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14                              M. Antonellini et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2013) 1e16

        Figure 14. Stochastic DFN model. (a) Hydraulic conductivity representation in the x direction (K x ) obtained by importing the DFN model in MODFLOW 2005 showing the locations
        of the wells and of the injector-producer pairs used to compute the draw-down during production of geofluids. (b) Three-dimensional hydraulic conductivity distribution (K x ) in the
        DFN model of the reservoir/aquifer at San Vito Lo Capo; aquifer thickness is 1 m. Rulers are in meters.

        material of the shear structures. These phenomena may result in  marginally affected by the SSRF as recognized by previous authors
        further decrease of oil relative permeability during production and  and also shown in this work. In this latter case, in fact, heteroge-
        EOR.                                                 neities deriving from diagenetic, stratigraphic, and sedimentary
          The up-scaling procedure and the choice of the cell size are  processes may generate contrasts in permeabilities larger than
        critical for the fluid flow numerical experiments and for correctly  seven orders of magnitude. In any case, the effects of SSRF should be
        solving the problem at hand. In this study, we used a very fine grid  considered for more realistic dynamic reservoir modeling during
        and cell size to tackle a small-scale fluid flow problem and show  appraisal.
        that CSB, ZB, and DF may contribute substantially either to borehole
        drilling risk or to the success of EOR operations. Fluid flow at a
        regional scale, however, modeled with large cell sizes, is only  Table 5
                                                             Draw-down analysis e DFN model.
                                                               Draw-down analysis e DFN model
        Table 4                                                Single well  x (m) y (m)  h (m) Draw-down Q,m /s Notes
        Draw-down analysis e deterministic model.              position                h 0   h (m)
         Draw-down analysis e deterministic model              0 homogenous 22.5   16   0.01 10.01   20  Homogenous
                                                                medium                               porous medium
         Single well  x (m) y (m)  h (m)  Draw-down Q,m /s Notes  0      22.5   16   1.1  11.1   20  Porous medium
         position                h 0   h (m)
                                                                                                     with CSB
         0 reference  22.5   15   0.01 10.01   20  Homogenous  1         38   17.25  1.18 11.18   20  Porous medium
                                               porous medium                                         with CSB
         0        22.5   15   0.66 10.66   20  Porous medium   2         30.94  10.74  0.16  9.84   20  Porous medium
                                               with CSB                                              with CSB
         1        38    17.25   0.45 10.45   20                3         25.25   9  0.28  9.72   20  Porous medium
         2         2.75  11.8   0.87 10.87   20                                                      with CSB
         3        25.25   9   0.39 10.39   20                  4         16   23   2.8  12.8    20   In ZB
         4        16    23    0.46 10.46   20                  5         37.69  20.48  2.36 12.36   20  In ZB
         5         7.1   25   28.43 38.43   20  In ZB          6         20.10  20.88  1.77 11.77   20  In compartment
         6         8    6.02   6.02 16.02   20  In ZB          7         20.44  20.74  2.20 12.2   20  In ZB
         7        22.5   15   1.08 11.08   20  In compartment  8         18.95  14   4.15 14.15   20  In ZB
         Injector  40   15   14.37  4.37  10   Homogenous      Injector  40   16  14.37  4.37   10   Homogenous
          A reference                          porous medium    A reference                          porous medium
         Producer  5    15    1.13  8.87   20  Homogenous      Producer  5    16   1.13  8.87   20   Homogenous
          B reference                          porous medium    B reference                          porous medium
         Injector B  5   15  17.18  7.18  10   In ZB           Injector B  5   16  14.92  4.92  10
         Producer A  40   15  0.96  9.04   20                  Producer A  40   16  0.59  9.41   20
         Injector A  40   15  14.48  4.48  10                  Injector A  40   16  14.67  4.67  10
         Producer B  5   15   4.4  14.4   20   In ZB           Producer B  5   16  0.09  9.91   20

        Please cite this article in press as: Antonellini, M., et al., Fluid flow numerical experiments of faulted porous carbonates, Northwest Sicily (Italy),
        Marine and Petroleum Geology (2013),
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