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Passalacqua & al. • Biosystematics of the Jacobaea maritima group  TAXON 57 (3) • August 2008: 893–906

              between the former group and J. maritima. The Levanzo   process gave different results depending on the selected
              group seems to be intermediate between J. maritima and   method, but in many cases J. maritima and J. gibbosa
              J. bicolor, showing a double grouping, one of which is   were clearly distinguished, while the Levanzo group was
              closer to J. maritima, and the other to J. bicolor.  split between J. maritima and J. bicolor. Cluster analysis,
                  For a better evaluation of similarity–dissimilarity   using Incremental Sum of Squares method (Fig. 8), pro-
              inside this clade, we performed ordination and classifica-  duces a result that better matches the ordination processes
              tion processes on selected cases of J. maritima s.l. The   (Legendre & Legendre, 1998); J. maritima and J. gibbosa
              minimum number of secondary corymb branches was   are well differentiated and clustered aside from a large
              excluded because it was poorly discriminant at popula-  group, including that from Levanzo, and J. bicolor. These
              tion level (H = 16.313, P = 0.012). Principal Coordinate   last two units are separated at a lower dissimilarity level,
              Analysis indicates four groups, but while on the first two   even if few individuals from Pizzo (J. bicolor) fall in the
              PCoA axes (representing 36.44% and 11.73% of total vari-  Levanzo cluster.
              ance) J. bicolor overlaps with J. gibbosa (Fig. 7A), on the   Considering these results, we think the Levanzo
              first and third axes (10.84% of total variance) J. bicolor   group is sufficiently differentiated from J. bicolor to jus-
              overlaps with the Levanzo population (Fig. 7B); similar   tify adopting four groups for the character statistical tests:
              to the result obtained computing a Non-Metric Multidi-  J. maritima, J. bicolor, J. gibbosa and the Levanzo unit.
              mensional Scaling (result not shown). The classification   The most meaningful characters are stem hairiness (H =

              Table 5. Two ways contingency table of populations versus discrete quantitative characters with few states.
                                                     Minimum number          Capitulum          Capitulum
                          Maximum number of corymb   of corymb secondary   involucre length   involucre width
                             secondary branches          branches              (mm)               (mm)
              Population  1  3  4  5  6  7  8  9    1   2  3  4  5  6    4  5  6   7  8  9    4  5  6  7  8
              1 Livorno   .  7 10  3   .  .  .  .    .  12  8  .  .  .   .  .  6  10 3   1    .  3  14 3  .
              2 Levanzo   .  2  8  10  .  .  .  .   4   8  6  1  1  .    .  3  15  2  .  .    .  5  12 3  .
              3 Pizzo     .  .  1  4  8  1  .  .    1   2  9  2  .  .    .  9  5   .  .  .    4 10  .  .  .
              4 Lipari    .  .  2  7  8  2  1  .    2   6  8  4  .  .    .  9  11  .  .  .    7 10  3  .  .
              5 Cefalù    .  .  2  9  4  4  1  .    2   .  11 5  2  .    .  16  4  .  .  .    7  9  4  .  .
              6 Bagnara   .  .  2  11 3  3  1  .    2   2  15 1  .  .    2 16  2   .  .  .    8  9  3  .  .
              7 Messina   .  .  .  4  5  1  1  .    2   3  4  1  1  .    2  7  2   .  .  .    7  4  .  .  .
              8 Etna      1  2  2  6  5  2  1  1    17  2  .  .  .  1    .  9  11  .  .  .    .  3  14 3  .
              9 Madonie   .  1  4  12 3  .  .  .    10  2  8  .  .  .    1  7  11  1  .  .    .  2  7  9  2
              Populations as in Table 2.

                         Table 6. Two ways contingency table of populations versus semiquantitative characters.
                                                                                        Leaf adaxial
                                                        Capitulum        Leaf abaxial     surface
                                      Stem hairiness     hairiness     surface hairiness  hairiness
                         Population  1   2   3  4      1  2   3  4      1  2   3  4      2  3   4
                         1 Livorno    .  .   .  20     .   .  .  20     .   .  6  14     .   .  20
                         2 Levanzo    .  .  20  .      1   .  18  1     .  1  13  6      .  6  14
                         3 Pizzo      .  .  13  .      .   .  14  .     .  11  9  .      .  5  15
                         4 Lipari     .  .  20  .      .   .  20  .     .  15  5  .      .  11  9
                         5 Cefalù     .  1  19  .      .   .  20  .     .  4  11  5      .  14  6
                         6 Bagnara   12  8   .  .      8  12  .  .      8  10  2  .      11  9  .
                         7 Messina   15  5   .  .      20  .  .  .      2  15  3  .      10 10  .
                         8 Etna       .  3  17  .      .  3  17  .      .  4  11  5      1  16  3
                         9 Madonie    .  .   9  11     1  2  16  1      .   .  .  20     .   .  20
                         Character states explanation in the text, populations as in Table 2.

   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13