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                    open        Growth-related trophic changes of

                                Thunnus thynnus as evidenced by

                                stable nitrogen isotopic values in

                                the f rst dorsal spine

                                paola Rumolo 1 ✉ , Angelo Bonanno , Simona Genovese , teresa Romeo ,
                                Salvatore Mazzola , Gualtiero Basilone , Serena Gherardi , pietro Battaglia ,
                                franco Andaloro  & Marco Barra 1
                                The bluef n tuna, Thunnus thynnus, is a highly migratory and long-living f sh at the top of the pelagic
                                food web. As top predator, it plays a key role in the stability of marine food webs by exerting top-down
                                control on its prey. The diet composition of bluef n tuna varies in relation to its growth, seasons and
                                migratory patterns, making it dif  cult to evaluate spatial and temporal ef ects. This latter aspect is
                                further complicated to be determined during the f rst months of life, when T. thynnus specimens have a
                                rapid growth rate leading to changes in the trophic status. in this study, the potential collagen-related
                                ef ects on δ n and δ c values were evaluated on the whole spine of adult tuna specimens collected in
                                the central Mediterranean Sea. Obtained results showed non-signif cant dif erences between extracted
                                and non-extracted collagen samples for δ n in whole spine, allowing adopting the isotopic analysis
                                both for annuli in the spine section of adults and for younger specimens, whose spine size does not
                                permit the collagen extraction. Specif cally, isotopic analysis of whole spine of the young of the year
                                specimens, showed a rapid change in δ n values with length, following an exponential model. for
                                older specimens, δ N values were higher and varied around a plateau, likely due to a higher specif city
                                in the choice of prey and/or to change in the geographical location. Such variability was also mirrored
                                in annuli of spines sections of adult tunas. As far as δ c values are concerned, a strong collagen-related
                                ef ect was evidenced, likely highlighting the inf uence of lipids. Consequently, δ c analysis may be used
                                only on adult specimens where collagen extraction is possible. this research also showed how isotopic
                                analysis of both whole sample and sequence of annuli in the cross-section of dorsal spine might produce
                                isotopic prof les useful to detect specif c trophic dynamics along the bluef n tuna growth.
                                In recent years, stable nitrogen and carbon isotopes analyses (δ N and δ C), performed on less metabolically
                                active tissues, such as scale, otoliths, spines and bones, allowed to investigate several aspects of animal’s feeding
                                habits, habitat use and migration (e.g.  ). However, there are dif erent isotopic approaches for estimating diet
                                and movement patterns of multiple taxa using inert tissues. For instance, the collagen extracted from whole bone
                                of an animal can provide an integration of stable isotopes from multiple years with a general interpretation of its
                                trophic behavior during the entire lifetime 2,7–11 . T e analysis in single layers in some hard structures, such as teeth
                                and humerus (with each layer representing a dif erent interval of animal’s life), provides a time series of isotopic
                                data, useful for reconstructing an animal’s foraging ecology over time 7,12–20 . It is important to single out that some
                                methods need large amount of sample in order to remove lipids and other contaminants (e.g. collagen extraction),
                                thus preventing their use for samples characterized by small dimensions ; other methods require a greater ef  -
                                ciency and accuracy in the determination and in the selection of individual annual growth layer from the tissue
                                section (e.g. skeletochronology method) 14–16 .
                                1 CNR-ISMAR, Calata Porta di Massa (Interno Porto di Napoli), Naples, Italy.  CNR-IAS, Torretta Granitola, Campobello
                                di Mazara (TP), Italy.  Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Centro Interdipartimentale della Sicilia, Milazzo (ME), Italy.
                                4 Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale, ISPRA, Milazzo (ME), Italy.  e-mail: paola.rumolo@
         Scientific RepoRtS |         (2020) 10:9899  |             1
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