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           DOI 10.1007/s00435-013-0205-4
            ORIGINAL PAPER

           Species identification of the psammophilous tenebrionid beetles
           Phaleria acuminata Ku ¨ster, 1852 and Phaleria bimaculata
           (Linnaeus, 1767) from central Mediterranean beaches: geometric
           morphometrics and molecular insights from species to population

           Federico Marrone • Alan Deidun • Tiziana Curatolo •
           Marco Arculeo • Sabrina Lo Brutto

           Received: 12 June 2013 / Revised: 18 September 2013 / Accepted: 28 September 2013
           Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

           Abstract  Dominating global arid environments, from  two lineages, a low-to-absent inter-populations differenti-
           desert to coastal dunes, most Tenebrionidae are highly  ation was observed, in spite of the physical isolation of the
           specific in their habitat preferences and display limited  sampled sandy beaches and of their geographical distance.
           dispersal potential, thus exhibiting a remarkable degree of  These two P. bimaculata lineages, hereby named ‘‘Tyr-
           regional genetic and morphological differentiation. The  rhenian sub-clade’’ and ‘‘Southern sub-clade,’’ might be
           tenebrionid genus Phaleria is speciose and widely dis-  compatible with the hypothesis of subspecific status
           tributed, with P. acuminata and P. bimaculata having a  already proposed for the populations from the Aeolian
           wide Mediterranean distribution, with numerous morpho-  archipelago (as P. bimaculata marcuzzii Aliquo `).
           logical differentiations at population level, often described
           as different taxa of doubtful taxonomical significance. In  Keywords  Sandy beaches  Phaleria spp.  Central
           order to investigate the variability of the central Mediter-  Mediterranean  Species delimitation  Molecular
           ranean populations of P. bimaculata and P. acuminata and  systematics  Geometric morphometrics
           to compare the results obtained with different identification
           techniques, these species were sampled on sandy beaches
           in Sicily (southern Italy) and on circum-Sicilian and Mal-  Introduction
           tese islands. Collected samples were studied through the
           application of geometric morphometrics and the sequenc-  The Mediterranean Sea is a basin that, with its noteworthy
           ing of a fragment of the mitochondrial COII gene. Geo-  environmental diversity along coastlines, can be considered
           metric morphometrics and molecular analyses gave   ‘‘a great natural laboratory’’ where to measure and assess
           congruent results, allowing a sound separation of the two  macroscopic and cryptic variability. The biocenoses
           species. At the population level, the two species showed  inhabiting the coastal habitats are subject to various forms
           different patterns. P. acuminata showed a remarkable  of environmental pressures, and their study is assuming
           morphological and molecular homogeneity throughout the  greater importance. In the face of an increasing pressure
           sampled area. Conversely, two well-characterized sub-  due to anthropogenic activities and climate changes, there
           clades were detected within P. bimaculata, and within the  is an unrelenting search for reliable target species for
                                                              assessing and monitoring biodiversity (e.g., Lo Brutto et al.
                                                              2011; Sara ` et al. 2012); accordingly, a sound taxonomic
           Communicated by A. Schmidt-Rhaesa.                 identification of the target taxa, as well as information on
                                                              their morphological and genetic diversity, is certainly
           F. Marrone  T. Curatolo  M. Arculeo  S. Lo Brutto (&)
           Department STeBICeF, Sezione di Biologia animale e  necessary.
           Antropologia Biologica, University of Palermo, via Archirafi 18,  The coleopteran family Tenebrionidae dominates the
           90123 Palermo, Italy                               arid habitats of the world, from deserts to coastal dunes
                                                              (Fallaci et al. 1997). Members of this family play an
           A. Deidun                                          important role in the food chain of sandy littoral systems
           IOI-MOC, University of Malta, Msida MSD 2080, Malta  since they contribute substantially to the consumption of

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