Page 15 - lichen_floristics_Italy_VII
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The Lichens ot Marettimo (Egadi lslands. Sicily)         261

  aod 41.7 % of lhe lichens, terricolous species being   and periods of fog. On the shrubs of the macchia
  only 13.7 % of the total. Compared with the lichen     there is a well-developed, heliophytic community
  flora of the calcareous Tremiti Islands (NIMIS,
  1985b), which, not exceeding 200m altitude, host       with such species as Teloschtstes chrysophthalmus,
 only 123 species, the flora of Marettimo is much        Parmotrema reticulatum, Pyrrhospora quernea,
 richer and much more interesting. Its d iversity        Ramalina canariensis, R. lacera, R. pusilla, R.
 resembles that of the island of Capraia, in the         roesleri, R. subgeniculata, Xanthoria steineri.
 Tuscan Archipelago, which has a similar altitudinal     Locally, in wind-swept ridges subject to humid air
                                                         currents, or in more sheltered situations, Tomabea
 range and a similar size, but is made up of siliceous   scutellifera and Physcia clementei are abundant.
 substrata : for Capraia NIMIS & al. (1990) have         The rare, more or less isolated trees at middle
 reported 301 species of Jichens.                        elevations host severa! widespread and common,
                                                         temperate species which are quite rare on the
    The high diversity of the lichen flora of Marettimo  island, as most spedes of Parmelia. Terricolous
 is certainly due to three main facto rs : a) t he       vegetation i.s best developed in this belt, where it is
 relatively undisturbed environment, b) the generally    quite rìch; besides spedes such as Catapyrenium
 high air humidity, c) the relatively pronounced         squamulosum, Cladonia joliacea, C. rangiformis,
 altitudinal range. During the excursion we had to       Col/ema tenax, Diploschistes muscorum, Psora
 climb up several times through the steep slopes         decipiens, Squamarina cartilaginea and Toninta
 above Marettimo, from sea level to more than BOOm.      aromatica, which are widespread throughout the
 Already in the field, it was quite dear that lichens    island, tbe following lichens are restricted to or have
 allowed to subdivide this altitudinal gradient into     their optimum at middle elevations : Gatapyrenium
                                                         ptlosellum, Fulgensia fulgida , F. subbracteata,
 three main belts, each with a different climatic        Gloeoheppia turgtda, P/actdìopsis ctnerascens,
 situation and with a set of characteristic species :    Polyblastia rouxiana, Tontnia albilabra, T. taurlca,
                                                         Squamarina concrescens, S. lentigera, 7be/ocarpon
   a)Upland areas, from ca. 500 to BOOm. These are       macchiae, Topelia rosea, Verrucarla geophila.
 the most humid parts of the island, with frequent
 stagnation of fog and with the last remnants of a          c)Coastal area, from sea level to ca. 250m. This
 well-developed woody vegetation. They have the          belt is under the direct influence of the sea.
 highest incidence of suboceanic species; the humid      Epiphytic vegetation is less luxuriant, but many
woodland with Q. tlex, fully exposed to the              coastal species occur on more or less shaded
frequent fogs, hosts a well-developed epiphytic
vegetation with such species as Degelia plumbea,         calcareous rocks exposed to humid, salt-loaded
Dimerella lutea, Gyalecta derivata, Heterodermia         winds. The epiphytic vegetation is less well
Jeucomelos, Lobaria pulmonaria, Nephroma
laevigatum, Pachyphiale carneo/a, Peltigera              characterized ; cultivated trees near the village host,
collina, Strigula stigmate/la, Teloschistes flavicans,   together with the common Dirina ceratoniae,
Thelotrema lepadinum, Usnea articulata,                  several widespread Xantborion species, which are
Zamenhofta coralloidea, Zamenhofta hibemica.
Epigaeic vegetation is mostly characterized by the       otherwise rare on the island, whereas on the shrubs
local occurrence of thick mats of Cladonia ciliata f.    of the macchia fruticose and foliose Jichens are
tenuis, C. mediterranea and C. subsquamosa;              quite scarce. The shrubs, however, host some
species restricted to epilithic vegetation of upland     interesting crustose species such as Arthothelium
areas are Asptcilia cheresina, Hymenelia similìs,        sardoum, Lecanora rubicunda, Opegrapha
Strlgula porinoides, and dominant are endolithic         ochrocincta, Thelenella modesta and Thelopsis
lichens such as species of Bagliettoa and, in more       jlaveola. The most peculiar lichens of lowland areas
shaded situations, of Porina ; some decalcified rock     are epilithic species bound to coastal environments ;
outcrops host a few normally silicicolous species        besides the common and widespread Dirina
such as Haematomma ocbroleucum v. porphyrium,            massiliensis, Lecanactis grumulosa and Roccella
Lecanora campestris, L. sulphurea, Ochrolechia           phycopsis we find such species as Arthonta
parella, Tephromela atra v. cypria.                      meridionalis, Calop/aca marina, C. ora, C.
                                                         thamnoblasta, Dirina cyclosora, Jngaderia
   b)Intermediate belt, from ca. 250 to 500m. This       troglodytica, Lecanora lisbonensis, Opegrapha
narrow belt is certainly less humid, and devoid of       durleui, O. mougeotii, Petractts luetkemuellerl and
                                                         Thelopsis istaca, mostly occurring on shaded ,
well-developed woody stands ; the lichen flora           steeply inclined calcareous rocks, and the two
suggests an alternation between dry, sunny periods,

Hommage scientifique à G. Clauzade
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