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K. Lambeck et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 23 (2004) 1567–1598

and (5–30) Â 1021 Pa s for the lower-mantle viscosity        tive because they ignore the trade-off that occurs
(mlm). The range of predicted values for these effective     between some of the parameters.) At both, the
model parameters are shown in Fig. 2(c)–(e) for the          maximum values are reached for TB14 ka and the error
ENEA core locality (site 1). The major variation in this     functions are representative for the other Italian sites as
parameter range occurs for the lower mantle viscosity        well. For convenience we use a spatially averaged spred
(Fig. 2d) reflecting the role of deep mantle flow towards      for all sites within the Italian Peninsula of
the former areas of glaciation during the deglaciation
phase. But the dependence on upper mantle viscosity is       spred ¼ À0:13 þ 0:24T þ 0:012T2; 1 > T > 14 ka;  ð2Þ
also important, even within the relatively narrow range                      spred ¼ 0:12T ; To1 ka:
of values with which this parameter is defined in
rebound analyses. Models of low viscosity—for either         5. Comparison of predicted and observed sea levels
the lower or upper mantle—yield predictions that lie
higher than those for high viscosity models, and the         5.1. Tectonically stable sites
comparison of results in Figs. 2c and d indicate some of
the trade-offs that can occur at sites, with low mlm            The most comprehensive data set is from the
models leading to similar predictions at Versilia as low     tectonically stable Versilia Plain (1) and Fig. 3a
mum models. These trade-offs change with location from       illustrates the comparison between the predicted and
north to south but for the restricted positional range full  observed values where the former are represented by the
separation of parameters may not be achieved and in          upper and lower limits defined by spred. With the
this case we adopt mlm values determined from more           exception of the single point at 7.87 ka BP, agreement
global analyses where such separation has been more          between the observed and predicted values is within the
effective (Lambeck et al., 1998).                            combined observational and model uncertainties and
                                                             the model describes well the observed sea-level change in
   The ice-volume-equivalent sea-level function (or          the time interval spanned by the data. The exception
eustatic function in the absence of any other contribu-      corresponds to one of three samples of very similar age
tion to ocean volume change) is taken from Lambeck           (Table 1), but with the other two corresponding to a
et al. (2002) for epochs from the LGM to 7 ka, Lambeck       higher horizon. The sediments and some foraminifera of
(2002) for the last 7 ka, and Lambeck and Chappell           the 7.81 ka BP sample are indicative of a lagoonal
(2001) for the period before the LGM. The contribu-          environment and provide a more precise indicator than
tions to the uncertainty of the sea-level prediction         the infralittoral shells at 7.87 ka which can live in deeper
arising from the limitations of the individual ice models    water, although they do occur here in association with
are estimated in the same way as in Lambeck and Bard         other shallow-water species.
(2000); using a range of different ice models for North
America and Europe to predict the sea levels at the             The Argentarola Island data (3) display greater
Italian sites. For North America two models have been        discrepancies between observations and predictions
used that represent upper and lower limits to the ice        (Fig. 3b). The five ages for samples from À18.5 m indi-
models that are consistent with sea-level data from that     cate that the terrestrial speleothem ages, corresponding
region. One is based on the Licciardi et al. (1998) model    to a time before emergence, are significantly older than
and the second is based on a modified version of ICE-1        the two ages of the encrusted serpulid at the same
from Peltier and Andrews (1976). For the European ice        position. Thus the hiatus between the two types of
sheet, the isostatic corrections have been predicted for     samples may be as long as 2000 years and we do not use
three different models that span the permissible range in    the terrestrial ages when serpulid or lithophaga ages are
so far as agreement with the rebound data from               available. But the serpulid ages also exhibit some
Scandinavia is concerned (Lambeck et al., 1998). The         anomalies, with the sample at 21.5 m depth giving an
influence of the uncertainty of the ice model is then         older age than the terrestrial speleothem sample from
estimated from the range of the sea-level predictions at     the same location, and possibly the ages are too old
the individual sites using different combinations of ice-    because of contamination by older carbon from the
sheet models. The precision of the global equivalent sea-    speleothems.
level function is based on the root-mean-square scatter
obtained from the combination of the isostatically              Agreement between observations and predictions for
corrected sea-level data from far-field sites discussed in    the archaeological data from the four tectonically stable
Lambeck et al. (2002).                                       sites from the northern Tyrrhenian coast (2, 4, 7, 8) is
                                                             generally satisfactory. The two younger data points
   The different model errors are added in quadrature to     from Anzio and T. Astura lie higher than the predicted
provide an estimate of the total prediction uncertainty      values by about 0.2–0.5 m (Fig. 3c), consistent with the
spred for each locality and for each epoch. Fig. 2f          functions of the two piscinae being filled at highest tidal
illustrates the total prediction uncertainty for two         levels.
localities (1, 15). (These estimates tend to be conserva-
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