Page 6 - lichen_floristics_Italy_VII
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252 Nimis et al.
Caloplaca bolocarpa (Ach.) Wade - On completely in HO. Exdpulum consisting of more or
Ceratonia and on Pistacia; this is C. bolocarpa s. lat, less radially to irregularly arranged, strongly swollen
tbe whole complex is in need of revislon (PAL, TSB). hyphae, that neither give rise to a recognizable
paraplectenchymatic structure, nor to a true cortex.
Caloplaca tnconnexa (Nyl.) Zahlbr. - On Alga! clumps are irregularly scattered in the
Aspicilia vin'descens and A . calcarea, not common excipulum. Hymenium ca. lOOmm tali. Paraphyses
(GZU, PAL, TSB). loose, ca 1.5 ~m thick, the Jast 2-3 cells larger, the
apical celi ca 8 pm thick, more or less sphericaJ,
Caloplaca lactea (Massai.) Zahlbr. - On small covered by epipsamma. Spores 8 per ascus, of very
calcareous pebbles near the viUage, less frequent irregular form, narrowly to broadly elliptic to atmost
man C. mannorata (CLU, PAL, TSB). rounded, 8- 16 x 4-8 ~m . with thick septa ,
measuring 3-5 pm.
Caloplaca limonia Nimis & Poelt spec. nov. -
1ballus latus, demum indistincte areolatus, areolis The new species is formally related with
tenuibus subplanis, et marginibus saepe crenatis- Caloplaca citrina. However, lhe areolae are never
sublobulatis, superficie flava, demu.m blastidlatis, subpeltate, the blastidia are larger than the soredia of
blastidiis comparate crassis. Apothecia subimmersa C. citrina and develop very early at the surface of
ad subpedicellata, crassula, discis planis ocbracerr the areolae; Lhe apotheciaJ di.scs are light brown, the
juscis et marglnibus cra.ssis, demum reclusis, laevi- excipulum has a very irregular structure, and consists
bus ad blastidiatis, primum simplicibus, demu.m of strongly swollen hyphae, without the clear
zeorinis. Superficies tballi blastidiorumque cristallis paraplectenchymatic structure typical of C. citrina.
comparate magnis tecta. Blastidia cortice impeifec- In TSB there is a collection from Taormina (Sicily), in
to tnstructa . Exctpulum bypbis plus e which C. citrina and C. limonia grow together : they
radtantibus, demum indistinctis conglutinatisque appear as distinct at flrst sight, and no transitional
constructum, numquam paraplectencbyma.tlcum, form is evident. On Marettimo C. limonia is fairly
tunnas algarum irregulariter distributas includens. frequent : we have collections from the following
Hymenium ca. JOOmm a/tum. Parapbyses laxae, localities : Capraro, Falcone and Ficarella ; in one
cellulis 2-3 apicalibus plus minusve inflatis. Sporae collectioo the lichen is growing on soli.
fonna variabiles, anguste ad late e/lipsoideae, septis
subcrassts. Caloplaca marina (Wedd.) Du Rietz - On
limestone near Lhe coast, with C. ora (GZU, TSB).
Typus : Italia, Isole Egadi, M.arettimo : Marettimo
gegen Punta Ansini, 200-300m, 25.3.1991. Leg. ). Caloplaca marmorata (Bagl.) )atta - On
POELT (holotypus: GZU, isotypus : TSB). sun-exposed, small calcareous pebbles near the
village (GZU, TSB).
Thallus generally wide, up to 10 cm diam., pale
yellow, initially irregularly cracked-areolate, Caloplaca ora Poelt & Nimis- On ca1careous
areolae of 1-2 mm diam., of irregular shape , rocks near the coast. This species, described from
relatìvely lhin. Latera) areolae with finely crenulate Sardinia (NIMIS & POELT, 1987), is widespread along
to lobulate margin ; lobules 0.1 (-0.2) wide, slightly the western Mediterranean coasts, generally on
convex and often weakly pruinose. Yellow l>lastidia siliceous rocks. The occurreoce on limestone is not
start developing from the whole surface of the surprising, as many lichens of the aerohyaJine belt
areolae very early, so lhat very soon the areolae are are often little substrate-specific (GZU).
homogeneou sl y and completely covered by ealoplaca polycarpa (Massai.) Zahlbr. - Oo
blastidia. Apothecia sparse, initia ll y slightly
immersed, then protrudent and with constricted endolithìc Bagliettoa species, quite rare, and
basis, rather thick, ca. 0 .5- 1 mm diam ., round, restricted to relatively sheltered situations (GZU,
initially with homogeneously thick margin, later PAL, TSB).
with a zeorine structure, i.e. with a thin proper
margin coloured as the disk, and a thick, initially Caloplaca saxtcola ( Hoffm .) Nordin - On
smooth, then more or less blastidiate thalline
margin, which in very old apothecia can disappear dolomite oear the coast Not very typica1 ; this is at
completely. Disc more or less flat, light brown. least C. saxicola s. lat. (GZU, TSB).
Thallus anatomically weakly differentiated. Caloplaca subocbracea (Wedd.) Werner -
Blastidia of ca. 40 - 80 mm diam ., irregul arly
This species is generally known as being
rounded , with an incomplete hyphal sheath covered calcicolous . On the is land it is perhaps more
by relatively large crystals, wbich dissolve common on bark, especially of Pistacia. SeveraJ
epiphytic samples from the Centrai Tyrrhenian
coasts, even from non-calcareous areas, are
Bult. Soc. linn. Provence, t. 45. 1994