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                                                Journal of Structural Geology 37 (2012) 53e64

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                                          Journal of Structural Geology

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         Growth processes, dimensional parameters and scaling relationships of two
         conjugate sets of compactive shear bands in porous carbonate grainstones,

         Favignana Island, Italy
         E. Tondi  a, * , A. Cilona , F. Agosta , A. Aydin , A. Rustichelli , P. Renda , G. Giunta  d
         a Geology Division, School of Science and Technology, University of Camerino, 62032, Camerino, MC, Italy
          Department of Geological Sciences, University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy
          Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, USA
          Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare, Università di Palermo, Palermo, Italy
         art i cle i nfo                  abstract
         Article history:                 Three main sets of deformation bands are identified in the Lower Pleistocene carbonate grainstones of
         Received 2 November 2011         Favignana Island (Italy). A bedding-parallel set is interpreted to contain compaction bands, based on the
         Received in revised form         lack of evidence for shear. The other two sets are oriented at a high-angle to bedding, forming
         30 January 2012
                                          a conjugate pair comprised of compactive strike-slip shear bands. In this study, we focus on the com-
         Accepted 2 February 2012
         Available online 15 February 2012  pactive shear bands documenting their development, as well as analyzing their dimensional parameters
                                          and scaling relationships.
                                            Single compactive shear bands are thin, tabular zones with porosity less than the surrounding host
         Offshore Sicily                  rocks, and have thicknesses and displacements on the order of a few mm. The growth process for these
         Pleistocene deposits             structures involves localizing further deformation within zones of closely-spaced compactive shear
         Compaction bands                 bands and, possibly, along continuous slip surfaces within fault rocks overprinting older zones of bands.
         Deformation bands                During growth, single bands, zones of bands and faults can interact and link, producing larger structures.
         Fault scaling                    The transitions from one growth step to another, which are controlled by changes in the deformation
                                          behavior (i.e. banding vs. faulting), are recorded by different values of the dimensional parameters for the
                                          structures (i.e. length, thickness and displacement). These transitions are also reflected by the ratios and
                                          distributions of the dimensional parameters. Considering the lesser porosity values of the structures with
                                          respect to the host rock, the results of this contribution could be helpful for mapping, assessing, and
                                          simulating carbonate grainstone reservoirs with similar structures.
                                                                                      Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

         1. Introduction                                       field characteristics are strictly related to the deformation mecha-
                                                               nisms that modify the grain sizes and porosity values within the
            Deformation bands are tabular zones mm- to-cm thick, which  bands. Microscopic observations of natural deformation bands, as
         accommodate shear and/or volumetric strain in porous rocks and  well as those obtained from experiments on high-porosity lime-
         sediments (Engelder, 1974; Aydin, 1978; Aydin and Johnson, 1978;  stones (Vajdova et al., 2004; Baxevanis et al., 2006; Baud et al.,
         Antonellini and Aydin, 1994; Aydin et al., 2006; Eichhubl et al.,  2009; Vajdova et al., 2010; Zhu et al., 2010; Cilona et al.,
         2010; Fossen et al., 2011). Many natural examples of deformation  Submitted  for  publication;  Vajdova  et  al.,  submitted  for
         bands are reported from siliciclastic sediments (Fossen et al., 2007;  publication), show a variety of mechanisms responsible for their
         and references therein). In contrast, only a few field examples of  nucleation and development: (i) grain sliding with rotation and
         deformation bands are described in porous limestones (Micarelli  pore collapse; (ii) grain fracturing; and (iii) pressure solution. The
         et al., 2006; Tondi et al., 2006a; Tondi, 2007; Rath et al., 2011).  first two mechanisms are responsible for the formation of narrow
         Deformation bands are easily recognizable because of their lighter-  tabular deformation bands with volumetric and shear strain. If the
         colour and positive relief with respect to the parent rocks. These  volumetric component of this deformation is negative, the product
                                                               is known as a compactive (or compactional) shear band (Aydin
                                                               et al., 2006; Tondi et al., 2006a; Fossen et al., 2007; Tondi, 2007),
                                                               granulation seams (Pittman, 1981) or disaggregation bands (Fossen
          * Corresponding author.
            E-mail address: (E. Tondi).  et al., 2007). At more advanced stages of deformation, within the
         0191-8141/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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