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K. Lambeck et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 23 (2004) 1567–1598
3. Argentarola: The evidence here comes from assume that the site is effectively stable (uplift of
speleothems found in a submerged cave in stratified 0.0270.05 mm yrÀ1).
dolomitic limestone bedrock on the small island of
Argentarola located near the Argentario Promontory. 8. Torre Astura: The Roman piscinae of Torre Astura,
The samples were collected by scuba diving at depths 50 km south of Rome, were studied by Schmiedt (1972),
from 3.5 to 21.7 m measured with a digital depth gauge Pirazzoli (1976) and Leoni and Dai Pra (1997). Pirazzoli
and corrected for a tide range of 0.24 m. Age control is estimated sea level at time of construction as À0.50 m
provided by radiocarbon ages on marine and continen- compared with À0.39 m by Leoni and Dai Pra whose
tal layers of the speleothems and range from 6.5 to value we adopt here. The historical age is B50 AD. The
9.6 ka cal. BP (Alessio et al., 1996; Antonioli et al., position of the MIS 5.5 highstand is consistent with an
2001b; Bard et al., 2002). The Tyrrhenian sea level has absence of tectonic movement (Nisi et al., 2003) and we
been identified 7 km from the island by well-carved assume that the principal contribution to sea-level
marine notches at 5.3 m above present sea level, change here is the eustatic-isostatic contribution.
indicating that the Argentario promontory is located
in a tectonically stable area. 9. Fondi: Fondi Plain, 110 km south of Rome, is a
small coastal plain with outcropping Holocene lagoonal
4. Gravisca: Archaeological remains consisted of a deposits. Samples containing Cerastoderma at À1.8 m
footway that now occurs at À1.47 m. Its historical previously gave an 14C age of about 7.5 ka cal. BP
attribution fixes its age at À300 to À400 AD (Leoni and (Antonioli et al., 1988). More recently a core was drilled
Dai Pra, 1997). The MIS 5.5 sea level here is identified near the outcrops that intersected marine sediments that
by inner margin deposits at an elevation of B10 m filled a palaeo-valley carved during the LGM (Devoti
and this site is considered to have been either et al., 2004). Marine shells between À3 and À33.7 m
tectonically stable or subject to an insignificant uplift yielded calibrated ages in the interval 7.4–8.6 ka cal. BP.
of 0.0270.03 mm yrÀ1. Within the limestone bordering the plain, undated
marine notches occur at +7.3 m, in contrast to lagoonal
5. Punta Della Vipera: Many Roman piscinae were deposits of MIS 5.5 age in a core within the plain itself at
studied and measured by Schmiedt (1972), Pirazzoli À6.5 m (Antonioli et al., 1988). If these notches are of
(1976) and Leoni and Dai Pra (1997). For Punta Della MIS 5.5 age, then the latter are indicative of a slow
Vipera the measured altitude is given as BÀ0.40 m and subsidence of the plain at BÀ0.1170.03 mm yrÀ1
its date of construction is 0 AD. The elevation of the relative to its limestone promontories. The Fondi
MIS 5.5 transgression (inner margin sediments) reaches observations in the time interval 7.5–8.7 ka fall into
30–35 m (Nisi et al., 2003) and we consider this area to two distinct depth ranges (see Table 1), possibly
have been tectonically active with an uplift rate of indicating that the infralittoral shells may be from a
0.2370.05 mm yrÀ1. greater depth range than assumed above for the fossil
sand beach deposits, or that the ages for the shallow
6. Tevere Plain, Rome: The data at this site comes group of observations have been contaminated.
from cores drilled 2 km apart, east from the present-day
coastline of the prograding Tevere Plain near the silted- 10. Volturno: The Volturno River coastal plain
up ancient Roman harbour. Belluomini et al. (1986) formed during the Holocene as a complex of beach-
used sea-level markers consisting of 14C-dated peat, ridges and flat back-barrier depressions with lagoonal
marsh and wood fragments found between À3 and sedimentation. Lagoonal facies have been found in a
À31 m. The corresponding calibrated ages are in the core located at 2.5 km from the present beach over a
interval 5.9–11 ka cal. BP. The tectonic history of the depth range of 10 m. Radiocarbon ages of peats found in
Rome Plain is unclear. Some 30 km to the north within this core are given by Barra et al. (1996) and the
the plain there are sites where the MIS 5.5 inner margin calibrated ages span the interval from 4.8 ka at À3 m to
reaches an altitude of about 35 m (Nisi et al., 2003). This 7.4 ka BP at À8 m. Romano et al. (1994) published data
is consistent with a result by Karner et al. (2001) who on the MIS 5.5 highstand showing elevations fluctuating
measured the 5.5 inner margin adjacent to the plain at from À50 up to +50 m depending on whether the
25 m elevation. We suggest that the tectonics can be evidence came from near the centre of the plain or from
characterized by a continuous but slow rate of uplift the adjacent limestone outcrops and, as for Fondi, the
(since MIS 22 and correlating with regional volcanic plain appears to have subsided relative to the adjacent
activity) of 0.1570.05 mm yrÀ1. promontories. The core site used here is from a locality
within the plain and near its edge and a nominal value of
7. Anzio: The archaeological marker is a now-flooded zero uplift is adopted for the present.
ancient harbour works consisting of remains of caissons
used in the construction of piers (Auriemma, 2002). Its 11. Pozzuoli: The Pozzuoli coastal area is famous for
historical age is 110 A.D. and indicative of a sea-level its episodic vertical movements, which over the past
change of À0.56 m (Leoni and Dai Pra, 1997). The 2000 years have reached several meters in amplitude,
altitude of the 5.5 transgression here occurs at B10 m within the active volcanic caldera of the Phlaegrean
above present sea level (Nisi et al., 2003) and we fields near Naples. Biological sea-level indicators were