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K. Lambeck et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 23 (2004) 1567–1598
correspond to MIS 5.5. Thus, Marettimo Island appears 23. Sybaris: Archaeological excavations on the
to have been stable since the Last Interglacial. alluvial plain of Sybaris have led to the identification
of three superimposed levels of occupancy from the 6th
19–20. Orosei and northern Sardinia: A great number to the 1st century BC: ancient Sibari, the Hellenistic
of well-conserved palaeo-shorelines have been discov- town of Thurium, and Roman Copia. This plain forms a
ered in northern Sardinia on the continental shelf up to graben that runs in an ENE-WSW direction, bordered
depths of À120 m. De Muro and Orru" (1998) observed by regional fault systems. The upper part of this
beach deposits (sandstone and conglomerates) on an depression is filled with B400 m of deposits consisting
erosional platform of crystalline bedrock at depths of sands including fine clay-sands and peat levels at
ranging from 0 to 55 m from two main localities; Orosei various depth. A core from the plain yielded 14C-based
(19), and northern Sardinia (20). Beach rock has been ages in the interval 5.3–11.1 ka cal. BP for peats and
sampled at a number of sites on the northern Sardinia marsh deposits from depths of 3–55 m below sea level
continental shelf where it does not exhibit active erosive (Cherubini et al., 2000). The inner margins of MIS 5.5
morphologies. The chronology has been established terraces occurs at an altitude of 115 m (in Bordoni
from 14C dating of the carbonate matrix that was and Valensise, 1998) giving an uplift rate of
considered to correspond to early-stage magnesium- 0.8770.06 mm yrÀ1. However the core sites lie within a
calcite cementation, with samples ranging in age from fault-bounded plain while the inner margin observations
0.2 up to 9.7 ka cal. BP at progressively deeper depths of lie inland from the plain so that this tectonic uplift
0–29 m below present sea level. Because the matrix ages estimate may be too high.
must be considered as uncertain and likely to be younger
than measured, we have adopted large lower limit 24. Egnazia: Egnazia is an old town located near
uncertainties for the depth estimates and we adopt the Brindisi (Apulia) with periods of occupation from
depth error bars of +1 and À5 m published by De Muro proto-historic age to late ancient-medieval time. Aur-
and Orru" (1998). Pleistocene marine deposits and iemma (2002) identified a caisson used in harbour
notches that correlate with MIS 5.5 occur at elevations construction that bears a well-defined relationship to
of 3.5–10.5 m along the coastline and Sardinia is mean sea level and whose historic age is Roman or
assumed to be tectonically stable. about 2030 yr BP. Its positional relationship indicates
that sea level at this time was 3 m below present level
21. Cape Caccia–Grotta Verde: Cape Caccia is a (data uncorrected for tide). The MIS 5.5 inner margin
mainly limestone promontory located on the north- altitude in this area is unclear and lacks an age
western side of Sardinia. The Grotta Verde is a large determination. Values of between 4 and 30 m above
cave at the end of which is a lake that is directly sea level are given in Bordoni and Valensise (1998). For
connected to the sea. A now-submerged Early Neolithic the present we adopt a mean elevation of 15 and slow
burial site has been discovered at À8.5 m. The archae- uplift of 0.0870.11 mm yrÀ1.
ological style of a nearby settlement allows the age to be
established as 7.072 ka BP (Antonioli et al., 1996b) and 25. North Adriatic cores: The northern part of the
local sea level was lower than À8.5 m at this time. The Adriatic Sea is characterized by a shallow sea-bottom
promontory, bordered by steep cliffs, is cut by a morphology (at 30–50 m depth) with sediments depos-
notch associated with characteristic MIS 5.5 fauna at ited by the Po River in the immediate offshore area. The
between 3.5 and 5.4 m above mean sea level. Also, two low shelf gradient and the lower sediment input near the
phreatic speleothems, located at 4.2–4.3, metres above central part of the basin results in significant landward
present sea level have been sampled in Nettuno Cave shifts of depositional environments at times of sea-level
(500 m from Grotta Verde) and U–Th TIMS dated rise. In consequence, successive backstepping sequences
at B11772 and 12072 ka, respectively (Tuccimei do not completely overlap. Furthermore, transgressive
et al., 2000). Thus we conclude that this promontory deposits are not always covered by younger highstand
has also been tectonically stable (or very slowly sediments and they can, therefore, be selectively sampled
subsiding at À0.0270.03 mm yrÀ1d) during the last using conventional gravity and piston coring (Correg-
glacial cycle. giari et al., 1997). Sediment cores from a number of sites
have yielded 23 depth–age data points within the depth
22. Capo Rizzuto: The site of Chiacolilli, located near interval from 26 to 52 m with radiocarbon-based ages of
Capo Rizzuto bordering the Ionian sea, was investigated 9.3–12.9 ka cal. BP. The sample depths within any core
by Pirazzoli et al. (1997) who sampled and dated a are mostly within 1 or 2 m below the sea floor and never
calcareous algae in growth position that covered beach exceed 5 m, even for the oldest samples, indicating low
rock at an altitude of 0.6 m. Radiocarbon analysis sedimentation rates at these localities.
provided an age (uncorrected for d13C) of 2.7 ka cal. BP.
The inner margin of MIS 5.5 terraces, a few km from The coastal zone of the northern Adriatic Sea appears
coastline occurs at an altitude between 84 and 110 m to be mostly a region of subsidence with MIS 5.5
(Bordoni and Valensise, 1998) yielding an average uplift deposits always occurring below present sea level. For
rate of about 0.7370.11 mm yrÀ1. example, in cores near the coast at Ravenna, Last