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1588                          K. Lambeck et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 23 (2004) 1567–1598

where the first two terms on the right-hand side                           ice margins. Thus, we have made the adjustment
represent the eustatic and isostatic model-dependent                      by partitioning the change between the distant ice
contributions, respectively. The third term dze(t) repre-                 sheets of North America and Antarctica. With the
sents a corrective term to the nominal eustatic term                      so-modified ice models the predicted sea levels at the
Dze(t) used to compute the isostatic term DzI(j, t) and                   Italian sites have been revised and compared with the
the last term is a tectonic contribution. Eq. (4) may be                  tectonically corrected observations as before (Figs. 5b
reorganized as                                                            and 6c).
DzeðtÞ þ dzeðtÞ ¼ DzÃe ðtÞ
                                                                             Despite these modifications to the isostatic model the
                   ¼ Dzobsðj; tÞ À DzIðj; tÞ À DzTðj; tÞ                  previously identified isolated anomalous points persist,
                                                                          such as the marine and transitional data points in the
                     ¼ Dzobsðj; tÞ À fDzpredðj; tÞ À DzeðtÞg À DzTðj; tÞ  interval B10.3 to B9.4 ka BP that lie above the lowest
                                                                          continental points within the same time interval and well
                                                                     ð5Þ  above the revised predicted levels. This may be a
                                                                          consequence of misidentification of the depositional
with                                                                      environments—that the marsh deposits were terrestrial
                                                                          deposits rather than salt marsh, for example—but
sDzÃe ¼ ðs2t:c:obs þ s2dzIÞ;                           ð6Þ                unfortunately many of the older cores are not available
                                                                          for re-examination.
where DzeÃðtÞ is the observationally derived estimate of
the eustatic sea level and Dzpred(j, t) is the sea-level                  6.1.2. Tectonic vertical movement estimates
                                                                             A second group of anomalous points occurs in the
prediction based on the nominal eustatic sea-level
                                                                          interval 0–5 ka where a number of marine data points lie
function. The variance of the tectonically corrected                      higher than coeval terrestrial data points. These
                                                                          correspond to the tectonically uplifted sites of Taormina
observed sea level is given by (3)  and  s2szI is the  variance           (15), Scilla (14) and Capo Rizzuto (22). In all three cases
of the isostatic correction (2).    The  function      DzeÃðtÞ is         the predicted rates of uplift are based on the elevation of
                                                                          the MIS 5.5 shorelines and on the assumption of
compared with the nominal function (dashed line) in                       uniform rates of uplift but the results here suggest that
                                                                          recent uplift rates may have been higher than the long-
Fig. 6a. A notable Holocene discrepancy between the                       term averages. The difference between the tectonically
                                                                          corrected data—based on the long-term averages—and
two estimates occurs in the interval from B7 to B9.5 ka                   the predicted values are illustrated in Figs. 7a and b for
                                                                          Taormina and Scilla. For both sites the differences for
where a number of marine-based estimates lie system-                      the individual data points exhibit systematic trends that
                                                                          indicate that uplift rates for the past 6000 years
atically above the nominal function.                                      have been about 100% greater than the long-term
                                                                          averages. This will be investigated separately and here
The property of the eustatic sea-level function is that                   we use the revised rates estimated from Fig. 7 of,
                                                                          respectively 1.7270.22 and 1.9770.33 mm yrÀ1. The
it is independent of location and the results for the                     Capo Rizzuto evidence suggests a recent uplift rate of
                                                                          1.1570.25 mm yrÀ1 that may have been about 50%
Italian coastline can be directly compared with the                       greater than predicted from the MIS 5.5 data although
                                                                          this is based on a single data point.
results from other localities. The most complete records
                                                                             Estimates for the vertical tectonic rate at Volturno
of Holocene sea-level change remain those from                            (10) are ambiguous as discussed above, with estimates of
                                                                          the elevation of the MIS 5.5 shoreline fluctuating
Barbados (Fairbanks, 1989; Bard et al., 1993), Huon                       between 750 m (Romano et al., 1994), depending on
                                                                          whether the location is within the coastal plain or on the
(Chappell and Polach, 1991) and Tahiti (Bard et al.,                      adjacent ridges. The comparison of observed and
                                                                          predicted values, with the former based on the assump-
1996) to which have been added data from                                  tion of an absence of vertical tectonics, suggests in fact
                                                                          that the area has been subject to some uplift over the
Christchurch, New Zealand (Gibb, 1986; Lambeck                            past 8000 years (Fig. 7c). The observations here are from
                                                                          peat and marsh samples and are assumed to mark the
et al., 2002). This ‘global’ result, corrected for iso-                   upper limit of sea level. From this evidence the estimated
                                                                          rate of uplift is 0.3570.29 mm yrÀ1, consistent with the
static and tectonic effects, is illustrated in Fig. 6b where

the eustatic sea-level function is defined as the upper

limit to the isostatically corrected coral indicators from

these three localities. These estimates also lie a few

meters above the nominal function in the mid-late

Holocene interval. Thus we adopt as best estimate for

the interval 10.5–7 ka BP the weighted mean of the

Italian and global estimates, where the former is

represented by the smoothed function illustrated in

Fig. 6a.

Modification of the eustatic sea-level function has the

consequence of also modifying the isostatic corrections

but, as the corrections to the former are relatively small

and the isostatic corrections for the Italian sites

represent about 10–15% of the total sea-level signal,

these further corrections are second-order effects. As to

which ice sheet needs to be modified to accommodate

the change in the global ice volume cannot be ans-

wered from sea-level observations far from the former
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