, especially at lower elevations (GZU, TSB).        tenuibus, acutis planis pallide rosacet-aurantiacis.
                                                         Apothecia p a rva, su bimmersa ad dense adnata,
   Bagliettoa cazzae (Zahlbr.) Vèzda & Poelt -           plerumque singularia, 0.2-0.4 mm in diam., discis
                                                         planis ad leviter convexis rosacei-aurantiacis et
On dolomite at 600m, not common (PAL, TSB).              marginibus p rimum distinctis, demum indistinctis.
                                                         Areolae subparap lecten chymatice constructae;
   Bagliettoa limborioides Massai. - On                  medulla Apothecia plerumque biatorina, sed

limestone between Marettimo and Ficarella (GZU).         saepe straJo algifero insidentia, raro algis in excipukJ

   Baglie ttoa parmigera - Common at high                inclusis. Excipulum tenue, saepe indistinctum.
                                                         Hymenium ca. 80mm altum. Parapbyses 1.5-2 14m
elevaùons, restricted to rather sheltered situations in  crassae, a d aptces levtter incrassatae et
lowland areas (GZU, TSB).                                conglutinatae. Sporae octonae, sed saepe pauciores
                                                         maturae, plerumque late ellipsoideae, ca. 105-12x
   Bagliettoa parmigerella (Zahlbr.) Vezda &             6.5-8 J.lm, parietibus apicalibus distincte incrassatis
                                                         et septis aliquid incrassatis.
Poelt - On limestone and dolomite, rarer near the
                                                            Typus, Italia, Isole Egadi, Marettimo: Ficarella, NW
coast, where it is restricted to shaded situations,
much more frequent above 400 m (PAL, TSB).               Mareu.imo, in saxis calcareis, ca. 300m, 28.3 .1991,

   Bacidia absistens (Nyl.) Arnold - On Quercus          Leg.J. POELT (holotypus : GZU, isotypus : TSB).
t/ex. Marettimo is the southemmost known station
                                                           Thallus parasitic on the grey thalli of Caloplaca
for this Mediterranean- Aùantic, rare spedes (GZU,       cretensis, consisting of roundish, up to 5 mm wide
TSB). Det. A. VÈZDA.

  Bacidia arceutina (Ach.) Arnold - Epiphytic

(GZU). Der. A. VEZDa.

Bull. Soc. linn. Provence, t. 45, 1994
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