Page 8 - lichen_floristics_Italy_VII
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254 Nimis et al.

Atlantic species which, for Italy, was hitherto known       crystals are soluble in HCI, while the smaller do not
from Sardinia and Sicily only (GZU).                        dissolve in the medulla. Cortex 20- 30 mm tali, with
                                                            large granules dissolving in K. AJgae (Trentepohlla)
   Collema nigrescens (Hudson) DC. - Very rare              abuodantly preseot. Our lichen beiog sterile, ìts
on Q. i/ex at ca. 450 m (TSB).                              generic anribution is oo t certain ; judging from the
                                                            thallus structure, it should belong in Dtrlna. In the
   Collema polycarpon Hoffm. ssp. corcyrense                field it clearly differs from neighbouring specimens of
(Arnold) Pisut - On limestone, not common (TSB).            Dtrlna massiltensis f. sorediata (Mull.Arg.) TehJer in
                                                            the thicker thallus and in the perfectly round soralia.
   CoUema tenax (Sw.) Ach. - On soil and over               Differential are also the complernentary reactions to
epigaeic mosses, rather commo n throughout the              C of the thallus a nd medulla. According to TEHl.ER
island (GZU, PAL, TSB).                                     (1983) sorediate forms of Dirlna immersa Mtill. Arg.
                                                            were never fo und, and, if they s ho uld exist, they
   Degelia plumbea ( Lightf.) P . M. j0rg. & P .            wou ld be difficult to separate fr o m those o f D .
Ja mes - Restricted to Q. i/ex in the woodland, in          massiliensis. An indication that a sorediate form from
the upper parts ofthe island, rare (TSB) .                  D. immersa should exist wo uld be a C+ red reaction
                                                            of the medulla. Our new species, however, differs
   Dimerella lutea (Dickson) Trevisan - Very rare           fro m D . immersa in the C- reactio n of the cortex.
on Q. i/exat ca. SOOm (CLU, TSB).
                                                              Dirina massiliensis Durieu & Mont. f. massi-
   Diploicia canescens ( Dickson) Massai . -                liensis - Very common on steeply inclined to
Common throughout the island on bark and rock ;             underhangi n g s urfaces of calcareous rocks,
when on rock, lt is often found in rather shaded,           especially near the coast (CLU, GZU, PAL, TSB).
underhanging surfaces (CLU, PAL, TSB) .
                                                              Dirina massiliensis f. sorediata (Muli . Arg.)
   Diplotomma alboatrum (Hoffm.) Flotow- On                 Tehler - Together wirh rhe previo us form (GZU,
Ceratonia, not common (TSB).                                PAL, TSB) . We are not certain that a li sorediate
                                                            Dirinas of the D . massiliensis complex should be
   Diplotomma sp. - On dolomite near the coast.             re ga rded as belo nging to the same taxon. In
Sp ores mostly fo ur-celled, genera lly straight,           particular, samples from Centrai Europe and the Alps,
sometimes with a few longitudinal septa. The D.             currently called D. stenhammarl (Fr. ex Stenham.)
alboatrum- D. epipolium complex needs a revisio n.
Our lichen is certainly different fro m the widespread      Poelt & Follm., would deserve furthe r study.
D. epipolium (CLU, GZU, PAL, TSB).                            Encepbalograpba elisae Massai. - In shaded

   Diploscbistes muscorum (Scop.) R. Sant. -                oiches and underhang.<; of calcareous rocks, relatively
Common thro ughout the island, on mosses and soil           unfrequent, near the coast (CLU, GZU, TSB).
in open grasslands and garrigue (GZU, PAL, TSB).
                                                              Evernia prunastri (L.) Ac h . - Common ,
   Dirina ceratoniae (Ach.) Fr. - Common only               especially on branches of shrubs in the macchia, but
near the coast, especially on trees near tbe village,       also o n Q. ilex in the upland (GZU, TSB).
absent above SOO m (GZU, PAL, TSB). In the field we
had the impression that this species is just a corticolous    Fulgensia fulgida (Nyl.) Szat. - On soil in
fo rm of D . massiliensis: the two species occur often      garrigue vegetation, only locally abundant, especially
side by slde , on bark and on rock, respectively.           at intermediate devations CGZU, PAL, TSB).
According to T EHI.ER ( com . or.), howeve r , D .
ceratoniae s ho uld be characterized by having, on            Fulgensia subbracteata (Nyl.) Poelt - On soil
the average, smaller spores. May be D. ceratontae s.        in open grassland and ganigue vegetation, common
str. could be distinguished fro m corticolous forrns of
D. massiJiensis, but this needs further studies.            especially between 350 and 450 m, some specimens
                                                            are fruiting (CLU, GZU, PAL, TSB).
   Dirina cyclosora Poelt & Nimis sp. nov. -
Sa.xicola, tn rupibus ca/careis duris perpendicu/a-           Gloeobeppia turgida (Ach .) Gyeloik - O n
rlbus. Tballus plus minusve expansus, subcrassus,
albidus farlnosus, margines versus saepe sublobu-           bare soil at ca. 350m (TSB).
latus, linea subatra circumdatus, soraliis ple-               Gyalecta derivata (Nyl.) H. Olivier - O n Q.
rumque exacte rotundatis, 1-2 mm diam. metien-
tibus, superficie C-, medulla C+ purpurascens.              ilexat ca. 450 m, not commo n (GZU, TSB).
Apothecia ignota.                                             Gyakcta truncigena (Ach .) Hepp- On Q. i/ex

   Typus : (holotypus : TSB, isotypus : GZU).               at ca. 550 m, not common (CLU, GZU, TSB).
   Thallus C-, soredia C+ red. The thallus mostly             Haematomma ocbrokucum (Necker) Laundon
consists of vertically arranged hyphae interspersed
with many crystal s of different size. The larger           v. porpbyrlum (Pers .) Laundo n - O o superficially
                                                            decalcified dolom ite, between Capraro and M.

Bull. Soc. finn. Provence, t. 45, 1994
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