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8                               M. Antonellini et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2013) 1e16

        Figure 6. Calibration scatter plot showing P 32 as a function of P 10 obtained for the three types of structures. (a) CSB; (b) ZB; and (c) DF. The equations of the linear interpolation have
        been used to calculate the P 32 values used for the model.
                                                             Table 1
        the cells of MODFLOW 2005 were assigned the K’s derived from the
                                                             Results of digital scan lines from the map in Figure 3a.
        number and type of structures intersecting the volume cells. The
        permeability values were then up-scaled to the cell size from the  Structure  Number
        field permeameter measurements (see Section 3.4).                   S1    S2    S3    S4    S5     S6
                                                                CSB         6     1     4     2     3     3
                                                                ZB         18     7     5     6     6     7
        3.6. Deterministic field analogue model construction     DF         11     9     4     4     7     6
                                                                Scan line length  48.5  50.5  37  32.5  42  17
          The field map (Fig. 3a) of the strike-slip structures (CSB, ZB and  P 10 [n/m]
        DF) has been integrated with both density and permeability of  CSB  0.1237  0.0198  0.1081  0.0615  0.0714  0.1764
        zones I, II, and III to construct a completely deterministic model. A  ZB  0.3711  0.1386  0.1351  0.1846  0.1429  0.4118
                                                                DF          0.2268  0.1782  0.1081  0.1231  0.1666  0.3529
        geo-referenced map of the outcrop has been created in ArcGisÔ.
        Please cite this article in press as: Antonellini, M., et al., Fluid flow numerical experiments of faulted porous carbonates, Northwest Sicily (Italy),
        Marine and Petroleum Geology (2013),
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13