Page 13 - lichen_floristics_Italy_VII
P. 13
The Lichens of Marettimo (Egadi lslands. Sicily) 259
Strlgula stigmatella (Ach.) R. C. Harris - On yellow-brownish granules. Asci numerous, long
the trunk of an old Q. ilex at higher elevation (TSB). cylindrical , with more or less evident tholus, with
Strigula taylorii (Nyl.) R. C. Harris s. lat. - the following reactions to I : basis I + light blue, wall
Epiphytic. This is at leasl S. taylorli s. lat. (see Roux otherwise I+ yellowish to reddish yellow, in the
& BRICAUD, 1991) (GZU). New to Italy. tholus an inner layer shortly I+ blue, then fading
into grayish. Spores ca. 10- 16 per ascus , from
Teloscbistes cbrysopbtbalmus ( L.) Th. Fr. - cylindrical to ellipsoid, ca. 9.5-12 (-16)x 5-6.5 pm.
Abundant on the branches of shrubs between 300 Spermogonia not found.
and 500m, otherwise rare, absent in the most humid
parts of the island and near the coast (CLU, GZU, The new species belongs, formally, in the group
PAL, TSB). which was previously separated under the generic
name Ahlesia, characterized by discocarp
Teloscbistes jlavicans (Swartz) Norman- On fruitbodies ; it differs from the other species with
Q. ilex and on epilithic mosses in windy, humid open ascocarps in the I - reaction of the asci, and in
ridges, above 450m, not common (CLU, GZU, PAL, the low number and large size of the spores. In our
TSB). opinion, the new species is noteworthy for severa!
reasons: the s ubstratum, whìch is dry for long
Tepbromela atra (Huds.) Haf. v. calcarea periods in summer, is not exactly the piace where
Qatta) Clauz. & Roux- On thin silìceous layers one could expect to find a Thelocarpon;
upon dolomite in upland areas, rare (CLU , GZU, furthermore, although having the certainly primitive
PAL, TSB). discocarp organization, the new spedes shows the
same reduction trends which are otherwise typical
Tbelenel/4 modesta (Nyl.) Nyl. - Especially on for the pyrenocarpous representatives of the genus
Pistacia, at Cala Marino and Ficarella, in shaded (POELT & HAFEllNER, 1973): reaction of the asci with
situations, locally common (GZU, TSB). I not blue, but yellow, reduced and not very
pronounced a pical apparatus. Mos t species o f
Tbelocarpon macchine Nimis, Poelt & Puntillo Tbelocarpon contain very many ascospores within
spec. nov. - Apothecia matura subcy/indrica, the asci; the new species has the lowest number of
superne disciformta, a/gas non continentia, sed spores in the genus; one might assume that also
substrato algifero tnsidentia, ca. 0.1-0.2 mm lata, Thelocarpon derived from progenitors with
jlavìda, discis plus mtnusve immersìs sed dìstinctìs 8-spored asci. The species should be studied
et margtnibus comparate crassis. Hymenium ca. further on the basis of more abundant material. We
15~Jm altum; paraphyses filiformes, simplices ve/ have other samples from Calabria (Prov. Cosenza,
raro anastomosantes, vel ramulis perbrevtbus Lattarico, Timpa di Forge, 380m, leg. D. PUNTILLO,
instructae. Asci cylindrici, basibus l+ pallide CLU), also growing on bare soil in garrigue
caeruleis, exceptis l+ lutei, apice tholo breviter vegetation. Probably the new species, which is very
amyloideo instructi. Sporae paucae, (8-) 12-16, easily overlooked, is more widespread in humid
subcylindricae ve/ e/lipsoideae. parts of the Mediterranean region.
Typus: Italia, insula Marettimo W Sicilia : offener, Tbelocbroa montinii Massal. - On limestone,
zeitweise nasser Boden zwischen Macchia- in a weakly inclined surface with periodical
Vegetation am Weg Marettimo-Pizzo del Capraro. percolation of water (TSB).
Tbelopsis flaveola Arnold - On Pistacia at
26.3.1991. Leg. J. POELT (Holotypus: TSB. Isotypi:
Cala Marino, certainly rare. (GZU). New to Italy.
GZU, CLU). Tbelopsis isiaca Stizenb. - On bark and wood
Ascocarps scattered on day soil and amongst at Scalo Maestro, rare (CLU, GZU, TSB).
mosses, sessile, ca. 0. 1-0.2 mm diam, light Tbelotrema lepadinum (Ach.) Ach. - On Q.
greenish-yellow, with immersed but well-
developed disc and thick, round margin, without tlexat ca. 500m, found only once (CLU, TSB).
algae, which, however, are present in clumps in the TomaseUia artbonioides (Massai.) Massai. -
substratum. Excipulum colourless, with a thin outer
layer of brownish-yellow granules, made up of thin On the smooth bark of Pistacia in the macchia, not
hyphae with more roundish cells (1-2 pm diam.) common (CLU, TSB).
towards the basis, otherwise cells elongated with
1- 1.5 pm thick lumina and relatively thick walls. Toninia albilabra (Dufour) H. Olivier - On
Paraphyses numerous, simple, rarely with a few
short apical branches and stili more rarely soil in open garrigue vegetation, with Fulgensia
fulgida CTSB).
anastomosing, ca. 0.7-1 pm diam ., reaching the
surface of the hymenium, which is covered by
Hommage scientifique à G. Clauzade