Page 9 - lichen_floristics_Italy_VII
P. 9

The Lichens ot Marettimo (Egadi lslands, Sicily)         255

Falcone, rare ; the chemistry of our sample was             Lecanora campestris (Schaerer) Hue- Only
studied by Ch. LEUCKERT; it contains atranorine,         found on thin siliceous layers upon dolomite (CLU,
zeorine and bourgeanic acid (GZU).
                                                         GZU, TSB).
   Heterodermia leucomelos (L.) Poelt -                     Lecanora cblarotera Nyl.- On bark, boÙl on
Restricted to higher elevations, on the branches of
                                                         twigs of shrubs in the macchia and on trunks of
Q. tle.x, and on epiplithic mosses in windy ridges,       Ceratonia near the village, less commo n than L.
                                                          rubicunda (GZU, PAL, TSB).
evidently very rare (CLU, GZU, TSB).
   Heterodermia speciosa (Wulfen) Trevisan -                Lecanora crenulata Hooker - On limestone
                                                         and dolomite at Semaforo and P.ta Ansini (GZU).
Restricted to Q. ile.xabove 450m, rare (TSB).
   Hymenelia prevostii (Ouby) Krempelh. - On                Lecanora dispersa (Pers.) Somme rf. - On
                                                         limestone in e utrophicated situations , a lso on
calcareous rocks above 450 m, rare (TSB).                cement near the village, common (TSB).
   Hymenelia similis (Massai.) M. Choisy - On
                                                            Lecanora bagenii (Ach.) Acb. - On the bark of
calcareous rocks in rathe r s heltered situations,        Ceratonia near lhe village (TSB).
restricted to higher elevations, locall y abundant
(CLU, GZU, TSB).                                            Lecanora boriza (Ach.) Lindsay - Common,
                                                         especially on brancbes of shrubs in the macchia
  Hyperpbyscia adglutinata (Fiorke) H. Mayrb.            (GZU, PAL, TSB).
& Poelt - On eutrophicated bark, especially at the
base oftrunks, n(){ common (GZU, TSB).                      Lecanora lisbonensis G. Samp . - Locally very
                                                         abundan t, always near the coast, also o n cement
  lngaderia troglodytica Feige & Lumbsch - A             (GZU, TSB).
recently-described, quite interesting spedes (FEIGE
& LUMBSCH, 1993). O n verlical, N-facing surfaces of        Lecanora muralis (Schreber) Rabenb. - On
calcareous rocks near the coast, only found at Scalo
Maestro and S. Marino, locally abundant on vertical      limesto ne in rather eutrophicated situations, rather
shaded calcareous faces ; probably not uncommon ,        common (TSB).
but, owing to the peculiar e cology, difficult to reach
(GZU, TSB).                                                 Lecanora pruinosa Chaub. - On limesto ne,
                                                         very rare (PAL, TSB).
  Lecanactis amylacea (Pers.) Arnold - On the
lower side of an old branch of Q. ilex at ca. 350m,         Lecanora rubicunda Bagl. - On twigs of
evidently rare (CLU).
                                                         Pistacta in the maccchia near the coast, not rare.
  Lecanactis grumulosa (Ouf.) Fr. - On steeply           This species, characterized by the presence of
                                                         norstictic acid, has a western Mediterranean-
inclined to unde rhanging surfaces of calcareous         Macaronesian distribution (fSB).
rocks near the coast, very common and variable ;
some samples were growing on Roccella p bycopsis            Lecanora sulpburea (Hoffm .) Ach . - On thin
(CLU, GZU, PAL, TSB) .                                   siliceous layers upon dolomite in upland areas, with
                                                          Ochrolecbia parella (GZU, TSB).
  Lecania cyrtella (Ach.) TI1 . Fr.- On Ceratonia
near the vilbge (TSB).                                      Lecidea lurida Ach. - On soil in fissures of the
                                                         rock, quite widespread, but n(){ very abundant (TSB).
  Lecania spadicea (Flotow) Zahlbr. - Rather
abundant on more or less exposed calcareous                 LecideUa acbristotera (Nyl.) Hertel & Leuck. -
rocks, especially near the coast, also on waUs near      On Ceratonia near Ùle village of Marettimo (TSB).
the village (GZU, PAL, TSB).
                                                            Lecidella elaeocbroma ( Ac h .) Haszl. v.
  Lecania turicensis (Hepp) MOli. Arg. - On              jlavicans (Ach.) Hertel - Common throughout the
                                                         island on bark, except in very shaded and humid
cakareous rocks in eutrophicated situations at Scalo     situations (GZU, PAL, TSB) .
Maestro (GZU).
                                                            Lecidella elaeocbroma v. soralifera
  Lecanora agardbiana Ach. ssp. catalaunica              (Erichsen) Clauz. & Roux- Much rarer than the
                                                         previous variety (TSB).
Clauz. & Roux - On calcareous rocks, near the
coast (GZU, TSB).                                           Lecidella eupborea (Flo rke) Hertel - On Q.
                                                          i/ex at P.ta Ansini (GZU).
  Lecanora albescens ( Hoffm .) Branth. &
Rostr. - On horizontal or weakly inclined surfaces          Lecidella stigmatea (Ach .) Hertel & Leuck. -
                                                         On dolomite near the coast, evidently rare (CLU)
of calcareous rocks, especially near the coast; mese
samples seem to be different from L. a/bescens s.           Lepraria nivalis Laundon - On shaded,
str., but the materia! is strongly eaten, and therefore  underhanging surfaces of calcareous rocks (CLU,

difficult to assess (GZU, PAL, TSB).                     TSB, GZU). The GZU sample was analyzed by Cb.

                                                         LEUCKERT; it contains atranorine, protocetraric and

Hommage scientifique à G. Clauzade
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