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260 Nimis et al.

   Tonìnia aronuJtica (Sm .) Massai. - On soil in         Verrucaria geopbila Zahlbr. - O n soil in
                                                       open garrigue vegetation (GZU, TSB).
open grassla nds, commo n throughout the isla nd
(GZU, TSB).                                               Verrucaria boc bstetteri Fr. - Only found a
                                                       few times, but quite typìcal , o n limesto ne and
   Toninia epìsenuJ (Nyl.) Timdal - Pa rasitic on      dolomite in rather shaded situations, and at hìgher
Aspicilia calcarea, rather common (GZU, TSB).          elevations (TSB).

   Toninìa sedifolia (Scop .) Timdal - On soil,           Verrucaria lecideoides (Massai.) Trevisan -
throughout the island, but not very abundant (GZU,     At the top of calcareous boulde rs, in e utrophicated
PAL, TSB).                                             situations (TSB).

   Toninìa taurica (Sza t.) Oxner - On soil in            Verrucaria nuJcrostoma DC. - On limestone
open grasslands and in ftssures o f calcareous rocks,  walls near the village (GZU, PAL, TSB).
fo und only above 300m (TSB) .
                                                          Verrucaria muralis Ach. - On limestone walls
   Tonìnia tristis (Th. Fr.) Th. Fr. - Only found      near the vilJage (PAL, TSB).
once , on red soil at ca. 400m (TSB).
                                                          Verrucaria nigrescens Pe rs. - On limestone
   Toninia tumidula (Sm.) Zahlbr. - On calcareous      a nd do lomite, in rather eutrophicated situations,
                                                       rather frequent (CLU, PAL, TSB).
rocks at bigher elevations, quite rare (GZU, TSB).
   Topelia beterospora (Zahlbr.) P. M. j 0rg. &           Verrucaria gr. belveticorum - On Caloplaca
                                                       jlavescens(GZlJ). New to Italy.
Vezda - On sbaded calcareous rocks (GZU). New to
Italy.                                                    Xantboria calcico/a Oxner - Frequent at the
                                                       to p of exposed calcareous bou lders (GZU, PAL,
   Top elìa ros ea (Servit) P. M . j 0rg. & Vèzda -    TSB).
Q uite com mo n , e s pecially at inte rmediate
elevations, on rock, soil an d mosses; an ephemeral      Xantboria ectaneoides (Nyl.) Zahlbr - On the
species (CLU, GZU, TSB).                               to p o f calcareous bo ulders near the coast. This
                                                       perhaps heterogeneous spedes is characterized by
   Tornabea scuteUifera (With.) l.aundon - Only        the narrow , strap - shaped lobes (TSB) .
locally common , at ca. 400 m, on Q. ilex and on
bra nc hes of shrubs in rather s helte red situations    Xantboria parietina ( L.) Th . Fr. - On
(CLU, GZU, PAL, TSB).                                  Ceratonia near the village, locally common (GZU,
                                                       PAL, TSB).
   Trapelia corticola Coppins & P. j ames - On
Q. i/exat ca. SOOm, rare (PAL, TSB).                     Xantboria steinerl Lamb - On the branches of
                                                       shrubs in the low macchia. Thallus and spores of
   Usnea articulata ( L.) Ho ffm . - On Q. ilex,       this species are smaller than those of X. parletina.
                                                       X . st etnerl is perhaps more wides p read in the
restricted to the highest parts of the island, and to  southern part of the Mediterranean region. (GZU,
N- facing slopes(CLU, GZU, PAL, TSB) .                 TSB) . New to Italy.

   Usnea filipendula Stirton s . lat. - Epiphytic,       Xantboriicola pbysciae (Kalkbr.) D.
only at higher elevations (TSB) .                      Hawk..c;w. - Parasitic on Xanthorla steinerl (CLU,
   Usnea rubìcunda Stirton - O n Q. ilex ,
sometimes on shrubs, restricted to the highest parts      Voauxiella licbenicola ( Lindsay) Petr. &
of the island (CLU, GZU, PAL, TSB).                    Syd. - On Lecanora horiza at ca. 400 m (GZU).

   Verrucarla ampbibìa Cleme nte - A maritime            Zamenbofia coralloidea (P. ja mes) Clauz. &
s pecies, on cal careous rocks , perio dical ly        Roux - Found o n ly once , to ge ther with the
s ubmerged, near the village (GZU, PAL, TSB).          following species (TSB).

   Verrucaria aspiciliicola R. Sant. - Parasitic         Zamenbofia bibernica (P. james & Swinscow)
on Aspicilia calcarea, not uncommon (GZU, TSB).        Cla uz. & Roux - Found only o nce, a bundantly
                                                       coverìng the trunks of a few old specimens of Q.
   Verrucaria calciseda a uct. non DC. - On            ilex at ca. 400m (TSB). New to Italy.
limestone, throughout the island, but apparently not
very common (PAL, TSB).                                               Discussion and Conclusion
                                                          The previous list ind udes 291 taxa. Of these, 278
   Verrucaria cyanea Massai. - On limestone            a re lichen ized fu ngi , a nd 13 n on - lichenized
and dolomite in rather shaded situations, especially   lichenicolo us fu ngi. Bark a nd rock a re the most
in the highest pa rts of the island (TSB).             important substrata, hosting, respectively, 44.6 %

   Verrucaria dinarica Zahlbr. - On limestone.
Complies with the description (GZU). New to ItaJy.

   Verru c aria fus c ula Nyl. - Pa rasiric o n
Aspicilia calcarea, q uite commo n throughout the
island (CLU, GZU, TSB).

Bull. Soc. linn. Provence. t. 45, 1994
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