Page 5 - Piacere Sicilia N 2 marettimo
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Egadi Islands
The charm of the Castle The archipelago of the Egadi Islands is composed of three
main islands, Favignana, Levanzo and Marettimo and a few
In Marettimo the Bourbon prison becomes the islets and rocks. It is situated approximately 7 km off the Si-
“Museum of Prisons” cilian west coast, between Marsala and Trapani.
Evidence of ancient human settlements has been discovered
The castle of Punta Troia is built on the headland of the island in Levanzo and Marettimo which leads to the assumption that
overlooking the sea and is one of the oldest monuments of Ma- the last glacial period created a natural passage between
rettimo. In the IX century the Saracens had already built a tower Africa and Sicily. In 241 BC the Romans conquered the Egadi
on this site, coeval with those of Favignana and Levanzo. Later in the Islands after the final battle of the First Punic War.
twelfth century,Roger II,the Norman king of Sicily,fortified the defensive After the end of the Roman Empire, Vandals, Goths and then
positions of the Egadi including the tower of Punta Troia. It was not Saracens ruled the islands until in 1081, when the Normans
until the 1600’s that the Spanish built the present castle, giving it a occupied the territories and fortified them. Then the islands
large cistern for collecting water and a small church called“Royal Pa- became property of Pallavicini-Rusconi family and in 1874
rish Church” of Marettimo. The cistern was subsequently used as a they became a possession of Florio family.
prison by the same Spaniards. From the end of the 1700’s it was used Favignana, the largest, lies approximately 9 sea-miles west
by the Bourbons as a prison for political offenses. In 1803 Guglielmo off Trapani, its land area is 19.38 square km and has 33 km
Pepe, the most famous patriot of the Neapolitan Republic of 1799, of rugged coastline dotted with pits and several impressive
was jailed there: in this pit without light or air he saw horrible suffering, grottos. In ancient times Favignana was called Aegusa, which
of which he told in his memoirs. Since the closing of the prison, in means butterfly and refers to the shape of the island. The cur-
1844 the fortress was used for military purposes until the last war.The rent name derives from Favonio, a warm wind blowing from
lower floor of the castle consists of a single room and a staircase that the west which also determines the very mild weather of the
leads upstairs via an entrance hall and a narrow passage.This leads island. In the town centre there are entrances to the caves of
to a small staircase and on to a terrace where there are different calcarenite and sandstone rock situated in the area of San-
rooms.After years of decay, the castle of Punta Troia has been restored t'Anna. This was the early urban site, built in the mid-17th
and contains within it its walls the “Museum of Prisons” and the ob- century and where the hypogean gardens can be admired. The
servatory of the Monk Seal in the Marine Protected Area of the Egadi. Florio’s family Tonnara (Tuna factory), built in the 19th century
The goal is to transform the old fortress into a cultural centre at the and overlooking the harbour, is an excellent example of indu-
heart of the Mediterranean. At the beginning of June it hosted the strial archaeology. Few miles away from Favignana there is
event “Mare Tango Mare”, dedicated to the famous argentine tango Levanzo, the closest island to Trapani, with a small port and
dance and organised by Tango Te Quiero Mas and Nicolò Noto, in a beautiful little town. Levanzo lies approximately 8 miles west
collaboration with the C.S.R.T. Marettimo, which promote cultural off Trapani and in ancient times was known as Phorbantia,
events on the island and manages the maritime museum called‘Museo from the name of a sort of spice that grows on the island.
del Mare’. The castle can be found at 115 metres and is reached by Smaller than Favignana and Marettimo, it is an uncontamina-
boat and then a climb up a steep staircase, or overland along a steep ted paradise with high cliffs that drop into the sea. The tiny
path in the mountain. The place might seem inappropriate to host a port of Cala Dogana has been built, as the rest of the town, in
‘milonga’ (the tango event), but as Paolo Conte says in one of his fa- a natural creek on the south side of the island; during the day
mous songs, the milonga has an unsettled nature and it can take hydrofoils and ferries coming from Trapani dock in the little
place anywhere tango dancers wish to dance.The appointment with port. If you are in Levanzo you can forget about cars: you can
tango, which is dance and lifestyle together, will be repeated every walk or cycle across the main street that goes through the is-
year. Of note, romantics visiting the castle will see a plaque comme- land from north to south. A must-do is a boat trip around the
morating the likely step in the waters of Marettimo Admiral Horatio island to enjoy from the sea the wonderful view of the several
Nelson (who helped crush the Neapolitan Republic) and his dream bays and little creeks. “Grotta del Genovese” is an extraordi-
of love for Lady Emma Hamilton, an English adventurer lodging at the nary place to visit: it is famous for the prehistoric Palaeolithic
court of the Bourbons, who is remembered for being his mistress. graffiti, representing deer, cattle and equine, and the Neolithic
cave paintings, the most important of which represents a
tuna, one of the vital resources of the Egadi Islands’ economy. 83
On the plateau that dominates the island, less than 300 metres
above sea level, there is an amazing view of the Case Florio,
an ancient building surrounded by the rest of a farm.
The third island, Marettimo is 38 km west off Trapani: the
most mountainous and verdant of the archipelago, surroun-
ded by pristine clear water, full of grottos that are accessible
only by boat. Particularly impressive are Cammello, Presepe
and Bombarda. On the top of Punta Troia there is a fort from
the Bourbon period which in the past was also used as a pri-
son. Visiting the island nowadays is facilitated by several pe-
destrian paths that allow admiring fascinating views. One of
the pedestrian path leads to the Pegna, a spring next to a little
pine forest. Marettimo is also well known for its flora, with
lots of species typical of the Mediterranean maquis.
The three main islands together with the two smaller ones,
Formica and Maraone, form part of the Egadi Islands Marine
Protected Area (Marina Protetta delle Isole Egadi), the largest
in Europe.