Page 11 - lichen_floristics_Italy_VII
P. 11

The Lichens of Marettimo (Egadi lslands, Sicily)        257

   Pertusaria amara v. pulvinata (Erichsen)                Pbysconia perlsidiosa (Erichsen) Moberg -
Almb. - With Ùle previous variety, not uncommon         Epiphytic, mostly on Q. ilex, restricted to the highest
(TSB).                                                  parts ofthe island (CLU, GZU, TSB).

   Pertusaria constricta Erichsen - Not                    Placidiops is cinerascens (Nyl.) O . Breuss-
unfrequeru o n smooth bark, especially above 450 m      On soil in open grassla nds and garrigue vegetatio n,
(GZU, TSB) .                                            not common (CLU, GZU, TSB). Det. O. Breuss.

   Pertusaria bemispbaerica (Flo rke)                      Placyntbium Hsmorense (Crombie) Vainio -
Erichsen - Only found once, on the trunk of Q.          On calcareous rocks at Ficarella, s terile. Our
ilexat ca . 450m (TSB) .                                materia! which is sterile, corresponds fairly well, but
                                                        not complete ly, with that distributed by HENSSEN,
  Pertusaria beterocbroa (Miili.Arg.)                   Lich. Cyanoph. 73 (GZU). As we have no idea ofthe
Erichsen - On branc hes , mostly o f Q. i/ex , at       natura! variability of this species, the identification
higber elevatio ns, not uncommon (GZU, TSB).            must be regarded as tentative. New to ltaly.

  PertusarùJ bymenea (Ach .) Schaerer - Mostly             Placyntbium nigrum (Hudson) Gray - On a
on the rough bark of Q. ilex above 450m, not rare       calcareous wa ll, also overgrowing soil, in a shaded
(TSB).                                                  situation, rare (PAL, TSB) .

  PertusarùJ leucostoma (Bemh.) MassaJ. - On              Placyntbium subradiatum (Nyl.) Arno!d - On
Q. t/ex, especially on the smooth bark of young
branches, mostly at higher elevations (TSB).            limestone, in a steeply inclined surface with
                                                        periodica! p e rcolatio n of water, ce rta inl y not
  Pertusaria pertusa auc t . - O n Q. ilex ,            common (TSB).
restricted to the highest parts of the island, common
(TSB).                                                     Polyblastia rou:xiana Vezda & Vivant- On

  Petractis luetkemuelleri (Zalùbr.) Vezda - On         soil in the macchia at ca. 350m. This terricolous
dolomite near the coast, in shaded situations (GZU,     species was prevìously known only from lowland
TSB).                                                   areas of SW France (CLU, GZU, TSB). New to ltaly.

  Petractis tbelotremella (Bagl.) Vezda - On              Porina aenea (Wallr.) Zahlbr. - On twigs of Q.
limestone and dolomite at ca. 350m (CLU, TSB).          ile.x at ca . 400 m, only locally abundant, otherwise

  Pbaeopbyscta orbicularis ( Nec ker)                   rare (CLU, TSB) .
Moberg- Found only o nce, at the base of Pinus, in         Porina borreri (Trevisan) D. Hawksw. & P.
a clearly eutrophicated situatlo n (TSB).
                                                        James - On limestone, in a shaded niche, at 400 m
  Pbarcidia calcariae (Flagey) Vouaux-                  (TSB) .
Parasitic on Aspicilia calcarea (GZU).
                                                           Porina byssopbila (Korber) Zahlbr . - On
  Pblyctis agelaea (Ach.) Flotow - Much rarer           caJcareous rocks (GZU).
than the following, speàes, and restriaed to Q. ilexin
the most humid woodlands at higher elevations              Porina linearis ( Leighton) Zahlbr. - Quite
(TSB) .                                                 common o n limestone and dolomite, especìally in

  Pblyctis argena (Sprengel) Flotow - Restricted        shaded, sheltered situations, aJso on underhanging
to the trunks and thick branches of Q. ilex, from ca.   surfaces (CLU, PAL, TSB).
300 m to the to p of Mt. Falcone, locally frequent
(GZU, PAL, TSB).                                           Porlna olerlana (MassaJ.) Lettau - On limestone
                                                        at ca. 450m, in a very shaded situatioo (TSB) .
  Pbyscia adscendens (Fr.) H. Olivier - Rather
common, especìall y at the base of trun ks of              Protoblastenia incrustans (DC.) Steiner - On
Ceratonia, in eutrophicated situations (PAL, TSB).      limestone and cement, near the village CTSB).

  Pbyscia clementei (Turner) Maas Gest. -                 Protoblastenia rupestris (Scop.) Steiner- On
GeneraJly rare, but locally very abundant in some       calcareous rocks at hìgher elevations, rare (GZU).
upland ridges exposed to humid wìnds, o n the
branches of shrubs in the macchia (GZU, PAL, TSB).         Pseudopannaria marcii (B. de Lesd .)
                                                        Zahlbr. - On soil at Capraro and above 500 at M.
  Pbyscia semipinnata (Gmelin) Moberg -                 Falcone. This species was hìtherto known only from
Commo n on branches of shrubs in the macchia (TSB).     southern France . Our materia! is sterile, but complies
                                                        well with the description (GZU). New to Italy.
  Pbyscia tenella (Scop.) DC. - MostJy epiphytic,
                                                           Psora decipiens (Hedwig) Hoffm. - On soil in
on branches, throughout the island. One sample          open grasslands, espe cially common between 300
was growing with Xanthoria ; the two specimens          and 500m (UU, GZU, PAL, TSB).
originated from the same thallus CTSB, GZU).
                                                           Psoroticbia allobrogensis Hue - On
                                                        limesto ne near the coast ; identification uncertain for

Hommage scientifique à G. Clauzade
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