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K. Lambeck et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 23 (2004) 1567–1598
contribution is the Earth’s response to the loading and (iii) Migration of shorelines as sea levels rise and fall
unloading of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets. (Lambeck and Nakada, 1990).
During loading, a broad and shallow bulge develops
out to several thousand kilometers from the centres of (iv) Rigorous treatment of ice on the shelves as it
the ice sheets and this subsides during the deglaciation changes from being grounded to floating as it thins
phase (cf. Lambeck, 1995; Lambeck and Johnston, or as sea levels rise (Lambeck and Johnston, 1998;
1995). Like much of the Mediterranean, Italy is located Lambeck et al., 2003; Mitrovica and Milne, 2003).
on this bulge and relative sea levels here rise during the
Holocene even after ice volumes have stabilized. The (v) Contributions from glaciation-induced changes in
principal hydro-isostatic effect is the changing load on the Earth’s rotation (Milne and Mitrovica, 1998).
the sea floor as ice sheets grow or shrink, with the
consequence that the sea floor subsides during and after As previously demonstrated, the spatial variability of
deglaciation while larger land bodies tend to be uplifted. sea level around the Italian coast is significant (Lambeck
To these effects must be added lesser isostatic compo- and Johnston, 1995) and it will generally not be
nents that result from the global changes in the planetary permissible to combine data from different localities
shape, rotation and gravity during the glacial cycle. into a single sea-level curve without first establishing
that such variability is less than the observational
Numerical models with high resolution have been accuracy. This is illustrated in Fig. 2a for predictions
developed over recent years that give realistic represen- at sites at different distances from the former Scandi-
tations of the spatial variability of the sea-level change navian ice sheet. Compare, for example, the predictions
and shoreline evolution if the history of the ice sheets for sites 29, 1, 7, 15 (the numbers refer to the site
through time is known (Lambeck and Johnston, 1998; numbers in Section 3). Here the differences for Early
Lambeck et al., 2003). One unknown in these models is Holocene time are of the order of 15 m, with the
the rheological response function of the Earth. This is northern sites yielding systematically higher sea levels
usually inferred from observations of sea-level change than the southern sites. Within smaller regions, the
themselves. Likewise, the hypothesis that the ice model spatial variability is also not wholly negligible as is
is adequately known can be tested by comparing shown by the results in Fig. 2b for localities in Sardinia.
observed and predicted sea levels. However, such These results represent differences in prediction from
comparisons require that any land uplift or subsidence their mean value for the 12 individual sites within the
from non glacio-hydro-isostatic causes is not important observation group 20. Differences here never exceed
or, if it is, that it can be independently assessed. As 0.5 m for the last 14 ka but they become larger when
illustrated by the above examples, the assumption of Orosei, on the east coast of Sardinia, is included. Thus,
zero tectonic contributions cannot be justified for many rather than combining observational data into single
segments of the Italian coast. But, if the predictions can sea-level curves when we compare the observations and
be calibrated with observational data from stable sites, predictions, the comparisons are made for the location
we can use the model to infer the tectonic rates at the of each observation. Of note is that the predicted levels
unstable localities. We use, as discussed above, the for all Italian sites never rise above present sea level at
observation of the position of the Last Interglacial any time during the Lateglacial and Holocene intervals.
shoreline (MIS 5.5) to assess whether a section of the Thus any observations of Holocene shorelines higher
coast is likely to be tectonically stable or not. The so- than present sea level provide an immediate diagnostic
calibrated model can then be used as an interpolation for tectonic uplift.
devise to estimate tectonic rates from uplifting or
subsiding regions where we do not have satisfactory The earth- and ice-model parameters used in the
independent estimates of vertical tectonic rates or to test above prediction have previously been found to give a
the hypothesis of uniform rates of vertical movement. good description of the sea-level change in the Medi-
terranean region and have been defined by Lambeck
The isostatic model allows for a high-spatial and et al. (2002). Estimates of the accuracy of these
temporal resolution of the ice–water load with a predictions are based on the accuracy of the earth-
rigorous definition of the distribution of the meltwater and ice-model parameters where the latter include (i) the
into the oceans to include: uncertainty arising from the descriptions of the indivi-
dual ice loads, and (ii) the uncertainty of the ice-volume
(i) Conservation of water–ice mass and the require– equivalent sea-level function describing the globally
ment that the ocean surface remains an equipoten- averaged sea-level change. The earth-model uncertainty
tial (Farrell and Clark, 1976). is estimated by predicting sea levels at the measurement
sites for a range of earth models that encompass the
(ii) The global deformation of the sea floor and its probable values and calculating the root-mean-square
associated redistribution of ocean water during the values of the departures from the mean. The adopted
glacial cycle (Nakada and Lambeck, 1987; Mitro- range is 50–80 km for the lithospheric thickness (Hl),
vica and Peltier, 1991). (2–4) Â 1020 Pa s for the upper-mantle viscosity (mum)