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1578 K. Lambeck et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 23 (2004) 1567–1598
documented up to 7 m above present on the Roman 15. Taormina: Data from Taormina, eastern Sicily,
columns (cf. Lyell, 1877) and have been dated more have been reported by Stewart et al. (1997) and
recently by Morhange et al. (1999). Because of the Antonioli et al. (2003). Dated samples of lithophaga,
irregular nature of these movements the information cladocora and vermetids from 1.8 up to 5.9 ka cal. BP
from this site is not used in the sea-level analysis but we occur at 1.5–3.4 m above sea level. The error bars for the
return to it in the discussion section. intertidal Vermetids Dendropoma is 70.10 m. Observa-
tions along scuba transects provide a lower limit for the
12. Palinuro (Scaletta cave): The Palinuro promon- non-infralittoral fossils of about 2 m below the sample
tory is a morphostructural high with peaks of 170 m that position. The MIS 5.5 highstands, consisting of an inner
merges landward into the main carbonate relief of the margin of a terrace with fossiliferous conglomerates
southern Apennines. Speleothems from the Scaletta cave (dated by Antonioli et al., 2002b), lie above the
were sampled at depths between 27 and 48 m and yielded Holocene uplifted fossils at 115 m, giving an uplift rate
ages from 8.4 to 10.2 ka cal. BP (Alessio et al., 1996; of about 0.8770.06 mm yrÀ1.
Antonioli and Oliverio, 1996). All of the sampled
speleothems showed a marine crust of serpulids over 16. Capo Zafferano: A deposit of shell remains
karstic material and in some lithophaga occurred as the (Patella ferruginea with Trochus sp.) associated with
first marine colonizers of the karstic speleothem during stone artifacts (weapons, scrapers, etc.) of Mesolithic
the sea-level rise. The accuracy of the depth measure- age has been identified in an emerged karstic cave.
ments, including depth-gauge uncertainties, tidal correc- Underwater investigation of the site, now completely
tions and sampling position, are estimated to be 70.5 m. isolated from the sea by steep walls, indicate a
A precision survey of morphological and stratigraphical submerged terrace at À20 m that formed a continuous
relationships indicates that the Palinuro Cape is strip around the promontory and which provided access
tectonically quasi-stable (Antonioli et al., 1996a). The to the cave during Mesolithic time. The observation is
Tyrrhenian (MIS 5.5) sea-level marker elevation is well an upper limit estimate, consisting of remains of
developed at 10 sites where well-carved marine notches Neolithic occupation in a cave only accessible from the
occur at elevations of 2.1–2.2 m above present mean sea rock platform. The site is west facing and today is
level. Thus, we assume a slow subsidence of about subject to storm-wave action up to 6 m above sea level.
À0.0470.03 mm yrÀ1, a rate that is consistent with Thus for the deposits to have survived, the human
tectonic stability. occupation would have corresponded to a time when the
platform was at least this high above sea level. The shells
13. Briatico: The evidence from this archaeological give an age of 9.5 ka cal. BP. Antonioli et al. (1994) also
site on the Tyrrhenian coast of Calabria consists of fish identified the MIS 5.5 transgression at Capo Zafferano
tanks that are characteristic of the Roman epoch. The from Tyrrhenian deposits at 3 m that correlate with a
archaeological age of this feature is 0 AD, consistent marine notch at 7 m. Thus the area is assumed to have
with a radiocarbon age (1.88 ka cal. BP) of wood used in been tectonically stable.
repairs to the foundations of one of the tanks. The mean
sea level at this epoch is estimated to have been the same 17. San Vito lo Capo: Antonioli et al. (1999a) collected
as its present value (Esposito et al., 2004). A MIS 5.5 two vermetid reef samples from San Vito lo Capo
inner margin was found in terraces at 65 m above sea (Sicily) at À0.3 and À0.4 m with 14C-determined ages of
level (Miyauchi et al., 1994) yielding an average tectonic 0.2 and 0.4 ka cal. BP from B2 cm thick samples. At the
uplift rate of 0.4770.04 mm yrÀ1. Well-carved marine time of sampling, modern Dendropoma were living on
notches also occur within the tanks and post-date their the top of the reef. The northwest coast of San Vito lo
construction. In so far as sea levels at other stable sites Capo has been subjected to an average, long-term uplift
indicate that levels during the Late Holocene occurred of only B5 Â 10À3 mm yrÀ1 for the past 125,000 years
below present, this indicates that the uplift continued (Antonioli et al., 1999b) and in the first instance we
into recent time at a rate about equal to the a-tectonic consider this to be a stable site.
sea-level rise.
18. Marettimo Island: The island of Marettimo is
14. Scilla: At three locations at this site in southern located in the archipelago of the Egadi (Sicily). In the
Calabria, Antonioli et al. (2004a, b) identified Holocene southern portion of the island a submerged karstic
fossiliferous beach deposits at elevations between 3 and system has been preserved consisting of a wide
3.4 m above present sea level with 14C ages of between horizontal tunnel. Inside the cave Antonioli et al.
2.7 and 3.9 ka cal. BP. The inner margin of an (2002a) sampled, at a depth of 2470.5 m, a stalactite
impressive terrace related to the MIS 5.5 highstand by covered by serpulids and containing Lithodoma. The
Miyauchi et al. (1994) occurs at 125 m above sea level, 14C-based age of the latter is 9.6 ka cal. BP. Fossiliferous
giving a tectonic uplift rate of 0.9570.06 mm yrÀ1. A sand and conglomerates, containing S. bubonis, occur in
lower limit of the positional uncertainties of 2 m for the small borders along the shoreline of the island at
non-infralittoral sampled fossils has been established between 2 and 10 m above sea level and these establish
from subsurface morphology transects. that the marine notches carved from 5 to 8.20 m