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part of the model, moreover the flow line directing        ploy to obtain a sensible distribution of relative porosity
toward the top right side of the model abruptly deviates.  within the investigated volumes.

Discussions and Conclusions                                    Two volumes of different sizes have been used for
                                                           the calculation. The first one was as big as the outcrop
    In this contribution we proposed a novel workflow      and allowed us to gain a general idea of the porosity
useful to model the influence of sub-seismic scale         anisotropy within the area, the second one was a
features on fluid flow within porous carbonate             fraction of the outcrop size. The model obtained using
reservoirs. For this modeling exercise we integrated       the second volume conceptually reproduced the
available literature data describing the dimensional       architecture of faults and zones of compactive shear
parameters of a strike-slip fault system crosscutting      bands (Fig. 8 b).
Lower-Pleistocene porous carbonates (Tondi et al.,
2012). The dimensional parameters of the fault system          As expected the results we obtained were not as
have been implemented into the commercial software         accurate as those achieved in previous studies where a
package MOVETM to generate a DFN model. Even if            digitized structural map was used as input for the
the DFN stochastic approach has been designed to           model. However, the workflow we implemented (Fig.
model open fractures within tight rocks, we found a        7) allows to obtain sensible results and quickly
                                                           extrapolating outcrop data to much larger scales.

                                                               The porosity distribution calculate with MOVETM
                                                           has been used as a tag to indentify compactive shear

Figure 9: Geo-cellular volumes (same portion of figure 8 b) with real hydraulic conductivity values (cell
size 0.5 x 0.5 m). a) Shows the values of Kxx (E-W direction) expressed in m/d. b) Shows the values of Kzz
(vertical direction) expressed in m/d.

                                                                            Stanford Rock Fracture Project Vol. 24, 2013 E-10
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