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M. Antonellini et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2013) 1e16  13
                                                               increase flow tortuosity. This result is similar to what obtained by
                                                               Matthäi et al. (1998) for seismically detectable faults in high
                                                               porosity sandstones where faults are associated to thick zones of
                                                               compactive shear bands but they cannot be extended to SSRF in
                                                               general. Fossen and Bale (2007), on the other hand, show some
                                                               field observations and mathematical calculations suggesting that
                                                               the effect of compactive shear bands during reservoir production
                                                               is small or negligible in most cases and fluid flow is only gently
                                                               affected by compactive shear bands. The contradictory results
                                                               probably stem from the scale of the problem that is tackled in
                                                               these different studies.

                                                               5. Conclusions

                                                                  Sub-seismic resolution strike-slip shear structures in Pleisto-
                                                               cene porous grainstones of Northwest Sicily, have been recognized
                                                               as single compactive shear bands (CSB), zones of compactive shear
                                                               bands (ZB), and faults with discrete slip surfaces and cataclastic
                                                               material (DF). The permeability of these structures (0.01e1 Darcy)
                                                               is less than the permeability of the host rock (2e18 Darcy). In
                                                               particular, the ZB permeability measured normal and parallel to
                                                               their planes ranges from 0.1 to 0.37 Darcies, while the DF perme-
                                                               ability measured parallel to their planes ranges from 0.09 to
                                                               1.07 Darcies. The aforementioned structures, hence, have the po-
                                                               tential to pronouncedly affect fluid flow in porous carbonate rocks
                                                               as they have been demonstrated to do in siliciclastic rocks.
                                                                  A new methodology aimed at incorporating and up-scaling the
                                                               permeability reduction effects of CSB, ZB, and DF structural ele-
                                                               ments on fluid flow in a standard open source numerical simulation
                                                               software has been developed in this study. This methodology is
                                                               different from the procedure commonly used in most commercial
                                                               software packages, which deal with open fractures and their
                                                               permeability enhancing effects on fluid flow and neglect the flow
                                                               buffering effects of cataclastic shear structures.
                                                                  The large draw-downs (up to 38 m; four times as much as in the
                                                               un-deformed reference state) observed during the numerical ex-
                                                               periments (especially in correspondence of thick ZB) show that, at
                                                               the scale of the wellbore (a few tens of cm) and during production,
                                                               SSRF made up of CSB, ZB and DF have an influence on the efficient
                                                               drainage and sweep of the reservoir. Specifically, these structural
                                                               elements may cause water up-coning, and diminish the recovery
                                                               rate. To the best of our knowledge, for the first time in deformed
                                                               porous carbonate rocks, our results show that well placement (un-
                                                               deformed host rock, shear structures or structure-bounded com-
                                                               partments) is critical for well draw-down control.
                                                                  Comparison of the draw-down numerical experiments in the
                                                               DFN and the deterministic models show that results are similar
                                                               with the exception of wells located within the ZB. The wells located
                                                               in areas of strain localization with thick ZB and DF, in fact, have a
          Figure 13. Injector-producer pair steady-state draw-down numerical experiments
          with MODFLOW 2005 on a model with constant head (20 m) on the boundaries. (a)  draw-down that is underestimated, up to an order of magnitude, by
          Draw-down shown by the equipotential lines for an Injector-producer pair in ho-  the DFN with respect to the deterministic model. This needs to be
          mogenous grainstone. Producer ( 20 m /day) on the left and injector (10 m /day).  kept in mind where dealing with complex structural settings,
          Flow lines from the injector to the producer are also indicated. (b) Same setup as in (a)
          but for the model of San Vito Lo Capo containing the strike-slip faults. Note that the  because in areas of intense strain localization, due to fault prox-
          producer is in a zone of deformation bands and the injector is in un-deformed host  imity or curvature, a flow model deriving from a DFN reservoir/
          rock. (c) Same situation as in (b) but with a swap of the positions of injector and  aquifer description might not well represent the “drilling risk” (just
          producer.                                            the bad lack to put a well right into a thick zone of bands). SSRF
                                                               associated with thick ZB and DF in structurally complex areas might
                                                               represent a drilling risk, because they can enhance draw-down
          as we showed by up-scaling the hydraulic conductivity to the large  during production and EOR activities. In other instances, howev-
          cell size but not to the local flow in proximity to boreholes.  er, the use of the DFN model, is an acceptable representation of the
          Rotevatn and Fossen (2011) simulated the effects of low perme-  heterogeneities induced by SSRF in a reservoir.
          ability  SSRF  in  a  siliciclastic  reservoir analogue  using  a  The single-phase fluid flow experiments that have been per-
          10 m   10 m   5 m cell size and they conclude that, during pro-  formed may not capture well the effects that the type of SSRF
          duction, low permeability faults such as the compactive shear  studied have on multiphase flow during production of an oil/gas
          bands may cause pressure compartmentalization and may  reservoir, because of the capillary effects that arise in the cataclastic

          Please cite this article in press as: Antonellini, M., et al., Fluid flow numerical experiments of faulted porous carbonates, Northwest Sicily (Italy),
          Marine and Petroleum Geology (2013),
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