Page 10 - lichen_floristics_Italy_VII
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256 Nimis et al.

roccellic acids, and traces o f fumarprotocetraric         Opegrapba o c brocincta Werne r - On the
acid .                                                  twigs of shrubs in the macchia , mostly near the
                                                        coast ( PAL, TSB).
   Leptogium licbenoide s (L.) Zahlbr. - On
epigaeic mosses, rather common throughout the             Opegrapba mouge otii Massai. - With O.
island (PAl, TSB).                                      durleui, locally not uncommon (CLU, TSB).

   Licbenodiplis lecanorae (Vouaux) Dyko & D.             Opegrapba rupestrls Pers. - Our samples,
Hawksw. - Paras itic on Caloplaca subochracea           growing o n Asp icilia ca lcarea, correspond to O.
(GZU).                                                  parasitica ( Massai.) H. Olivier (GZU).

   Ltcbenostigma rugosum Thor - Parasitic on              Opegrapba pbysciaria Nyl. - Pa rasitic on
Dtploschtstes muscorum at ca. 500 m (GZU).              Xan tborla parietina, rare (GZU).

   Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm.- On Q. ilex             Pacbypbiale carneola (Ach .) Amold - Found
in the humid wood on the N-side of M. Falcone,          only once, on the shaded trunk of a relatively old Q.
rare (PAL, TSB).                                        ilex, a( ca. 450 m (TSB).

   Melaspilea poetarum (de Not. & Bagl.) Nyl. -           Parmelia caperata (L.) Ach. - On more or less
On Pistacia at Cala Marino, rare (GZU).                 isolate d Q. t/ex, moslly at higher e le vations, not
                                                        common (GZU, TSB).
  Micarea peliocarpa (Anzi) Coppins & R.
Sant. - On Q. ilex at ca. 550 m, only found once          Parmelia quercina (Willd.) Vainio - Rare on
(TSB).                                                  the braoches of Q. ilexabove 400 m (TSB).

   Mue llerella licbenicola (Sommerf.) D .                Parmelia soredians Nyl. - On the trunks of Q.
Hawks w . - Parasitic on Caloplaca subochracea          ilex , restricted to intermediate e levation s, rare
   MueUereUa pygmaea (Korber) D. Hawksw. v.
pygmQea - (GZU).                                          Parmelia subaurife ra Nyl. - Only fo und
                                                        once, o n the trunk of Q. ilexat ca . 350m (fSB) .
   MueUereUa pygmQea v. atballitUJ - (GZU).
  Mycobilimbia bypnorum (Liberl) Kalb &                   Parmelia s ubrudecta Nyl. - Perhaps the most
                                                        frequent Parmelia o n the island, b ut never
Haf.- On èp igaeic and epilithic mosses, mosùy          abundant, and restricted to higher elevations (CLU,
above 450 m (CLU, GZU, TSB).                            GZU, TSB).

  My c obilimbla sabule torum (Schreber)                  Parmelia sulcata Taylor- Rare on Q. t/ex at
Hafellner - On epigaeic mosses above 350m (CLU,         ca. 500 m (fSB).
                                                          Parmelia tiliacea (Hoffm.) Ach. - Rare on Q.
  Mycomicrothelia confusa D. Hawksw. - A                i/exabove 450 m (fSB).
western, probably Mediterraoean-AtJantic species.
Our samples, collected at P.ta Ansini, are clearly        ParmotremQ cbinense (Osbeck) Hale & Ahti-
lichenized (GZU).
                                                        Common, especially on the twigs of shrubs in the
   Nepbroma laevigatum Ac h. - On Q. ilex in            macchia at inte rmediate e levations, but also on Q.
the upland woodlaod, very rare (GZU, TSB).
                                                        ilex a n d , in the h ighest parts of the island , on
   Normandina pulcbella (Borrer) Nyl. - O n
Frullania on Q. ilex, restricted to rugher elevations,  epilithic mosses in windy, h umid ridges; most
locally abundant (PAL, TSB).                            specimens have very lo ng , a bundant cilia (CLU,
                                                        GZU, PAL, TSB).
   Ocbrolecbia pareUa (L.) Massal. - Only found
o n superficially decalcified dolomite, ra re (GZU,       Parmotrema reticulatum (Taylor) Choisy-
TSB) .
                                                        Most frequent, and locally abundant, on shrubs at
  Ocbrolecbia subviridis (Hòeg) Erichsen - O n          intermediate elevations (GZU, TSB).
Q. ilexat ca. 550 m, rare (GZU, TSB).
                                                          Peccania coralloides (Massai.) Massai. - On
  Opegrapba atra Pers. - Common on the                  li mestone between Ma rettim o and Fica re ll a ,
branches of shrubs in the macchia (GZU, TSB).           certainly not commoo (TSB) .

  Opegrapba calcare a Sm. - Common                        Pelh'gera coUina (Ach.) Schrader- On rhe mossy
everywbere on somewhat shaded calcareous rocks          trunk of an old Q. ilexat ca. 500m, very rare (TSB).
                                                          Pertusaria albesce ns (Hudson) M. Cboisy &
  Opegrapba durieui Mo nt. - Restricte d to the         We mer- On Q. ilex, restricted to higher elevations
coast, on limesto ne and dolomite , mostly on steeply
inclined, shaded surfaces (GZU, TSB) .                    Pe rtusaria amara v. amara (Ach .) Nyl. -
                                                        Very common on Q. ilex above 400 m, sometimes
                                                        also o n epiphytic mosses (TSB).

Bull. Soc. linn. Provence, t. 45, 1994
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